After another two days, they cleared all the zombies in the territory. Meng Liang was promoted to level 19, while Baina and the other three who were at level 10 finally reached level 11. The difference in speed was really huge. Meng Liang finally felt that his ability to upgrade and accelerate was still very useful. Without this ability, he might not be able to reach such a high level now.

Even if the first part of the battle plan is completed, the second step of the plan is in full swing. Most people in the Quartet Army are busy with construction, building thick cement walls outside the barbed wire fences. The currently set wall height is a minimum of five meters. In terms of construction, It’s not that difficult, but the difficulty is that there are no building materials.

Therefore, some buildings and communities along the way were fully utilized. The buildings were used as bunkers and the communities were used as zombie isolation zones.

All these tasks take time. Meng Liang and Baina only design and do not operate. They are about to start the third step of their plan to clean up the subway passages.

Meng Liang, Baina, Lu Anke, Zhengdao, Baldi, and ten others acted together.

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Not all the experts are here. After all, there are still defenses outside. To clear the subway passages, there is little use in large numbers.

Everyone had prepared torches and felt a little nervous standing at the dark subway entrance.

Of course, Meng Liang was the first to go in. He didn't take a torch. Lu Anke, as a follower, followed Meng Liang with a torch to help him illuminate.

"Good son-in-law, mom is a little scared."

Lu Anke thought about it.

How can we establish a better relationship with Meng Liang? Of course, we must pick up the identity of our mother-in-law. From a legal sense, she is Meng Liang's mother and must

Only by identifying this matter can it affect Meng Liang.

Of course Meng Liang noticed the change in Lu Anke's name for him.

At this time, he had no intention of correcting himself, so he spoke softly:

"Think about it, weren't you afraid when you first killed zombies? Don't be afraid, you will lose if you are afraid!"

"Well, okay, I'm not afraid.

"Go slower."

Having been together for many days, Meng Liang and Lu Anke had somewhat of a tacit understanding.

There were no zombies at the entrance. After walking a long way, we finally entered the station.

There are also two floors underground here. Some zombies have been seen, and the zombies ran towards this side after seeing the light of the fire.

Zhengdao immediately arrived at Meng Liang's side, holding his sledgehammer at the ready.

Meng Liang took out the blood blade and killed him with one slash. Zhengdao used a sledgehammer to knock them away and help Meng Liang control the number of zombies approaching. Others also came over. The fighting method was still the same. Their task was to protect Meng Liang's side. , allowing Meng Liang to face the enemy head-on and kill quickly.

Fortunately, in about ten minutes, all the zombies on this floor were cleared.

Next go to the second underground floor.

There are no zombies here. The subway station is empty, not even a corpse.

Everyone was actually a little surprised. This is a big station with a relatively large flow of people. In theory, there should be some people. Could it be that they all ran away because of the doomsday?

Baina stepped forward and said:

"Meng Liang, let's not leave in a hurry. The first and second floors are empty. We should ask people to come in and seal this place first. Just leave the small door on the other side of the subway passage. Although it is slower to move step by step, it is much safer."

“Okay, then let’s ask someone to build a wall here.

Meng Liang is not headstrong. He is not as knowledgeable as Baina, so he must learn to listen to opinions.

The two of them left to look for the construction team. They didn't go out and just waited in the subway station.

Meng Liang took Lu Anke around to see if there was anything wrong.

Since the subway station here has two floors, it means it is really big.

Line 1, Line 4, Line 7, and Line 8 all pass through this area, which is an important hub and turnover area for urban underground transportation.

He wandered from Floor 1 to Floor 2, and from Floor 2 to Exit B on Floor 1. Only then did Meng Liang remember.

"This exit seems to be more than twenty meters away from our house, right?"

"I do not know."

Lu Anke shook his head.

"You know shit, you're so pampered."

"Good son-in-law, don't talk to mom like that."

"We're familiar with it, aren't we?"

Meng Liang turned his head and glared at Lu Anke.

Lu Anke smiled a little obscenely.

Meng Liang snorted and ignored her. After all, what she said was right. Now that everyone is really familiar with each other, just let her be quiet and don't go too far.

Take a step forward and approach the steps of Exit B.


"What's wrong?"

Lu Anke heard Meng Liang's confused voice and walked forward with a torch.

Meng Liang put his hand on her chest.

Lu Anke was startled, almost bumped into him, and took a step back hastily.


Meng Liang spoke, and Lu Anke handed the torch to Meng Liang's hand.

Meng Liang moved downwards and saw a layer of liquid on the ground here, and one of his feet was already standing in the liquid.

It's sticky and can't be pulled out.

Meng Liang took his foot out of the shoe, leaving the shoe in place.

What's this?

Squatting down and looking down, I smelled a putrid smell.

Meng Liang observed curiously for a while, then stood up suddenly, raised the torch, and looked towards the ceiling!

The light from the torch actually reached the roof of the shed, but Meng Liang had night vision and could vaguely see with a little light. The roof seemed to be alive and moving!

It was squirming back and forth, as if it were actually a vast ocean, with turbulent seawater stirring up waves, and there seemed to be some white waves in the black.

Lu Anke also looked up at this time, but she couldn't see anything, only a chaotic black in her eyes.

But from Meng Liang's performance, she saw some clues.

"What's wrong, Meng Liang, is there danger?"

As soon as Lu Anke finished speaking, she saw a large net falling in front of her, slowly blocking the exit.

Meng Liang's eyes widened. He clearly saw that there were large black spiders on the edge of those nets. Their bodies were as big as table tennis balls. They were not ordinary species at first glance!

"Not good! Go!"

Meng Liang turned around and took Lu Anke's hand and ran. Soon he saw Bai Na. The distance was not far, and everyone was scattered around to guard and check.

"Quick! Get out! This is a spider cave!"

"Spider cave?"

Bai Na was slightly stunned. No one had ever come into contact with the spider of doomsday.

Under the leadership of Meng Liang, they rushed to Exit A, which was the path they came in before.

Meng Liang used a torch to illuminate the ground while running, and found many places with liquid, so he warned them out loud.

"Don't step on the slime on the ground, it's very sticky."

As soon as Meng Liang finished speaking, a man fell down, and then his body just happened to lie on a pool of slime, unable to move.

"Quick, pull him out, tear off his clothes!"

Meng Liang immediately went to help, and together with everyone, he got the man out. He was already naked, not even his pants were left.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect that the stickiness of this thing was really so strong.

No one was relaxed this time, and the thirteen people were extremely cautious.

|After running a few meters, one person suddenly shouted.

"I was bitten by something! I was bitten by something!"

As he shouted, people heard the prompt sound.

[Level 1 Undead. Dark Beast. Blood Spider has entered the attack state, please survivors quickly leave this place]

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