Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10136: Over the sky

Afterwards, the purple-black warship stopped in the sky above the village and waited quietly.

Sure enough, soon I saw a villager whose body was obviously invaded by a demon, and he started to attack another villager, intending to **** the brain of this villager.

Seeing this scene, Li Tian was ready to do it right away. The demons **** human brains to practice, which can be described as a very cruel method. How can they not do it when encountering such a thing.

Li Tian's speed was very fast. Just when the Demon Clan was about to do it, he had already arrived in front of the Demon Clan. Then he directly controlled the villager's body by casting the spell and prevented him from doing it.

"Aniu, hurry up, we're going back for business. Today we picked so many herbs and changed a lot of things!"

At this moment, the villager in front of the villager who wanted to take control of Li Tian didn't know when his companions had been possessed by the demons, and they were still talking about it.

Then, after discovering that the person behind did not recover his words, he turned his head in some doubts, and then saw the scene of Li Tian controlling his partner. He immediately became surprised and said to Li Tian, ​​"Who are you? , Why do you want to control the cow?"

Seeing Aniu seemed very painful, and this person appeared very suddenly, his expression suddenly became very frightened, and he ran to the back in a hurry, and said: "The demons Here comes the demons!"

This sentence seemed to arouse the fear of the villagers in the village. Everyone yelled, and then saw that a village was in chaos.

Li Tian was almost speechless when he saw such a scene, and he was about to kill the demons in front of him.


Zhang Qian came to Li Tian's side at this time. Although he could see that the villager was dead and was occupied by the demons, he still didn't intend Li Tian to kill him directly.

"what happened?"

Li Tian was very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that when he came out, he had already told Zhang Qian how hateful these demons were, and one of the ways these demons deal with ordinary people was also told to Zhang Qian. At this time Zhang Qian shouldn't stop it.

There was such doubts in his heart, so Li Tian stopped his hands, thinking that Zhang Qian must have something to say. Immediately, Li Tian looked at Zhang Qian.

After meeting Li Tian’s gaze, Zhang Qian said to Li Tian, ​​“This demons must have appeared in such a remote village. It must be something very wrong, and it’s close to the Demon Slayer Tower. Xia should be very talented. The appearance of this demons is too strange. I think we can ask if he has any special actions."

Zhang Qian’s words were considered after some consideration, and it was very reasonable. Li Tian didn’t think about it. Zhang Qian could think so deeply. She was immediately surprised. After being surprised, Li Tian planned According to Zhang Qian's statement, it was implemented. After all, Zhang Qian's words are okay. Who knows if there is any problem with this demon, and if it is just killing a demon, it is still meaningless to Li Tian. There are only a few points. What he needs is a huge number of points for killing the demons, so if you can investigate other information based on this demons, it is still very necessary.

Immediately, Li Tian stopped his hands, and then released the demons.

After Li Tian released the demons, the demons immediately became angry, and directly turned into a mass of demonic energy, rushing towards Li Tian, ​​as if intending to enter Li Tian's body.

After discovering the intentions of the Demon Clan, Li Tian also smiled helplessly. The Demon Clan simply couldn't figure out his own situation. At this moment, his condition is very good, and his strength is also very powerful. Dealing with a Demon King There is no problem, this little demon commander, dare to make a move against himself, he wants to die!

Instantly shot, Li Tian immediately arrested this group of demonic energy, and then said to the demons with a very vicious meaning: "What is your origin, where are you from, and the reason for coming here. Tell me what it is, otherwise, I will make you worse off than death!"

"Are you a Demon Slayer? Your hands must be stained with the blood of a lot of our kind. If you want me to tell you my purpose, just dream!"

The demons immediately turned out a very ugly and terrifying head, and then furious at Li Tian's incompetence.

Seeing this scene, Li Tian curled his mouth very speechlessly, and then with a light movement of his fingers, he saw that the demon's phantom head immediately became hideous, and he was very painful, as if he was suffering from something. The things are average.

Zhang Qian didn't understand Li Tian's methods when he saw such a scene, so he didn't interrupt, and King Huntian also got off the Purple Black Battleship. After seeing such a scene, he said to Li Tian: "Master Chief , Can I do it, I want to kill this thing?"

At the first sight of this Demon Race, he felt a very evil aura from the Demon Race, and planned to kill the Demon Race directly so that the aura that he hated would disappear.

Upon hearing this, Li Tian shook his head lightly with King Huntian, and then said, "When I take out the information I want from this person's mouth, he can leave it to you!"

"Okay, then I will wait for the headmaster to deal with him!"

Great King Huntian immediately nodded happily. To him, being able to kill such a disgusting thing is a very happy thing for him.

After that, King Huntian just waited, and Li Tian increased his strength once again, making this demon general become very painful, seeing that this demon general will be released because of the huge amount of his own When the pressure couldn't sustain his death, Li Tian immediately stopped. All of a sudden, the demon general came back to life.

Then, when he looked at Li Tian’s eyes, there was fear. He felt that the human monk in front of him was very terrifying, and he was different from all the Demon Slayers he encountered. When Xia saw him, he wanted to kill him, but there has never been a Demon Slayer like Li Tian who intended to torture himself to death.

So when he looked at Li Tian, ​​he was very scared.

Li Tian obviously saw the fear in his eyes when the demons looked at him. For him, this was a very good thing. In this way, he could get the news he wanted to know.

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