Meng Liang was not polite at all and took action directly. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The boys on the other side were chased by zombies just now, but now they are fearless towards Meng Liang.

They think they have strength in numbers.

Wang Xiaoming is timid, but he is not stupid and has his own personality.

He has never been saved by anyone since he was a child. In his world view, he feels that he has been the most humiliated. Now there are so many people around him, and he himself is a god. In his opinion, he must be able to save Meng Liang. Get rid of it.

This will wash away the shame.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking it. As soon as he took action, these people realized how terrifying Meng Liang was.

Ordinary first gods would be severely injured if they couldn't stand a single confrontation in front of Meng Liang. Only Wang Xiaoming could fight with Meng Liang, but every fight was under great pressure.

They are both first-level gods, and Meng Liang's combat ability is obviously much stronger than Wang Xiaoming's.

At this time, people were dumbfounded and couldn't escape even if they wanted to, because Meng Liang's speed was too fast, far faster than everyone else. They gradually realized that it was not a matter of speed, but that he seemed to be able to teleport.

Wang Xiaoming also has the ability to teleport, but it takes time to use it, which is not comparable to Meng Liang's powerful teleportation ability.

The battle continued like this for more than ten minutes, and Meng Liang sent away everyone else. Only Wang Xiaoming was left. He wanted to escape but couldn't. He was already panting after fighting with Meng Liang.

At this time, Wang Xiaoming suddenly took action and used his special move, photon kill!

Meng Liang has been controlled within the sphere barrier and feels a powerful energy threat.

That is Meng Liang. Most people cannot break through this barrier, but Meng Liang can travel through time and space.

So before the photons collided, that is, when the magic had not yet fully unfolded, Meng Liang teleported out, allowing Wang Xiaoming to miss the move.

After that, Meng Liang became even more rude. He chased and beat Wang Xiaoming wildly, and finally beat Wang Xiaoming until he couldn't fight back and fell to the ground.

The injured people had recovered a little, and they watched Meng Liang chase Wang Xiaoming, and then put him on the ground and punched him!

This made people stupid and felt that it was simply too cruel. For Wang Xiaoming, they still understood it, because Wang Xiaoming had recently joined their team, and they worked together to deal with the situation in the doomsday.

This is not about who saved who, but a kind of mutual help and mutual cooperation. In this process, if they encounter danger, these people can easily abandon their companions, so this is just simple cooperation. .

So since there is such cooperation, they have seen Wang Xiaoming take action and know what Wang Xiaoming's god-level strength is.

That was very powerful, making them envious and jealous at the same time. At the same time, they wondered how such a timid person could become such a master today.

In short, in their opinion, Wang Xiaoming is probably the strongest person in the world, because after so many years after the apocalypse, they have never seen a god-level person, and Wang Xiaoming is the only one.

Such a powerful master was now being beaten by another person with his fists. Wang Xiaoming was so pitiful that he was beaten to tears. He had no power to fight back. How could the audience not think it was an exaggeration?

After Meng Liang fought for a while, he discovered another world view of the world, which is that this group of people are afraid of pain.

First of all, human beings may be afraid of death, and of course they are also afraid of pain, but in this world, people rarely have the opportunity to feel pain.

Because they are very afraid of this kind of thing, they will be very careful. Even if they do something to each other, they will not say it will hurt the other person. They will either kill them directly or not do anything.

Meng Liang's practice of hitting the same place several times in a row was basically non-existent. They were all holding weapons and rushing towards the vital points. Basically, hitting the opponent would kill him.

For example, Wang Xiaoming had never suffered this kind of pain. The pain was so heartbreaking that he cried for his father and mother, and he surrendered very quickly.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I was wrong! I, I, I will be your little brother, don't hit me!"

Meng Liang was of course surprised. He didn't expect this magical master to be so useless. He was simply worse than an ordinary person.

Meng Liang only found out later that people in this world were afraid of pain. Since he was afraid of pain, of course he had to hit his weak spots.

In this way, Meng Liang conquered the powerful Wang Xiaoming, and then led Wang Xiaoming to conquer the world with his fists, and incorporated all the survivors into his own army, allowing them to be used by him.

This is the story with Wang Xiaoming. Wang Xiaoming is a master from a strange world. Although he is not trustworthy, he is very useful.

After all, he is now afraid of Meng Liang from the bottom of his heart. All the people from Wang Xiaoming's world are like this. If you use one word to describe what kind of people they are, there are only two words that are enough -

Deserve a beating!


As soon as Wang Xiaoming shouted, Shengmo had already taken action herself. After all, her fighting ability was a little stronger than Wang Xiaoming's. After the two exchanged blows several times, Wang Xiaoming was punched on the shoulder.

Of course, this was very painful. In fact, Wang Xiaoming was not injured yet, but the pain made him obviously afraid.

Without the ultimate move of photon kill, Wang Xiaoming's combat effectiveness has been reduced to the lowest level. If he really wants to continue fighting, he will be able to turn around and run away.

Meng Liang knew this very well, so he clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, there's nothing to talk nonsense about. The three of you take action together! No need to say any nonsense. Cooperate with Wang Xiaoming. The goal is to kill the living demon quickly. I will find an opportunity nearby to take action and strive to kill with one hit!"

Meng Liang doesn't care about living demons. He can't beat one of five to death?

What's more, Meng Liang himself needs to have stronger fighting ability than the normal first-level god.

These people around Meng Liang have been with him for a while and know his character. Meng Liang never cares about the form, as long as he can achieve his goal, benevolence, morality, pretense, all of this no need.

So now that Meng Liang had given the order, they did not hesitate. They left their standing positions and ran over there. Finally, together with Wang Xiaoming, four of them fought one.

The situation of the battle immediately changed. Shengmo originally thought that facing a god-level opponent would not be too stressful, but now there were four of them, and they had already fallen into the trap several times in just three minutes.

In addition to panic, Sheng Mo was also shocked and confused. Why are there so many god-level people in this world? Everyone's attack ability is very strong, higher than Wang Xiaoming's. As long as he takes one or two hits, he will probably die.

Suddenly feeling a powerful energy wave coming from behind, Sheng Mo turned around in a hurry, but it was too late. A long sharp knife slashed across her neck, and a human head rolled to the ground.

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