Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10206: beauty

Li Tian didn’t look at the beauty in front of him anymore. He started his hand in an instant, and saw a very terrifying palm out of his hand. After the palm appeared, he immediately directed at the fairy. Up.

This fairy obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, but the skill that Li Tian released was still fighting together, and the result was very obvious.

Li Tian is now a master at the realm of heaven and humanity. The attack released is still very powerful. This person is not Li Tian’s opponent at all. Under Li Tian’s attack, he disappeared directly, and then It turned into a luster, and returned to the lotus leaf again.

Afterwards, the luster on the lotus leaf also disappeared. Looking at the spiritual tool on the lotus leaf, Li Tian immediately peeked out his hand and took the spiritual tool up. Then he came to Zhang Qian’s side and took the spiritual tool. I handed it to Zhang Qian, and said to Zhang Qian: "Wife, take a look at this magic weapon, are you satisfied?"


Zhang Qian was a little angry because Li Tian looked at the fairy, so she puffed her mouth and took the spiritual tool in Li Tian’s hand and checked it, and found that it was only a spiritual tool that can be used by the Congenital Nineth Heaven cultivator. For her now In other words, the added attributes of this spiritual tool were too low to suit her.

Immediately, Zhang Qian waved her hand and said, "This magical weapon does not suit me. It seems that I am mistaken. Let's look for the next one."

Li Tian also felt that the spiritual tool in his hand was not as good as the one he gave Zhang Qian. He didn’t refute this, so he put the spiritual tool in his space ring and waited to return to the sect. All these spiritual tools are rewarded to the people of the sect.

King Huntian didn’t speak or express his opinion during the whole process. He was also very interested in the spiritual tools in these lotus flowers. He was looking for any spiritual tools that moved his heart, but after searching for it. , It seemed that there was nothing to satisfy him, so he didn't speak.

Here, Li Tian once again took Zhang Qian and King Huntian on the road. Various beautiful artifacts appeared in their eyes along the way, but they had already had two experiences. It is to understand which of the spirit implements here is good and which is not good, so even if those who look very bluff, but the lotus with the spirit implements does not look very advanced, they will not take it. .

After flying in the lake for dozens of minutes in this way, a bright luster flickered on the other side of the lake. After this luster appeared, the lake suddenly seemed to be welcoming some birth.

All the lotus flowers are blooming, and there are people on the lotus leaves, or beautiful women, or old people, or strong men, or girls who look cute and lovely...In short All kinds of people appeared in the lake. In a flash, Li Tian, ​​Zhang Qian and King Huntian even felt that there were people everywhere around them, all of them were living people!

"This is really scary. What has appeared, the souls of these spiritual weapons are worthy of these spirits, and they all express such awe to the existence of that place?"

Li Tian, ​​based on the divine weapons such as the Shenquan Sword and the Overlord Spear, already knows roughly what these figures are. They are all spirit weapons, some are powerful, some are weak, and only defeated. , Qi Ling will admit that you are better than it, and then surrender to you.

Whether it was the old man defeated by King Huntian or the very revealing fairy defeated by Li Tian, ​​they all failed under the absolute strength of the two. Therefore, they are very recognized for their strength and hope that both People can take them away, but the spirit tool will choose the master, and the owner will obviously choose the spirit tool. Those two spirit tools are not of enough grade, so they are not worthy of being called the spirit tools of Li Tian and the Great King Huntian.

But at this moment, the place where the gloss appeared in the distance was born, and he had such a great ability to make all the spirits surrender to him.

"King of spirits?!"

Such a word appeared in Li Tian's mind, and felt that such a word echoed the current situation very much, because all the spirits were going to worship in one direction, as if they were paying homage to their king. , And only the title of the king of spirits can match the scene at this moment.

"Should we go there?" Zhang Qian's gossip heart suddenly got up, and wanted to go and take a look, but she was scared alone, so she focused on Li Tian and King Huntian, planning Pull the two people over.

Seeing Zhang Qian's cute look for help, Li Tian couldn't help but hooked Zhang Qian's nose, showing a slight smile, and said to Zhang Qian, "We'll leave when you say you go, showing this expression , Really, would I not go."

"Oh, people just acted like a baby all of a sudden..." Zhang Qian's clever face showed a bit of shyness, and she was very embarrassed when she was said clearly.

"Let's go over."

Li Tian could not see that such a scene would appear, so he immediately called the two people around him and flew towards that place.

Just before reaching the place where the luster appeared, they could already feel a resistance. Although they hadn’t gotten close to that thing and didn’t know what that thing was, a powerful pressure had already stopped them. Can't move forward.

This is a very surprising thing. If only relying on the coercion unconsciously released by oneself can cause such an effect, then how powerful is this spiritual tool?

Li Tian was very surprised. It seemed that when he got the Shenquan Sword, there was no such situation, right?

After all, he is now a strong man in the realm of heaven and humanity, and he can clearly feel this resistance. At the beginning, he was still a stinky boy who didn't understand anything.

"I'm afraid it's a holy artifact!"

Shenquan Sword's tone became rare and solemn, with a tone that he couldn't believe it.

At the same moment, the Overlord Spear in Li Tian's body and the other two artifacts also showed solemn expressions, and said to Li Tian in a very solemn tone: "The holy artifacts only exist in the legend. I don't want to be able to Does it appear."

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