Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10111: You're welcome

With Li Tian's words, Great King Huntian immediately became rude, grabbed a pancake and ate it, and then quickly ate the rest of the thing.

After eating a full stomach, he patted his belly and said to Li Tian, ​​"Master, shall we leave next?"

He knew that Li Tian had always planned to leave. He hadn't left in the past few days because of the delay in the competition. Now that the competition is over, Li Tian might have left directly.

Nodded, Li Tian said, "It's like, after I'm busy this time, I will leave, but before leaving, there are still some things to explain. You can sleep and practice afterwards. , I’m going to work on my own affairs, I can’t take care of you anymore."

Li Tian explained to King Huntian that he was afraid that King Huntian would be too mindful. This may be that Li Tian thought too much. In King Huntian’s head, apart from eating, he was fighting. How could he be too mindful, so he immediately followed Li Tian. Said that there is nothing to do, just let Li Tian take care of himself.

Then, watching Li Tian busy there, he took out the black spirit stick from his ear and started to play again.

When I was playing, I thought of Zhenjun Erlang who was still at home, and the Great King Huntian was also proud. When he left before, Zhenjun Erlang didn't plan to leave. I am afraid that if I knew that it was so fun outside, and so much If you have food and good things from the master, I'm afraid it will come out, right?

It's a pity, Erlang Shenjun has no such opportunity.

His heart was full of triumphant thoughts, Great King Huntian began to play with his black spirit stick, while Li Tian was on the side, busy with his own things.

If he wants to leave, he must leave a batch of materials. He has to figure out how to use this batch of materials. Otherwise, it will be wasted.

As for other things, it has to be arranged. For example, let the elders fight, and then give the top three rewards, which cannot be forgotten. Otherwise, I am afraid that those elders are going crazy, after all, the disciples have all received If they had good things, but they didn't catch anything, how could they be balanced in their hearts.

After some thoughts, Li Tian finally freed up a space ring. This ring contained resources for the next sect development. As for the resources we use, he also clearly marked them. When Liu Shui sees it, he will know it.

After solving this matter, the next thing Li Tian thought about was how the Tyrant Jedi hadn’t contacted him yet. After all, the Tyrant Jedi hadn’t contacted him for several hours. This is something that shouldn’t have happened. When Tyrannical Jedi left, he promised him that he could summon Tyrannical Jedi for anything. When he saw Li Tian's message, Tyrant Jedi would also restore Li Tian as soon as possible.

At this moment, the Tyrant Jedi did not restore Li Tian, ​​so it proves that the Tyrant Jedi did not actually see the news of Li Tian, ​​but what will delay the Tyrant Jedi not seeing the information of Li Tian?

This made Li Tian very curious. After some thoughts, he could only think of something wrong with the Tyrant Jedi. After all, only when something went wrong would he ignore him for so long. ...

But thinking of something wrong with the Tyrant Jedi, Li Tiandun became even more worried. He couldn’t sit still anymore, but when the Tyrant Jedi left, he didn’t even ask the Tyrant Jedi where he was going. What? So I don’t know where the Domineering Jedi is at all. If you look for the Domineering Jedi at this time, then it will be headless flies, spinning around. In this case, it’s a waste of time and nothing Of efficiency.

So the only thing he can do now is to wait on the spot, and then cultivate while waiting for the Tyrant Jedi to contact him.

This kind of worry lasted until the morning of the next day, and finally got a response.

It turned out that Tyrant Jedi had obtained a key thing for him to break through in the Devil Slayer Tower. In the past few days, he has been breaking through. It just happened that in the recent time, he just broke through. , So I can have time to contact Li Tian, ​​otherwise, if the breakthrough time is longer, Li Tian will have to wait more days.

After all, Domineering Jedi also counted the days of this game before making a breakthrough. If it weren't for the days of this game and the time he would use if he broke through, he wouldn't break through at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the training room used by Tyrant Jedi Breakthrough is completely different from that used by Li Tian. The training room used by Li Tian is just an ordinary training room with strong spiritual power. The training room used by Tian Jedi is a training room that can compress time.

If you practice in such a training room, one day can be worth the time outside for several days. For breakthroughs in cultivation, such a training room is obviously an excellent place.

However, the cost of using such a good place is also very high. Of course, for a person like Domination Jedi, such a high security cost is still acceptable to him.

After all, he was working in the City Lord's Mansion and was an important figure in the City Lord's Mansion. The city advocated the benefits of New Year's Eve for the Overlord, but there were no shortages.

After replying to Li Tian's reasons why he hadn't paid any attention to Li Tian, ​​he learned that Li Tian was planning to leave, and Tyrant Jedi immediately told Li Tian that he would return to the Excalibur Gate in the afternoon, so Li Tian should not worry. For him to come.

Regarding the words of the Tyrant Jedi, Li Tian also agreed. After all, he has nothing to worry about. If he is worried, it may be that he goes back to see Mei Jiao Niang, which is his most anxious thing.

In the afternoon, the Tyrant Jedi arrived. At this time, Li Tian had arranged everything about the Divine Sword Gate. He also notified the Divine Sword Gate at once, so there was nothing to do. , Li Tian left with the Tyrant Jedi and King Huntian.

This time I left on Li Tian’s purple-black battleship. On this battleship, there was a lot of Li Tian’s liquid left. I was afraid that the Tyrant Jedi could trace the source based on these liquids. What happened in this purple and black warship.

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