Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0819: Meng Liang was killed

"What? You said the leader of the Real World Alliance is also named Meng Liang?"

Meng Liang instantly remembered the story Bai Lu told.

However, in Bai Lu's story, there is no information about the current whereabouts of Meng Liang and Xu Karenyou.

Bai Lu probably didn't know whether they were alive or dead, after all, ten thousand years had passed.

And Li Muge actually brought Meng Liang information about Meng Liang in the real world. Meng Liang didn't know if they had the same name, but judging from the technology he knew about the real world, it was entirely possible for Meng Liang and Xu Qingyou to survive. Through freezing technology, and soul traveling technology.

If that's the case, it's entirely possible that this couple could become the ancestors of human beings in the real world today!

"Haha, I'm not sure about this. Even my mother doesn't know about these things. It's just that I intercepted some alliance information. It seems that the man in charge of the alliance now is named Meng Liang."

Meng Liang didn't want to leave now.

The news piqued his interest.

At this moment, the crowd became confused.

It turned out that a very big sedan came to me.

Flowers were placed around the sedan, and four pillars supported the top, just like a pavilion.

On the sedan chair, a gorgeous girl was lying down, looking extremely beautiful and charming.

Meng Liang was dumbfounded when he saw her!


so similar!

First of all, Meng Liang definitely does not look like a girl.

But it's really handsome.

And handsome men are good-looking no matter what.

If you put on long hair and put on makeup, you can look like a beautiful woman even if your appearance is better than that of most women.

In Meng Liang's eyes, the fragrant beauty who arrived was a replica of himself with long hair and makeup. Her eyebrows, eyes, mouth, lips, and even the outline and shape of her ears were exactly the same as his own. Yes, anyone who looks at them will think that they are twin sisters.

Meng Liang thought of Bai Lu's story and her words again.

Why do I look like her Meng Liang and have the same name?

Could it be that Meng Liang is really not dead, has lived for ten thousand years, and is now the leader of the Universe Alliance, and this woman, a stunning beauty named Meng Wuyuan, is Meng Liang's daughter in the real world?

Meng Liang was a little superior.

Why does the demon want to make himself look like Meng Liang in the real world?

Who developed Tianmo? Could it be the Meng Liang Kaifa in the universe? Or developed by Karen Xu!

Therefore, there are shadows of Xu Qingyou and the real Meng Liang in Tianmo's wisdom program. Even after Tianmo has independent wisdom, he may still have many grievances with these two people.

Therefore, when the demon created himself, he adopted the parameters of Meng Liang in the real world, so that he would look exactly like that Meng Liang.

At this moment, Meng Liang finally understood the cause and effect of the matter. Apart from being emotional, he was also shocked. Everything in the real world and the virtual world was too complicated.

Meng Liang's worldview was a little confused and at a loss. He had experienced too many things these days.

At this moment, Li Muge put a mask on Meng Liang's face.

"Hey, cover it up so that she doesn't see it, otherwise she will be more surprised than you, right? It's really weird, why do you look so similar? Hey, hey, is mom based on the image of Meng Liang in the real world? Did you design it? Haha, is she still having an affair with Meng Liang in the real world? Why didn’t she tell me? I’ll find out what’s going on.”

Li Muge is also smart. She knows more basic information than Meng Liang, so it is not difficult to think of some things.

But at this time, in the real world.

Meng Liang finally became the new leader of the world.

He should be grateful to Xu Karen, it was she who reused him, and it was she who released Meng Liang from the place where he was imprisoned.

Thinking about it, it’s been a long, long time since I last saw him!

Karen Xu appeared in the conference room wearing a simple white dress.

Meng Liang sat at the head of the conference room, feeling that everything was still the same as in his dream.

Those people were all afraid of him. They were alliance elders, but when they knew that Meng Liang and Xu Karenyou were from the same era and were the true originators of the universe, they naturally felt such awe.

Meng Liang felt very good. He had not felt so like a man for many, many years!

Seeing Xu Karen, Meng Liang's face turned real, then turned red, and then stood up somewhat cautiously.

"You're here."

"Well, it's been too long. If your youngest daughter hadn't come to find me, I might have forgotten about you. Sorry, it's not that I'm heartless, it's just that it's been too long."

"No, no, no, Qingyou, I am already very grateful to you for letting me go. You don't know how hard I have been through these years. I really didn't expect you to be so generous and let me become the leader of the alliance. , I still don’t know how to do it, I.”

"Okay, you have changed so much."

Karen Xu interrupted Meng Liang's words and frowned slightly.

The room was quiet for a while before she sighed:

"I like that child Wu Yuan. She looks like you in the Earth era. She looks similar and has a similar personality, but she is smoother and smarter than you. Meng Liang, the reason why I made you the leader of the alliance is Because this position is just a position to me, I can easily give it to you and I can easily take it away.”

"Yes, yes, I understand."

"Haha, you've become so worldly-wise. It seems that you're quite lonely in that place. Didn't they send you over a dozen women? I heard that you had hundreds of children with them."

Speaking of this, the expression on Meng Liang's face became even uglier.

He seemed to be suppressing himself, and said slowly:

"Pain, it's really painful! I can only have children with women there! You don't know how serious that kind of pain is, it drives me crazy! Qingyou! I beg you, don't lock me up again! You can't forget that it was me who took you away from the earth!"

After saying this, Meng Liang seemed to feel that something was wrong, and hurriedly waved his hands and said:

"No, no, no, I don't mean anything else, I just want you to give me the right to live a new life for this old relationship, just like now, I like being the leader of the alliance, it will make me feel very satisfied! Very comfortable! Really!"

Meng Liang's eyes widened when he said this, and he seemed to be too excited.

Xu Qingyou, who was dressed in a simple outfit, looked at Meng Liang and finally sighed.

She knew that she had killed the past Meng Liang, and the man in front of her no longer had the character of the Meng Liang of the past.

"Well, if you like it, then do it, but I want to give you a task. Do you remember Bai Lu?"

"Ah? Bai Lu."

This time it was Meng Liang's turn to be stunned. He had almost forgotten this name.

"Yes, it's Bai Lu. She's not dead. She's still alive!"

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