Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0904: Development in a positive direction

(Reason for the break:

My mother was hospitalized in the ICU due to a sudden massive cerebral infarction,

and eventually died.

From then on, there was no place to come from, and life was only a journey home)

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πŸ…£πŸ…¦πŸ…šπŸ…πŸ….πŸ…’πŸ…žπŸ…œ

After traveling to more places, Meng Liang's emotional world became somewhat pure.

The true definition of the word pure is a bit difficult to describe here.

He still loves Qu Jiaolan, but that's it, it doesn't mean anything. He won't think about being with Qu Jiaolan every day, and he won't think about not touching other women for her.

People are selfish. As a god and a man, he sometimes can't control himself.

But Meng Liang won't go to any woman casually.

It's often a one-night stand, and then there's no contact, which avoids a lot of trouble.

The doomsday process of the 222 world has reached the final stage. The only gathering place for humans is in Africa. There is a huge underground base here, and there are about 38,000 people living there. This is probably the last batch of people in this world.

It's really hard for people to survive the apocalypse ten years later.

After Meng Liang arrived here, he directly mobilized three legions of about 60 million people.

Let's kill the zombies first without saying anything. This world itself has no power and has to rely on other worlds.

However, Meng Liang still went to the underground city and met a woman named Meng Xin and slept with her.

The underground world was dim, and Meng Xin couldn't see Meng Liang's appearance clearly. Only after the event did she say:

"Are you handsome?"

"Haha, it's okay. Is there any suspicion of bragging when I say this?"

After talking nonsense, he asked about the things here.

In fact, Meng Liang knew without asking that the most powerful person in the underground city was Hanks, a middle-level god.

It was very rare and his character was not bad. Meng Liang decided to include this Hanks, of course, all the people in the underground city, into his military management system.

The 222 world is actually a dark world.

The world has become darker, which does not mean that people here have become bad, but the social system and the way people get along with each other have changed, which is definitely different from before the doomsday.

For example, human cannibalism is of course something that Meng Liang cannot accept, but in this world it has become normalized, normalized, and even legalized. When a person dies, his body will not be buried, but will be used as food.

Before the doomsday, all behaviors were legal in the underground city, such as stealing, robbery, etc., which were all allowed.

The concept is that a person was robbed.

He would not think it was unfair, and would not feel very sad.

Because everything is normal.

Once he has the opportunity, he will also rob others.

The only thing that may not be allowed is killing.

After all, there are too few human survivors in this world today.

The underground city has a relatively large area, relatively speaking.

There is a place on the top of the mountain. The mountain has been hollowed out. There is a cave on the top of the mountain, which is very hidden and allows sunlight to shine in.

This is an exit and also a sunlight entrance.

And this is Hanks' underground palace.

Meng Liang has synchronized the language of the seventh system. All worlds speak Chinese, and everyone can understand each other.

Meng Liang left the woman without a trace of nostalgia. She was just a life passer-by with no relationship. She had no feelings. After experiencing this kind of thing more, he would not know how to cherish it, and there was no need to cherish it. The character of such a woman would not be very noble. The reason why Meng Liang gave in temporarily was that she still had a good appearance.

When he entered the place where Hanks lived, Hanks of course found Meng Liang immediately.

He was shocked and didn't know what the situation was with this man who suddenly appeared.

So he looked at Meng Liang with a cold face, with hostility in his eyes.

Meng Liang smiled slightly and took him directly to another world.

This move was too powerful.

Meng Liang is now a BUG in the seventh system. Who wouldn't be shocked if he could take people to teleport to different worlds at will?

Hanks was dumbfounded.

"Hehe, my name is Meng Liang."

Meng Liang began to introduce himself to Hanks and told him everything.

Virtual world, real world, the seventh system, doomsday crisis, zombie virus, and the unified mission of the three thousand worlds now is to eliminate all zombie viruses and make the seventh system no longer affected by real humans and the celestial system.

In this way, Meng Liang will become more powerful, and when Meng Liang is powerful, he can lock on other systems and grab territory in other system worlds.

Meng Liang has said this to others more than once, many times, so there is no nonsense.

After saying this, Meng Liang looked at Hanks and said:

"So do you understand? I want you to bring the remaining people over there to join my military alliance, but you have to pay attention. From now on, you must follow the laws of the doomsday. Get rid of the bad habits left in the doomsday. I will not allow you to continue to degenerate. It's very simple, Hanks, either obey or I can only eliminate you. As a guardian, I have set a rule. I will not allow parameters outside the rule to exist. You are just parameters."

Meng Liang's words are not arrogant, but facts.

Everything has been made clear to the other party, so it depends on Hanks' choice next.

Hanks didn't look very good, and he looked a little confused.

Anyone who has experienced such an unexpected event cannot fully understand it.

But the fact is right in front of us. Hanks followed Meng Liang to several worlds and saw many landscapes and cultural atmospheres that were different from his own world.

He had been in the doomsday for too long, and now he can suddenly get away from it. It seems to be a good thing. There is no reason not to choose this way.

In fact, after thinking for a long time, Hanks finally agreed with Meng Liang and was willing to join the combat alliance.

Meng Liang smiled slightly, found other assistants, asked him to arrange Hanks's affairs, and then left without stopping and continued to go to other worlds.

This is simple to say, but Meng Liang needs to go to each world one by one.

For two years, Meng Liang focused on these things and finally completed two-thirds of them. 2000 worlds formed a big alliance, and the remaining 1000 worlds were all worlds that were not easy to deal with or were still in a relatively stable state.

These two years were very tiring for Meng Liang.

Meng Liang felt that there was no need to rush, and the huge base in the first world had been built. It was time for Meng Liang to go back and solve his emotional problems. He had been away for two years.

After returning, Meng Liang's family members were very excited.

Meng Liang's women also lost their temper.

Meng Liang had no chance to spend time alone with anyone, so he told everyone about his experiences in the past two years.

These experiences were simply too many. There were more than 80 god-level masters collected, and the army of the two thousand world alliance exceeded hundreds of billions. It was easy to get hundreds of millions of soldiers to quickly fill in a world to fight.

For the remaining 1,000 worlds, 23 combat troops have been dispatched to 23 worlds. At least one battle can be solved in one month. Generally speaking, the seventh system is now thinking about the development of the good side.

Meng Liang also expressed his attitude. This time he came back mainly to rest and adjust. He didn't dare to do anything else. The most important thing was to let the women have children.

Meng Liang explained to everyone that he had the mark of the demon, and then in front of all the family members, he said to all the women:

"You decide whether to have a boy or a girl, and how many children you want to have in one pregnancy. It's up to you to choose. It's just one month. When you are all pregnant, I will go out to fight again. This time I may be away for several years. I hope that when I come back, my children will be old enough to help with cooking."

Meng Liang's father, mother, grandfather and other relatives all laughed.

Meng Liang's women were shy.

At the same time, they were thinking about Meng Liang's words in their hearts.

Luo Yuhuan's idea was the most exaggerated.

How about having seven babies, and then name them Meng Dawa, Meng Erwa

Hehe, all the way to Meng Qiwa, I wonder if Meng Liang will go crazy because of this!

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