Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0902 How lonely it is to be invincible

"What's going on? Who wants to cause trouble for my master? Doesn't he want to be around? Is he an idiot who has never heard of the reputation of Xuanming Valley? Lady Feng, didn't you tell him?"

This eldest disciple is called Shi Kai. He is actually quite alert, but he is also a bit of a villain, the kind of person who relies on the power of others.

He felt that with the prestige of Xuanming Valley, no one should be able to shake it, so even if someone was looking for trouble, they would be minor players.

Lady Feng raised her finger and pointed at Meng Liang, but said nothing.

Everyone present was silent, no one spoke, as if they were watching a fool. They watched Shi Kai walk in front of Meng Liang, secretly thinking that you were just a step too late. If you saw what this guy was doing, you wouldn't dare to be so successful.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πšπš πš”πšŠπš—.πšŒπš˜πš–]

"Is it you who wants to rob the room we live in?"

"Yes, let your master get out. Don't get away. Just let him get in front of me. I will kill him."

"Scumbag, you really want to die!"

Shi Kai cursed and looked around.


Many people came.

Huh? Here are some senior hermits from various sects.

As early as twenty years ago when Shi Kai first entered the world, these people were already very famous. We haven't seen each other for many years. Now it is not unusual to gather because of the undead demon thing. What is strange is why these people look at fools in such a way. Looking at yourself?

Shi Kai came to his senses, quickly retreated, and found a familiar person in the crowd, and immediately said:

"Senior Brother Lu, what's going on? Why aren't you talking?"

Senior Brother Lu shook his head speechlessly, and then said:

"Shi Kai, this person is very powerful. Senior Feng Qingyang was knocked away by him just now.


Shi Kai was shocked and immediately took three steps back, further away from Meng Liang.

Meng Liang sneered as he looked at it, it was time to settle all this.

"If you want to form an alliance, it has to be like that. Not just anyone can make it in this world.

Do you know the Xuanming Divine Art? "

Of course people in the world know this technique, it is Xuanming Valley's famous stunt.

Meng Liang glanced at everyone with indifferent eyes, and then continued:

"I'm afraid you only know that there is this inner skill, but you don't know how to practice it."

This is a person's unique skill, and of course outsiders don't know how to practice it.

"Hmph, human blood is used as medicine, human bones are used as medicine pots, twenty-seven kinds of poisons are combined with human internal organs, and then the fire is tormented, and the palms are placed in the steam to introduce the combined poison into the body. This poison It is colorless and odorless, and will not affect the cultivator when it enters the body. However, when the cultivator uses it, the energy from the palm of his hand will overflow. No matter which of the energy and the palm touches the enemy, the poison will be emitted into the enemy's body. The poisonous gas can quickly kill the internal organs. Organs will kill people if they are poisoned, and there is no unsolvable poison in the world!”

People were really shocked when they heard what Meng Liang said. They didn't expect this stunt to be so cruel.

But Meng Liang hasn't finished speaking yet.

"It doesn't matter if it's just like this. The key is to use blood as the medicine and bones as the medicine pot. Shi Ruian's favorite is to use children of thirteen or fourteen years old, still alive, to kill them. It doesn't matter. But this cultivation method requires one child every day. He has been practicing this skill for probably twenty years. He has three hundred and sixty-five days in one year and more than seven thousand days in twenty years. More than seven thousand children died at his hands. At least six out of ten lost children across the country are related to him. Hey, maybe some of you here may have had your children stolen and killed by him. Do you think this kind of person deserves to die?"

After Meng Liang finished narrating, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. How could it be possible? The five major sects all represent the right path. How could such a vicious snake and scorpion be done?

The juniors in the world all think so, but the old guys who have been around for a long time are frowning and thinking, and there are actually some clues.

Then someone said:

"I heard that in the Xuanming Valley area, children are indeed lost all year round, so that in the villages surrounding Xuanming Valley, anyone with children will relocate and live far away."

"The year before last year, I was investigating the abduction of children by Xinghe. After a long investigation, I learned about all their crimes. There was only one thing I didn't understand, which was where the abducted children went. I only knew that someone came to collect them regularly, and each child was worth five taels of silver. This It proves that all the children have gone to one place, and no one knows where they are.”

People focused their attention on this and brainstormed together. All the clues merged together and finally pointed to Xuanming Valley.

Someone noticed that Shi Kai's expression changed drastically. Anyone with a discerning eye could immediately see that this Shi Kai might be aware of the situation. It was obvious that he looked guilty.

At this moment, Shi Ruian led the other disciples out.

The chaos outside caught his attention. He sent someone over just now and immediately informed him after hearing what Meng Liang said.

How could Shi Ruian still be able to sit still?

When he arrived here, his face turned purple, he looked at Meng Liang and said coldly:

"Where are you from? You are trying to frame me with your nonsense. Oh, you must be the remnants of the Demon Sect with the Demon Sect leader. How can you listen to his nonsense? We are here to deal with the undead demon. We just gathered for the sake of world affairs. I don’t think there is any need to talk nonsense with him. I can just kill him to prevent him from spreading rumors and causing trouble and ruining our alliance plan!"

Shi Ruian is an old man after all. He is calm and righteous. He wants to win over the people present to deal with this mysterious man together.

For Shi Ruian, Meng Liang is indeed very mysterious. He can't understand why Meng Liang can know everything about him accurately. He always thought that what he did was perfect.

Meng Liang doesn't need evidence at all. It's OK as long as he confirms it himself. The best way to solve the problem is to kill. He can't make everyone believe in him in a short time, but he can make everyone afraid of him.

So without any nonsense, Meng Liang took out the Nine Gods Demon Knife, flew to Shi Ruian, and used the God-Slaying Slash.

For a time, the knife light overflowed and was colorful.

Although the God-Slaying Slash became a single attack, the attack range was large, so Shi Ruian and his apprentices, including Shi Kai, were all killed by Meng Liang in seconds, leaving no one alive.

After the knife light, many people present were scared to death.

Too terrible!

This kind of strength has exceeded their cognition. No one can figure out what happened. Many people are even numb.

Just when everyone was stunned, the old leader of Tiandi Sect, Zhao Kunyuan, entered quickly from outside and punched Meng Liang.

This is a first-level god, the only first-level god in the world, and his strength is quite good.

Meng Liang raised his hand to fight him, but this time Meng Liang did not move at all. Zhao Kunyuan was beaten back twenty steps, knocked over several tables, and finally could not keep his body stable and fell to the ground.

Meng Liang smiled and said:

"Old man with a long beard, you are the old leader of Tiandi Sect, Zhao Kunyuan, right? You broke the boss's things, so you have to pay for the money, haha!"

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