Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0854 49 Artifact of Heavy Snow

Meng Wei's eyes widened. His life had changed since he met Meng Liang.

Although they had been together for a short time, it could be said that Meng Liang was the best person to him after the outbreak of the apocalypse.

He was mainly given food now and had no intention of eating him.

After all, he was only a ten-year-old child. Even if he had been in the apocalypse for five years, he still longed for a sense of security. Meng Liang could give him this sense of security, so he certainly didn't want Meng Liang to die like this.

Is he dead?

This was his question, and it was also the question of everyone, including the peach god of war Dongfang Xiayang.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

Meng Liang was trapped in the formation, and all he could see were peach blossoms.

But people outside the formation could see Meng Liang. He was circling nearby, while Dongfang Xiayang was circling around Meng Liang, as if he was invisible.


A delicate cry was heard, and Dongfang Xiayang's body flew and fell far away.

Others cannot see the peach tree. The scene Meng Liang saw was an illusion. Dongfang Xiayang had been knocked down between the trees by him. This raid was successful.

Meng Liang used his imagination to create another body for himself, and then sent his soul to it, escaping perfectly and pretending to be dead.

Such an ability is too exaggerated. It is not enough to describe it as a golden cicada escaping from its shell. Instead, it abandons one real body and creates another real body. It is really amazing.

And this time Meng Liang did not show any mercy. He used all his strength and combined it with the power of imagination.

After several battles, Meng Liang understood that the power of imagination has a strong destructive power on the parameters of the virtual world. It can be regarded as a real damage that breaks the defense, so Meng Liang's punches and kicks can be fatal.

In fact, Meng Liang still showed some mercy. If this punch hits the vital point, the little girl may die.

The fist hit the hip bone, and the little girl only had a cracked rib and suffered a minor injury, which affected her movement.

At this time, the peach blossom maze in front of him disappeared, and a sharp sword had stabbed Meng Liang.

"Hurt my sister, I'll kill you!"

It was Dongfang Lingxue.

[Level 9 Beginning God, Snow Country Fighting God, possesses the artifact Snow]


Meng Liang was surprised when he detected this information.

There is actually an artifact.

Meng Liang was surprised when the seven women in his soul woke up and started talking to each other.

Kui Jiao, Han Hai, Gui Ying, Pan Shi, Qi Xue, Da Mo, Yin Tian.

Feng Shen, Lang Shen, Lu Shen, Ju Shen

They have been living in a dream space.

For such a long time, Meng Liang occasionally entered the space to communicate with them.

The women got along well with Meng Liang. Even if they had no close contact, they had an ambiguous relationship and could be considered to get along well.

Meng Liang could not say that he had any male and female feelings for them, and he was more concerned about not taking advantage of them.

After all, they could not be considered to have feelings for Meng Liang. At most, they were just brothers and sisters in the same trench.

The relationship between the artifacts and Meng Liang was closer. The beast gods were just virtual people created by humans, while the artifacts were system bugs, and they had more in common with Meng Liang.

49 artifacts are restricted by the system. If you don't meet them, you can't remember other people. Once you meet them, you can remember many things.

All seven people know Daxue and tell many things about her in one breath.

"Hateful guy!"

"Cold monster!"

"Grim killer!"

"She's a bit powerful!"

"Don't fight her in close combat!"

"Be careful she gets close to you!"

"Snow dances in the red sand, disgusting ability!"

Meng Liang was overwhelmed when he heard it. At this time, Dongfang Lingxue was close to him. Meng Liang retreated directly because he felt the meaning of coldness. This artifact, the sword of Daxue, was chilling.

It can be clearly felt that ice crystals appeared in the air as soon as the sword was out, and then quickly turned into mist.

The air contains water vapor.

The water vapor is frozen by the cold, and after the cold passes, it quickly melts in the air.

The rapid freezing and melting is accompanied by the process of heat release and heat absorption. The hot and cold air alternate instantly and convect, so there is a water mist state, and the diffused white gas is very cool.

And this kind of cold air obviously has magical offensiveness.

Meng Liang's body shivered, and he felt that if it lasted longer, he might be frozen.

Damn, it seems that close combat is not easy.

Meng Liang, who had retreated, threw out three fantasy flying knives.

Dongfang Lingxue missed the attack and raised his sword to block the flying knives.

"Ding ding ding!"

Three crisp sounds, the flying knives were bounced away and disappeared.

A woman appeared, stood beside Dongfang Lingxue, and shouted:

"Damn! What weapon are you using!"

This is the artifact Daxue.

It just blocked and bounced three flying knives. Not to mention Daxue, even an ordinary sword can probably do it.

But these three flying knives are blessed with fantasy power, so they are different. Daxue felt this powerful energy and appeared directly.

It is really amazing, worthy of being a system bug, it can actually defend against the flying knives, Meng Liang is also quite surprised.

Dongfang Lingxue was even more shocked at this time. The three flying knives actually forced out the soul of the artifact in her body. Who was this handsome young man opposite?

"Lingxue, we can't beat him, just use the Snow Dance Red Sand!"

As she spoke, Daxue was already standing behind Lingxue.

This is the fighting method blessed by the artifact. With the heavy snow around, the two of them are synchronized, and the heavy snow follows them like a shadow. Dongfang Lingxue's speed and other attack parameters will rise to a higher level.

Snow Dance on Red Sand is Daxue's most powerful move.

There was heavy snowfall for a while, and soon the ground was covered with heavy snow, and we had entered the world of snow.

The group of people watching the battle could not bear the sudden drop in temperature and all retreated.

Meng Liang also felt the cold temperature, Nima!

How cold is it?

Meng Liang turned on his fantasy ability and let a layer of flame burn on his body.

At this moment, a flying bird passed by and was frozen directly, falling to the ground.

[Snow dances on the red sand, Heavy Snow’s strongest killing move.

When used in conjunction with the owner, a cold magnetic field is formed to lock the target.

The temperature felt by the target in the magnetic field will become lower and lower

The Snow Master's combat power is enhanced, and every time he is injured and bleeds, his blood will burn into the snow.

The ice magnetic field will become colder.

When Master Daxue fought to the last moment and died, his body exploded

Flying blood is the ultimate meaning of Snow Dance Red Veil, the sky is filled with blood-colored snow, the temperature will reach the extreme low temperature, and the universe sets the parameters of absolute zero.

Under this condition, the molecules stop moving, and everything between heaven and earth freezes, becoming an eternal statue.

Please note that this is a defensive formation that can trap the target to death regardless of level. Unless the owner actively stops it, the battle will continue until the last moment! 】

What a perverted ability!

We can eventually reach absolute zero, but that doesn't mean we will die together with the enemy.

At this time Dongfang Lingxue approached again and attacked Meng Liang.

Meng Liang felt uncomfortable when she was close to him, and even the flames on his body seemed to burn slowly.

So she quickly retreated and threw a flying knife, piercing her chest and passing through her body.


Meng Liang was confused. Does this count as hurting her?

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