The dog, which originally looked like a native dog, suddenly became energetic after hearing a whistle. Its messy hair instantly became smooth, and its body seemed to have grown a bit bigger, from the previous thirty to forty centimeters to four or five centimeters. Ten centimeters.

A summary description is that he was nothing before, but now he looks a hundred times better. He has become a dog that everyone loves, flowers bloom, and cars have flat tires.

After the transformation, it bit the big man on the arm.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

The big man cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

The puppy quickly ran to the beauty, lay down at her feet, and rubbed its head. It was very intimate. It seemed that it was really her dog.


This shout was made by another big man. It turned out that the fallen man was called Dahuang, which was also funny, like a dog's name.

But no one could laugh at this time, because Dahuang's body had begun to turn black, rot, smoke, suppurate, melt, and finally turned into a pool of blood. It quickly evaporated, and the ground dried up, leaving a human figure lying on the ground. The traces, even the bloodstains, were gone at this time, which made people shudder.

A group of children were dumbfounded at this time.

The leader of the children quickly turned his head to look at the woman.

The woman still looked beautiful and smiling, but her smile now looked a little scary.

So the leading child waved his hand, asking all the other children to gather behind him, and then slowly backed away.

These children are not too old, the oldest is over 10 years old, and the youngest is about 10 years old, but they are children in the apocalypse, with acquired vigilance and sensitivity.

Dong Yu and Dong Yuzhu, the brothers and sisters on the other side, all looked confused.

"Brother, look! This dog seems to be a fighting beast!"

"It's not just a simple fighting beast. I've never seen such poisonous poison!"

After the woman let the dog kill Dahuang, she didn't care about the other big man, but the big man had already turned around and ran away, scared to death.

The woman looked at the child, still smiling, but she frowned slightly and pouted.

"What are you doing? Why are you afraid of me? The man who yelled at you just now, I just avenged you, why are you afraid of me? That young man, yes! Let me just talk about you, what is your name?"

"My name is Li Kuo."

When the child in the lead heard someone asking his name, he subconsciously answered.

"Li Kuo? This name is pretty good! Sister, I like this name. In that case, let's play a game. This game is very fun, hahaha!"

The woman smiled coquettishly, and then suddenly raised her hand.

There was nothing strange about her raising her hand, but the little boy named Li Kuo actually raised his hand as well. The posture and angle of raising his hand were exactly the same as the woman's.

The boy's face suddenly became horrified. He said anxiously:

"What's going on? Oh, why did I raise my hand? Look, my hands are out of control, my feet, my feet can't move, I can't run, this woman controls me!"

Li Kuo quickly found out the reason. It must be this woman's fault.

All the other children ran to Li Kuo to help him put his hands up, but——


One child used too much force and broke Li Kuo's arm. After breaking it, Li Kuo immediately let out a cry of pain. The other children were so frightened that they all backed away. Two little girls had already shed tears.

Seeing Li Kuo's deformed arm, the woman actually laughed.

"It's really annoying. Why are you moving around? Look, you've damaged your arm. Well, since it's already broken, there's no use staying here, so why don't you give it up?"

As he spoke, one of Li Kuo's broken arms exploded. Blood and flesh, flesh and bones all burst out, bursting through his clothes and flying into the faces of the children around him.

Li Kuo almost fainted from the pain and kept shouting and crying. The other children were so frightened that they stepped back seven or eight meters. If they didn't want to abandon their friends, they would have run away long ago.

Dong Yuzhu's eyebrows immediately stood up.

"What the hell is this woman? She is so cruel, not to mention killing people for no reason, and now she does this to a child!"

Dong Yuhe was much more mature than his sister and had a deeper mind. He said calmly:

"The dog's poison is already very powerful, and this woman is even more weird. How did she control the child? Even if she controlled it, she could actually make part of the child's body explode. This ability is very scary, and the attack Invisible and powerful.”

"So what if it's scary? How can we still watch her doing evil there? Brother, if you don't do it, I will go. I don't believe that I can't deal with her!"

Dong Yuzhu still has some confidence, after all, her strength level is pretty good.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared very quickly and hugged a little boy named Li Kuo.

"The Heavenly Dragon Guards the Dharma Poster, the righteous path is reincarnated forever, the power of the thirteen dragons spirals up, all the demons retreat, expel, order!"

After a period of crisp and clear chants, the immobile child's legs suddenly moved and bent, and he knelt down on the ground. Then he was picked up again by the woman, and she carried her backwards to join the other children.

"Aunt Long! Aunt Long!"

All the children cried loudly. It was obvious that they knew this woman.

Dong Yuhe and his sister all focused their attention on this woman.

Dong Yuhe stared at her again. This woman was actually a beauty, and her appearance was also very special.

This kind of beauty didn't seem to belong to this world. It was hard to describe, just like that weird woman. Anyway, she was beautiful!

The smile on the woman's face finally disappeared at this time. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the woman who suddenly appeared.

"What a powerful exorcism formula. It can actually remove my body control order? The realm of the 7th level of the initial god... It can actually reach this level. It's really good, haha! What's your name?"

The woman asked calmly. The woman opposite was Long Qingcheng. Without waiting for an answer, Li Kuo shouted:

"Don't tell her, Aunt Long, she just asked my name just now. I was controlled after I told her. Maybe she asked my name because she asked!"

It must be said that Li Kuo's brain reaction is really clear. Although he is seriously injured now, it still does not stop his smart thinking.

Long Qingcheng frowned, nodded seriously, and said softly:

"You guys are really stupid. You run out when it's so chaotic outside! Li Kuo, your mother is so worried, hurry up, everyone go back! Li Kuo, go see Aunt Qu for your injury!"

Li Ke did not hesitate at this time, endured the pain in his arm, waved to the children around him, and then all the children ran to a nearby alley, leaving the street to return home.

Long Qingcheng stayed and stood 10 meters away from the woman opposite. In her opinion, Li Kuo's arm should not be thrown away in vain, and she should ask this woman for an explanation.

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