[Tang Yan, from the perspective of the aesthetics of the seventh system, can be ranked 10th]

Damn it?

Meng Liang was really shocked.

There is such a ranking, this is the entire seventh system!

There are so many women, she can be ranked 10th, how beautiful she must be.

"What is Qu Jiaolan's ranking?"

Meng Liang was curious, so he interrupted the random system to ask.

[Qu Jiaolan is not on the list]

Damn it!

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Meng Liang was speechless.

Qu Jiaolan was already very beautiful in his eyes, but she was not on the list.

It's normal, for example, those real humans, they will adjust themselves to be very beautiful, generally more beautiful than Qu Jiaolan.

"How many people are there in this ranking, do men count?"

[Men and women are ranked separately, because the selection criteria are very different, they can't be put together. ]

Can you find the beauty ranked first?

Meng Liang was somewhat curious. How beautiful was this best-looking one? How beautiful could she be as beautiful as a flower? Haha, although flowers are beautiful, they are not human beings. As long as they are human beings, they only have a nose and two eyes. How beautiful can they be?

[Of course, the parameters of these very beautiful women are more complicated. I can find them from the data. ]

"Well, in this world, besides Tang Yan, is there anyone who ranks higher?"

[Yes, one of the seven true gods ranks 7th. ]

Meng Liang found it interesting and decided to go and see it when he had time.

So let's focus on the present and see what other parameters Tang Yan has.

After reading it, Meng Liang was really surprised.

Her evil value is lower than that of most normal people.

Most people have evil values.

Even if it reaches 50, it cannot be said that he is a bad person.

For example, some people have an evil value of 50 and a hypocrisy value of 80.

That means he is an evil person by nature, but he is very hypocritical and does not want to look evil.

Then in peacetime, he may behave like a good guy all his life, and everyone around him thinks he is very good. No one has ever thought that he is not a very good uncle, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

In the end, this person may die of old age.

People look back at what he has done in his life and can't help but nod their heads. He has really helped many people. He is a thorough good man.

No one knows that his inner self is actually not so kind and selfless.

So a person's extroversion is not determined by one parameter. It takes many parameters to present a person.

The woman named Tang Yan is a good woman in any aspect. Overall, she is a relatively pure and kind one.

Meng Liang thought it was quite interesting and nodded to Tang Huangzhi:

"Okay, then call her over, let me see what she is like."

While Meng Liang was talking to Tang Huangzhi, the casual system was still introducing Tang Yan's situation.

He said everything about his height and weight, so of course he would not fall behind in realm.

Middle-level god!

Sure enough, there is something fishy.

Just say that there is no one who favors boys over girls so much that he would give up his daughter for his son!

The old man must think that his daughter is more powerful.

If he uses his daughter as a hostage, he can not only protect his son, but he may even be killed.

The scene became quiet, and someone came to find Tang Yan, which would take some time.

And there are many people surrounding here, and they are surrounded like an iron barrel. It seems that it is difficult to escape.

Meng Liang is not in a hurry, but just moved his position and leaned against the wall, so that he can avoid being attacked.

Meng Liang is not afraid of being attacked. It is too difficult to kill himself in the seventh system. His ultimate move is definitely not the God-Slaying Slash, but the Immortal Body!

This is too powerful. A strong man who will not die, how can they deal with it? No one has the ability to completely clear their parameters.

Waited for a full ten minutes.

Using this time, the casual system has completely told Tang Yan's situation, so that Meng Liang understands it clearly.

Just like Tang Yan's childhood friend, he knows everything about Tang Yan.

Ten minutes may not be long, but for the feces fragmentation system, it can tell Meng Liang the important things in Tang Yan's life.

So when Tang Yan appeared, Meng Liang didn't feel strange to her at all.

But Meng Liang was still shocked.

This... is too beautiful!

It's indescribable.

After all, she is really not as beautiful as a flower.

It's just that her skin is better than all the women he has met before, and it looks whiter and more delicate, with brighter eyes, a straighter nose, and ears like sculptures, with an extremely beautiful shape.

In short, you can't compare with others. If you compare, no one can be her opponent. In terms of appearance, she is the strongest.

Her temperament is also extraordinary, because she came on a big blue bull.

This big blue bull also looks strong and handsome. There are clouds and mists around the four hooves when walking. With the beautiful woman in white clothes, wherever she goes, it looks like a fairyland.

Tang Yan already knows the purpose of calling her.

Seeing Meng Liang's pig-like gaze, she didn't mind at all.

Anyway, Tang Yan has been immune to such gazes in her life.

What she cares about now is that her brother has been tortured like that, which is really shocking.

Actually, Tang Yan doesn't like Tang Baobei at all.

She was also spoiled by her father since she was a child, but she didn't become a playboy. When she was able to think about problems, she made herself a good person.

So Tang Baobei became what he is today because of his own choice, not family education, but his nature.

Although she thought so, seeing her brother so miserable, Tang Yan couldn't just ignore it.

On the contrary, she began to blame Meng Liang.

Even if his brother was wrong, he shouldn't torture him so cruelly. Couldn't he just kill him? Since he didn't kill him, it means that Meng Liang is also a man with a butcher's knife in his heart, and he is not much better than his brother.

So Tang Yan learned about the situation on the way, and after arriving, she didn't think too much, just to rescue her brother and deal with this evil man Meng Liang.

Meng Liang found that this beautiful woman who looked about 20 years old was staring at him, and he smiled and said:

"Okay, I can see that you are very powerful woman, I am afraid I can't control you, so, tie yourself up with this rope, and then come over, I will let your brother go, hehe."

The rope is the Immortal Binding Rope.

It cannot be used in combat, but as long as it is out of combat and the enemy is trapped, the enemy cannot break free, and cannot use its abilities, becoming a puppet who can only listen to the master, but still has autonomy and integrity in his heart.

Meng Liang once obtained the Immortal Binding Rope, which was later taken back by the system.

But now he can use any system, except that living people can't make it, everything else can be tried.

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