Meng Wei raised his head and took another look. The waitress's attitude towards him was so kind, her smile was so gentle, and she looked so kind. She didn't look like a bad guy in the apocalypse at all.

The most irresistible temptation in the apocalypse is food. I finally couldn't help it anymore. I walked over and sat at the table, took a chicken drumstick in one hand, and ate it quickly. While eating, I looked at Meng Liang and the woman with my eyes, and I still felt in my heart. Are you wondering what all this is about?

Meng Liang had no interest in eating at this time. He wanted to do an experiment.

Then he watched the woman speak.

"You are so good-looking. I know your name."

"Hehehe, of course, my name is Li Xi, thank you for thinking I look good."

"Can I kiss you on the lips? I think that would be a great honor."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

"I'm sorry, my fourth husband is a bit of a germaphobe and doesn't like me kissing men other than my husband, so you can't kiss me on the lips. That's like kissing your mouth with my lips in disguise. But, You can kiss me anywhere else, I don’t mind!”

"Other places...face or body?"

"Yes, of course. Do you want to kiss me? I just have time now!"


Really speechless!

So casual!

But in this place, this woman's behavior is considered a virtue.

Kissing can bring her own pleasure and satisfy other people's requirements. This is of course a good thing, according to the logic of this world.

Meng Liang chuckled, then waved his hand and said to the woman:

"Forget it, forget it, I'm still not used to it, and what I want to kiss is on the mouth. Since you can't kiss on the mouth, let's not kiss. Let's pack some food for us later. This child is hungry."

"No problem, I will prepare a few steamed buns and a few boxes of side dishes for you. If he is hungry at night, let him eat."

The woman still smiled like that, as if she had completely forgotten what she just said.

After chatting with Meng Liangyou for a while, he quickly left and brought several packing boxes with side dishes in them, and a large plastic bag containing a dozen meat buns.

After that, she left, leaving Meng Liang and Meng Wei in the room.

Meng Wei became nervous, but after the woman left, he relaxed a little, so he ate more happily.

He finally did not forget to ask Meng Liang.

"What on earth is this place? Why am I here suddenly? Is this a dream?"

"Does it seem like you often have dreams like this? Haha, kid, this is not a dream, this is another world. I want to go to this world to find some people, take them back to your world, and clean up a large number of zombies."

Meng Liang said it very straightforwardly, but Meng Wei couldn't understand what "your world, my world" means.

It doesn't matter, as long as you have something to eat.

It took about 15 minutes to finish the meal.

Meng Liang's face turned dark when he saw it. A 10-year-old child had probably eaten as much food as 10 adults. This was too much to eat.

Although Meng Liang was surprised, he could accept it. After all, he was a child in the apocalypse. He probably hadn't eaten so much delicious food in a long time.

After eating and drinking, the two of them left.

Meng Wei was still a little worried. Would he be embarrassed by others after eating so much?

When they walked out, the same woman walked them to the door.

She suddenly grabbed Meng Liang, then came over, hugged Meng Liang's shoulders and kissed Meng Liang.

This suddenness surprised Meng Liang.

After the kiss, Meng Liang said to the woman:

"Didn't you say you can't kiss?"

"My husband doesn't like it. I usually comply with his wishes, but I think you are a good person. I want to kiss you, and I have to respect my own wishes. I believe he can understand it. Well, It’s been a pleasure meeting you, thank you! ”

Meng Liang's face turned red. He was not shy, but a little excited. This world is so wonderful!

The level of open-mindedness has reached a high level.

Compared with his own main world, one is simply a high-level society and the other is a low-level feudal society.

If there is a chance to live in this world for a few years, it would be better to die.

After Meng Liang shook hands with the woman warmly and said goodbye, he took Meng Wei away, still feeling happy in his heart.

Whenever he met a good-looking woman while walking on the street, Meng Liang would go over and give her a try.

It was very successful, 9 out of 10 women kissed each other, and one almost didn't invite Meng Liang to sleep with him.

If Meng Wei hadn't been with him, Meng Liang might not have given in. This was a different world anyway, and no one would know that he was so wretched, and Meng Liang didn't think he was wretched either.

Just do as the Romans do, and people don't take it seriously. They think it's just a normal etiquette for people to interact with each other. Why should he go above and beyond? Wouldn’t that make things difficult for yourself?

After playing around for a while, I was almost satisfied, so I contacted the random system and asked it to help me locate the palace of this country.

With the help of his fantasy ability and system, Meng Liang quickly took Meng Wei directly through time and space to the royal palace of this country. This place was a full 3,000 kilometers away from the city where Meng Liang appeared before.

This is the terrifying thing about Meng Liang now. He is not an ordinary first-level god, but a super being who controls super systems and fantasy energy!

Meng Liang arrived at the office of the president, whose name was Zhong Yuan. Meng Liang did not hear any sound inside, but could hear breathing, the breathing of a person.

No need to bother, just knock on the door, and then push it open.

Zhong Yuan was working inside, looking up at Meng Liang.

"Who are you looking for? I haven't seen you before"

"Hello, president, my name is Meng Liang, and I am a traveler from another world. I came here to ask you for help against the doomsday. As far as I know, the doomsday of your world has not yet broken out, and you seem to be the only world in the 7th system that has not broken out the doomsday. You are really lucky."

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Zhong Yuan's face became a little ugly. It was indeed a figure of the president level. Meng Liang met a lot of people along the way. Everyone had a gentle expression and smiled. He had never seen a cold face.

And this president had such a face, which could put pressure on people. This is the temperament of a superior.

That is to say, there are still class differences in this country, but whether it is the people at the top of the pyramid or the people at the bottom of the pyramid, everyone can be content with their own identity.

This is because there is no selfishness.

Meng Liang didn't want to waste time at all, and told everything as quickly as possible.

It took 30 minutes from beginning to end, including the real world, the virtual world, the end of the world, the crisis facing other worlds now, the intelligent system, and the purpose of Meng Liang's coming, which is to let the people of this world go out to fight and help the entire system defend against the invasion of the end of the world.

Zhong Yuan was shocked and couldn't believe what Meng Liang said. After all, it was too bizarre for him.

It seemed that he thought for a while, and then Zhong Yuan slowly shook his head and said:

"What you said may be true, but we don't plan to leave this world and go anywhere. We live and work here and live a good life. We have no selfishness, which doesn't mean we are stupid.

If you are really a time traveler, then please go back. I refuse your request!"

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