Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10190: in front of

Holding the magic pill, Li Tian immediately came to the front of King Huntian, and then handed the magic pill to King Huntian: "Quickly eat it, which monster is this magic pill, if you eat this magic pill, you The poison can be solved."

"Okay, I'll eat it right now." Great King Huntian didn't doubt he was there, and immediately took the magic pill from Li Tian's hand, and then stuffed it into his mouth.

The entrance of this magic pill felt very sticky, and it felt very disgusting, but after eating it, King Huntian immediately found that his own green blood stopped flowing. Although there would still be bleeding on the wound, it was already very Normal blood is the kind of bright red blood.

"It's normal, it's normal!" Zhang Qian has been paying attention to the changes in King Huntian's body, and immediately yelled happily when she saw this scene. Li Tian also smiled with satisfaction. It seems that this magic pill is really capable of The elixir of detoxification.

Afterwards, he looked at the demon king-level monster, and then said to the two people around him: "The strength of this monster is still good, but this monster is not marked on the map. I want to come to this monster afterwards. Now it seems , The things on the map still cannot be completely believed. After all, some changes may occur due to time."

There is no problem at all. Zhang Qian completely agrees with Li Tian's words. The appearance of the spider this time has confirmed that the map cannot be completely believed.

But if you don't believe the map, then the next road is not easy to follow.

"Then what are we going to do next, is this hole still going in?" Zhang Qian asked.

Li Tian said without even thinking, "Go in, of course we have to go in. We came to this place after a lot of hard work. Now we have all appeared at the door of the treasure house. If we don't go in, how can we? It’s not a shame, don’t you think that if you don’t go in, you will feel very bad?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qian nodded and said: "Of course I know that this is not possible, just ask your opinion."

After all, she made the suggestion to come here to hunt for treasures. At this moment, someone in their small team was injured. She blamed herself very much and thought it was her cause, so she asked this question. If Li Tian If she decides to leave, then for the safety of the people present, she will also agree to leave.

However, Li Tian still has a certain interest in this treasure house, so he said: "My opinion is to go in, I think King Huntian thinks like this, right?"

He could see Zhang Qian’s self-blame, but he didn’t say it directly. Instead, he asked King Huntian. The reason for Zhang Qian’s self-blame was from King Huntian. If King Huntian didn’t mind, Zhang Qian must be too. Don't say anything.

"Sir, it's okay, this time we managed so many things. For me, it is an experience. I want to have such experience. How can I give up this opportunity."

Although King Huntian is small, he is very intelligent. After some hints from Li Tian's eyes, he immediately understood what Zhang Qian meant, so he said to Zhang Qian like this, saying that he would not mind. At the same time, he also said that it was Zhang Qian's credit that gave him this experience.

Such words immediately made Zhang Qian feel embarrassed. She felt self-blame in her heart, but she didn't want King Huntian to say thank you.

"Well, since we have no objections, let's go in, but after going in, in order to prevent any possible accidents, we will adjust our state to the best, so that we have the energy to meet any possible incidents. It's dangerous." Li Tian finally suggested.

Zhang Qian and King Huntian both had no objection and agreed, and then the three of them found a place at the entrance of the cave and began to rest.

As for the other side, it was very hard to dominate the world. After a lot of fighting, he finally rushed out of the lake and came to the shore. Although he had already rushed out, his physical condition was very different at this moment. Okay, the whole person looks very sluggish, as if dying.

In fact, after fighting with flying fish and flying birds, most of the spiritual power in his body has been consumed at this moment, and only a small part of the spiritual power still exists in the body. I am afraid that if you encounter Li Tian at this time Waiting for someone, he has no way to beat Li Tian and others.

"Damn it, how could something like this happen? Don't let me meet those few people. When I meet you, I must torture you to death to smooth the wounds I have received!"

Thinking of what he had encountered along the way, Xiong Ba Tianxia felt a sullen in his heart, uncomfortable if he did not express himself, and he had already found this object, that is, Li Tian and three people, because he came after them. But because of Li Tian's trio, he was exposed to a series of dangers, so this account must be counted on Li Tian and others.

Yes, he attributed all the dangers encountered during this trip to Li Tian, ​​and he even felt that Li Tian discovered that he was following Li Tian, ​​and came to such a place on purpose. Injure him and throw him away.

After all, his strength surpassed the three of Li Tian by too much, and only such an explanation could make it clear. After all, this place is too dangerous. He really could not think of any good reasons for the three of Li Tian. Will come to such a place.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was very possible, and the heart of the domineering world became more angry.

The stick in his hand was instantly squeezed by him, as if it had crushed Li Tian’s head, but he knew that his current state was very poor. If he kills the three of Li Tian in such a state, I’m afraid There will be some accidents, so he found a place and began to adjust his interest rate.

When he adjusted his breath, Li Tian and the three were ready to enter the treasure cave.

"Husband, have you really confirmed that there is nothing in it?"

As soon as she entered the treasure cave, Zhang Qian’s face appeared cautious. When she looked at the entrance of the cave, her eyes were full of worry. She was not afraid of fighting, but she was afraid of encountering the existence of monsters of the level of Spider Demon. After all, such a beast is really ugly. There is no possibility that she wants to encounter such a beast and fight against it.

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