Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10167: Looking for Zhang Qian

The flustered King Huntian immediately began to look for Zhang Qian, but Zhang Qian seemed to have evaporated from the world at this moment, and he couldn't find it no matter how to find it.

Seeing that the next game was about to begin, King Hun Tian was not thinking about the game connected by him. He grabbed the audience and asked if he saw Zhang Qian's figure and where he went.

Regarding King Huntian's words, everyone said they didn't know. After all, they were all watching the battle between King Huntian and Invincible Hammer seriously.

This result really made King Huntian panic and go to the sheets. He would never have thought that Zhang Qian would disappear here. After all, there are so many people here, how could Zhang Qian disappear.

However, Zhang Qian’s disappearance did happen. If Zhang Qian was going to go, she would have told him about it. If she disappeared without saying anything at this moment, then it must not have happened by Zhang Qian deliberately. I am afraid it happened. What's the accident.

When making guesses like this, Great King Huntian only felt that his whole person was not good, and his expression became very bad. Looking at the people around who watched the good show, he pleaded: "Please, please. You have seen my wife, if you do, please tell me, please!"

When King Huntian spoke, he was very miserable, as if he had lost some important person.

Everyone was originally because of the arrogant words that King Huntian said before, and looked down upon King Huntian. He felt that King Huntian was young and his personality was very inconsequential, but after the King Huntian and Invincible Iron After the hammer battle, everyone knew that King Huntian's strength was actually very powerful.

At this time, I saw King Huntian look like this. Because I blamed King Huntian before, there was some self-blame. Someone said to the people around him: "Okay, I didn’t see that people are already very Poor, if you know the news, just tell everyone."

"Isn't there a female partner next to him before? I remember clearly, why is his female partner disappeared now? Has anyone seen it?"

Someone immediately started looking for Zhang Qian, who was missing, for King Huntian. For this person's words, King Huntian was very grateful, and he was so busy that he cast a thankful look and said words of thanks.

For the gratitude of King Huntian, this person also waved his hand to show his carelessness.

And after his words fell, those people who had mocked King Huntian before, also thought of the existence of a female companion beside King Huntian, how could the female companion disappear at this time.

"I remember, the servant from the Lord Meteor Huoyu's house was here. They seemed to have been staring at your servant, and then one of the servants disappeared, and then the servant of yours also disappeared. , I think there may be some kind of relationship between them."

A person suddenly remembered that when he was just watching the game, he saw the servant of the Meteor Huoyu family. The foul reputation of the Meteor Huoyu is relatively famous in the entire area of ​​the Demon Slayer Tower, and Meteor Huoyu The two servants of, are also known by everyone following the name of Meteor Fire Rain.

Thinking of the existence of the servants of Meteor Fire Rain among them, this person immediately felt that Zhang Qian, who was missing, should have been abducted by Meteor Fire Rain.

"When you say this, I also have the impression. Just now, I seemed to see Lord Meteor Huoyu coming over. After he stood here for a while, the one in your house disappeared. I think it should be It has something to do with him." Another person confirmed it. When he just watched the match between King Huntian and the Invincible Hammer, he unconsciously glanced at the crowd during the period, and just saw the meteor fire.

Because of Meteor Fire Rain’s special fame, he also took a look at Meteor Fire Rain, but he knew that Meteor Fire Rain’s temper was not very good. Although he saw Meteor Fire Rain, he didn’t dare much. Look, quickly moved away.

But despite this, he can be very sure that he really saw the meteor fire.

Hearing this name, King Huntian immediately asked: "Who is the Meteor Huoyu? Where does he live? I'm going to find him!"

"Are you going to find a meteor shower?"

Someone looked at King Huntian, curled his lips, and said to King Huntian: "Your strength is good, but it is only good for the innate realm. That meteor fire rain is in the realm of heaven. The realm is a strong man in the realm of heaven and human. Do you think there will be any effect if you go there like this? You will only die in his hands."

Meteor Fire Rain is a strong man in the realm of heaven and human, and for this reason, although the name of Meteor Fire Rain is so stinking, when discussing Meteor Fire Rain, there are still some fears. The strength of Meteor Fire Rain.

Hearing this, Great King Huntian said regardless of his disregard: "I don't care what level of power he is. He has taken away my teacher and is my enemy. I must go find him!"

This is a very solemn thing. It seems that he really doesn’t care about the strong in the realm of heaven and human. This immediately made everyone look at King Huntian, but although he took a high look at King Huntian, but In their hearts, they really didn't feel that if the Great King Huntian had passed by, they could do anything to the meteor fire rain.

It happened that some people couldn't understand the meteor fire and said to King Huntian: "Since you have said that, then I can tell you where the meteor fire is currently, you can look for it."

The speaker wears a mask, and the presence of this mask prevents everyone from seeing his appearance, so if he speaks this way, he is not afraid of retaliation or something.

For today's King Huntian, this is a life-saving straw. He immediately said to this person: "Thank you, you are a good person. Please tell me where that person is now?!"

Faced with such anxious King Huntian, this person smiled easily, and immediately said to King Huntian: "His residence is in the Xinghua Village outside the Devil Slayer Tower. In that village, there are His residence, he is a strong man in the realm of heaven and humanity, and everyone in that village knows his residence. When you inquire, they will tell you."

When speaking, this person was very confident, as if King Huntian would be able to find a place for Meteor Fire Rain.

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