Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10182: resulting in

"Basically, it was ineffective, which caused me to be very passive when dealing with them at the beginning."

But right? At the beginning of the battle, after Zhang Qian flew the wicker fangs, the wicker fangs rushed towards her again. She did not expect this situation at all, and was shocked at the time. , Even subconsciously screamed, because of her screaming, King Huntian rushed over to protect him.

But in order to protect her, King Huntian was attacked by a few wicker fangs. The injuries on King Huntian's body appeared because of protecting her. Therefore, Zhang Qian's heart is very serious for King Huntian. Of self-blame.

"This is actually something that you can't predict. Next time you will contact more swordsmanship. When you encounter danger, you can use it flexibly. It is estimated that there will be no such thing."

Li Tian and Zhang Qian are husband and wife, and they can see Zhang Qian's thoughts, so they comforted Zhang Qian.

For example, he himself has mastered the use of several weapons at the same time. The enemies he encountered before, when he used the Shenquan Sword and when he used the Overlord Spear, this time he was going to use the Shenquan Sword. If you are using the Overlord Spear, there is no effective slashing effect for the strange trees here.

"Don't blame yourself, let's leave here quickly. Here I always feel very uneasy. I think something is going to happen. Yes, we leave here and find a safe place to recover."

Li Tian did not allow Zhang Qian to settle this self-blame mind for longer, and directly said to the two of them to leave, and then took the two to leave.

When they left, no one noticed that there was a willow tree that was not completely dead. It sprouted secretly, and then took root on the ground, and all the willow roots and leaves that had been turned into powder were sucked. Up.

After inhaling these things, it quickly grew up, and soon became a thick willow tree with a human hug, and then it began to make a smaller willow tree...

Li Tian and the three who left did not know about it. After finding a safe place, Li Tian immediately began to heal Zhang Qian and King Huntian.

He possessed four great artifacts. Among them, the Shenquan Sword, the Overlord Spear, and the Liyin Xiao were all offensive weapons, and the only good fortune piano could restore a person's injuries.

Taking out the good luck piano, Li Tian immediately began to heal the two of them.

When the notes appeared on the zither and entered the bodies of the two of them, the injuries on the two of them immediately began to recover. The speed of recovery was very fast, and it would not take long to recover. Up.

During this process, Li Tian let Liyinxiao still play. Liyinxiao has a certain effect of restoring human spiritual power, which is also very useful at this time.

After all, he was in a big battle, and his spiritual power was a bit overused. Now he has 90% of his spiritual power left, and he urgently needs to recover.

In the end, after some repairs, the injuries on the three of them were completely recovered, and the loss of spiritual power was completely made up for, Li Tian took Zhang Qian and King Huntian on the way again.

At this moment, I worked so hard to track Li Tian [567 Chinese www.567zw.top], and they just came to the place of the Willow Forest.

Seeing the mess at the scene, countless wicker swaying, he was very puzzled. Here he felt the breath of Li Tian, ​​but it seemed that there was a battle between the three.

But who is on the other side of the battle? Why didn't you see the body of a monster?

He thinks that if it is a monster, then there should be some corpses of a monster, or if it is a monster, there should be a body of a monster, but they have not encountered it, which makes him feel very strange. Up.

In order to find out what happened here, he came to a willow tree. On this willow tree, he saw some blood. He thought it was one of Li Tian's trio, or the blood left from the enemy who was fighting with them. Xiong Batian immediately stretched out his hand to remove this drop of blood, trying to distinguish it.

But just as he was about to do it, some wicker appeared behind him quietly, and attacked him.

Xiong Ba Tianxia, ​​as a master of the sixth heaven in the realm of heaven and humanity, has a very powerful reaction ability. After discovering the strangeness of these willows, he immediately felt that he released a flame attack and went towards these willows.

It can be said that the flame attack is very effective for the wicker. When the flame hits the wicker, the wicker will be burnt in a short time.

But the burning sensation of the flame made the willow crazy. It was the only willow tree that survived. It has become very strong. After absorbing all the bodies of its companions, it can be said to be fighting against Li Tian just now. The ordinary willow trees are essentially different.

When this wicker attacked the Dominant World, it immediately summoned thousands of willows, presenting a large net, and attacked the Dominant World.

Previously, all the willows were executed by many willow trees, so when they attacked, it was very messy. At this time, it alone controls thousands of willows, which is very orderly, and the intensity of the attack is sudden. It will be several times more powerful than before.

The attack of the domineering world can only unilaterally attack one direction, but the attack is everywhere, and this immediately put him into a troublesome situation.

He kept fighting with these wicker attackers, but he also suffered from these wicker attacks, and suffered a lot of injuries. Moreover, the king of willow trees that has evolved continuously has developed some special abilities. .

Its attack comes with a special paralytic effect. After attacking Xiong Ba Tian Xia, some reactions immediately appeared in Xiong Ba Tian Xia's body.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this!"

Xiong Ba Tianxia also discovered the physical discomfort for the first time. He didn't want to be a powerful monk in the sixth heaven of the realm of heaven and human, but he could also be recruited, which made him very angry.

He drove this unfavorable state for the first time, and then attacked the king of the willow tree.


In the end, after half an hour of fighting, the domineering world wiped out the willow king at this moment, and came out of the willow forest in embarrassment.

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