Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0826 God of the Three Realms


Back, really back to the real world, taking his body with him.

A trace of ecstasy rose on Meng Liang's face.

This is not the end.


The energy of the seven artifacts quickly filled Meng Liang's body, and he started to change, becoming a super perfect beauty!


He brought the parametric capabilities in the virtual world into the real world, all relying on fantasy energy.

I still don’t know how, but I did it!

Meng Liang's face turned cold and he closed his eyes again.

I don’t have the time to figure it all out, so I have to do one thing first.

He disappeared from the Moon Base and reappeared. He was already standing in the corner of the Jianfeng Base.

Not only can the body shuttle between the real world and the virtual world, but it can also initiate time and space teleportation in the real world!

Damn it, isn't it awesome?

As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is.

Meng Liang couldn't help but immediately started to fantasize to see if he had more abilities.

This time the experiment took a bit long, more than two hours.

After repeated experiments, Meng Liang came to the conclusion about his fantasy ability. He was not omnipotent, but he was indeed very good!

The first is the ability to travel through space. He can use his fantasy ability to travel between the virtual world and the real world at will, but he really can't in the virtual world. For example, in the eighth world, without Li Muge's summons and permission opening, he can't enter.

The seventh system is still under construction, and many worlds are still closed and inaccessible.

Of all the worlds in the previous six systems, some can be entered and some cannot.

The specific reason is unknown.

You can imagine that there are some offensive and defensive weapons around you. Of course, it is easier to imagine simple things, such as flowers, iron pots, salt and MSG, etc., you can directly imagine them, and then they will be real objects, but they are still the same, too big and complicated. It’s hard to imagine.

The imaginary weapons are very powerful and have super strong offensive and defensive capabilities. Perhaps because they are not of the same material as those in the real world, even a simple dagger can pierce the strongest defense.

The key is that you can also control this fantasy prop to fly out.

The ability to shuttle and teleport, the ability to imagine weapons, and the third point is the illusion of oneself. If he is injured, as long as his soul is immortal, Meng Liang can make himself better quickly. It cannot be said that he has an immortal body, but it is almost , and this is true in the real world and virtual world.

Coupled with fantasy ability and parameter ability that can also be used in the real world, Meng Liang certainly has strong self-confidence.

There is only one thing he has to do now, to solve something that makes him feel disgusting.

Teleport again and return to the Blade Base.

This place no longer looks prosperous.

The black guys have occupied this place, and they are comprehending the world view. All the changing things have strange shapes, some are like a puddle of mud, and some are like telephone poles.

There are different levels of transformation. The most basic one cannot be a regular shape. Although the later ones can change into regular shapes, the style is single; the more advanced ones can be freely transformed into various shapes, but the whole body is still black; the most advanced ones can be Change color.

It's not that the black cells have undergone essential changes, it's just the pigment component in the energy released.

Then the most advanced ones are those that can transform into human form.

Meng Liang made a bold guess. In fact, the individual significance of the composition of black cells is not strong.

As the king of this group, Bai Lu might have the highest command of the entire group.

That is to say, she can control the black cells of all individuals in the group, so that she can control every black guy.

If that is the case, it means that every black guy can become Bailu, and it is not difficult to find Bailu.

Meng Liang was a little confused.

Because he actually came here not to find Bai Lu, but to find another person, Gong Jinhua.

It's just that he still can't tell clearly whether Gong Jinhua is Bai Lu's clone or a black guy controlled by Bai Lu?

Meng Liang was a beautiful-looking woman. After entering this base, there was basically nowhere to hide, and he didn't want to hide either.

After a while, a group of black guys surrounded Meng Liang. The leader was a young man who looked quite handsome, but his eyes were a little dull.

"Who are you? How did you break through our defenses?"

This question is quite satisfactory, he really doesn't know.

Meng Liang was teleported in, so of course no one would know where he came from.

Meng Liang was not interested in answering such questions.

The Seven Gods Demon Sword has appeared in his hand.

Seeing that Meng Liang had taken out his weapon, the opponent lost control and immediately shouted, and all the black guys rushed towards Meng Liang.

Meng Liang took out his sword and killed these black guys without any effort.

But even if their heads are chopped off, they will not die immediately.

Because black cells are found throughout the body, brain tissue is composed of black cells.

When the body is broken, the soul that controls the black cells is still intact and can control the reorganization of all the black cells in the body.

It looks like it is divided into two halves with a knife. The two halves of the body instantly turn into black blood. The black blood flows quickly and collides together, and then collides again to form the body. Although it is still unable to form and is not sensitive enough at this time, it is already in a state of resurrection.

All the black guys look like they are unkillable. This kind of battle is not easy to fight.


Meng Liang activated his fantasy ability and released a ball of fire at the black guy he had just killed.

To be precise, it was not the fire that was released. The fantasy attack had no release process at all. The black guy's body burned in an instant. It didn't matter that it burned, but it turned into ashes in the end. Now he could never be resurrected again!

Meng Liang was of course overjoyed. The fantasy attack was really powerful.

Now that he couldn't set a big fire, he would set a small fire, one piece at a time, to create a fire point.

Meng Liang started the fight like this. The black guys were very powerful and could change in thousands of ways, but it was useless. As long as Meng Liang got close, he could kill them with a knife and a fire.

Such a powerful force finally attracted the person Meng Liang wanted to see, Gong Jinhua.

When they met again, Meng Liang was even more angry.

Just because of deception, and he was deceived.

Gong Jinhua didn't know who the beautiful woman in front of him was, but was amazed at her strength.

"Huh, are you a robot sent by the alliance?"

She asked, thinking that only robots could do this kind of fire prevention ability.

Meng Liang did not answer her question, but asked:

"Are you Bai Lu or Gong Jinhua?"

"How do you know about Bai Lu? You are amazing. You know my affairs so well. So tell me, who are you?"

As she spoke, Gong Jinhua's face changed and became like Bai Lu.

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