Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0881 Gulana's Illusion

"How awesome, you can actually kill those children? Hello, I am the Goddess Gulana, this is the north of Adano, welcome to my world.

After Meng Liang killed Luciana, he was directly teleported to this place.


So beautiful!

I have never seen such a blue sky, never smelled such fresh air, never seen such bustling streets, and never seen such beautiful women in my life!

Goddess Gulana was so beautiful that she had indeed surpassed all the beauties Meng Liang had ever seen. It was indescribable how beautiful she was, she was just prettier than others.

Soon Meng Liang realized that not only had he traveled to a new virtual world, but he had also been attacked by some kind of temptation from Gulana.

This attack was so powerful that even though Meng Liang knew that he was being tempted, he was still unwilling to attack Gu Lana.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

They were standing on the balcony of a pavilion. The location was relatively high, so they could have a panoramic view of the whole city.

"Adano is so big. There are 900,000 people in the city, of which 800,000 are women and 100,000 are men. Hey, men and women are not proportional."

Gulana's smile was like a flower, but Meng Liang's face was not very pretty.

"Don't worry, you have come to a kind goddess, and all you can get is incomparable preferential treatment. I swear, you will fall in love with this place, and you will fall in love with me."

While he was talking, Gulana came to kiss Meng Liang on the mouth. Meng Liang was in a daze. It was over. He couldn't dodge such an attack!

It's not that Meng Liang is greedy for women, it's just that Gulana's temptation power is strong now.

Meng Liang also tried to read some of Gulana's parameters, but in the end he only got one, high god!

Meng Liang was really confused this time.

This goddess is actually a high-ranking god?

The hierarchy of the virtual world seems to be gradually opening up. How come there are high-ranking gods?

He is the first god, and he is still a middle god between the higher gods. No wonder he can't resist her charm.

Meng Liang's face turned red and he couldn't move at all.

It's not that he can't move, but facing the temptation of Gulana, Meng Liang is afraid that he will pounce on her if he moves. In that case, he will be doomed. Of course, it would be nice to sleep with the Goddess Green and the God King, and Meng Liang doesn't either. Consider it a disadvantage.

However, just now Meng Liang had just killed twelve divine generals, and it was said that they were all the children of divine kings and divine mothers.

Although there are many virtual worlds and various world views, many things are still the same.

Meng Liang was very afraid that this Virgin was also a loving mother, so how could she not avenge the twelve children who were killed, so if she really slept with him, it was just a means of revenge. Meng Liang could not imagine what would happen. Later move.

However, no matter how reluctant he was in his heart, since he could not resist the goddess Gurana, what should happen would always happen.

Meng Liang clearly remembered everything that happened between him and Gu Lana, on a big round bed on the roof.

The specific plot is that Gulana came over to kiss him first, and then the two became entangled. Then Gulana carried him from the balcony to the big round bed on the roof. After that, after a long time of tossing, Meng Liang finally fell asleep.

All this was like watching a movie. Meng Liang felt that it didn't happen to him, he just saw it.

But looking at his eyes, he was indeed still sleeping on the big bed. The beautiful Gulana was sleeping quietly in his arms, sweet and sweet, with a smile on her face, her eyes closed, and her long eyelashes flickering. It was really beautiful. beautiful.

Meng Liang lay on the bed and stared at Gulana for a while, then looked up at the sky.

Be good!

Did he really sleep with her?

How can this be done!

I can't stop killing her!

Not to kill her? I still know in my heart that all this is the result of being tempted.

The strongest ability of this goddess is to seduce men.

"Awake? Haha, don't be afraid, Meng Liang, your name is Meng Liang, right? I know who you are."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Well, the guardian of the seventh system, the strongest data person in the entire seventh system, but your data is still in the modeling stage, so you cannot exert your strongest power. But as long as the seventh system is not destroyed by external forces, you will eventually He will become the strongest person in the seventh system.”

"How do you know this, you are not a virtual person?"

"Haha, of course it is, but I have come into contact with many real humans before. You know, I am very charming. Even real humans who enter this world cannot resist my temptation. From their mouths, I know a lot of things, including you. "

When Meng Liang heard this, his nose became angry and he said:

"I almost forgot, your great ability is to seduce men. You have slept with many real humans, right?"

"Haha, are you jealous? Are you starting to love me?"

Gulana's voice was unusually gentle, soft and very feminine.

Meng Liang's face turned red, not because of shyness or anger, but because of the anxiety in his inner soul, which caused his blood to surge up and his face turned red.

Of course he couldn't fall in love with Gulana, even if she was indescribably beautiful, even if they had slept together.

But the other self in his heart was fighting against Meng Liang, and he fell in love with Gu Lana.

This feeling is very strange, being torn into two souls.

Damn it!

The design skills of this annoying virtual program are really powerful.

It would be easier to hit him directly. What Meng Liang hates most is this kind of attack on the soul, which makes him unable to resist.

This is also a virtual world, and I don’t know if the timeline of this virtual world is the same as the outside world. If it is, it will be bad. If I delay here, I don’t know what the outside world will be like after I go out. This is what Meng Liang least wants to see.

So he must find a way to quickly get out of this control.

But the other party is a high-level god, which is why he can’t get out of trouble. He is powerful.

Meng Liang is a little helpless.

Life seems to start like this. In two or three days, Meng Liang has no concept of time. When he is free, he often looks up at the sky. It seems that the sky is always so blue that day, but his face is always so gloomy.

Gulana noticed the change in Meng Liang’s mood, so at lunch that day, Gulana said something more realistic.

"You are indeed different from others. Even in my dream world, you are not completely trapped in it, and you still retain your essence. You should be very resistant to me in your heart, right?"


Meng Liang did not answer. He was shocked when he heard Gulana's words.

The so-called dream world is not just a fantasy world, he can already control fantasy energy. Fantasy energy should be the basis of the fantasy world, and the so-called fantasy world is everyone's fantasy.

"So now he just entered Gulana's fantasy..."

If that's the case, why can't he resist Gulana?

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