Li Tian is still being detained by the North China Field Army Military District.

However, although the North China Field Army detained Li Tian, ​​the three meals were extremely rich.

Anyway, Li Tian had nothing else to do now, and he didn't have to worry about it, so he just stayed there.

On this day, the room was pushed aside.

I saw two soldiers in military uniforms walking in.

After seeing Li Tian, ​​they respectfully said: "Mr. Li... our brigade commander has a request."

Li Tianyi heard that he was their brigade commander, so he nodded and followed the soldier in front of him out of the room.

After walking out, I saw 67 men with epaulettes on their shoulders standing outside the 39th Army.

The foremost among them was the brigade commander of the 39th Army, Wang Zhen.

Next to him were the political commissar of that week, two regiment leaders, and regiment staff.

After seeing Li Tian, ​​they all had strange gazes in their eyes.

"This is the kid who saved our brigade commander?"

"um, yes."

"He? Is he so good?"

" really not clear."


There came the voice of the soldiers talking slightly. Because the voice was relatively small, Li Tian did not hear it.

"Report to the brigade commander, Mr. Li has brought it." I only listened to the soldiers standing right there.

Wang Zhenchong, the soldier under his hand, waved his hand slightly and fixed his eyes on Li Tian's face.

The resolute eyes stared at Li Tian unblinkingly.

As for Li Tian, ​​he saw Wang Zhen for the first time since the accident that day.

"How is it? How about living well?" This was the first sentence that Wang Zhen said when he came up.

Li Tian smiled faintly: "It's good."

"I heard that your name is Li Tian, ​​isn't it?" Wang Zhen asked again.

"Yeah." Li Tian replied.

"Thank you, thank you for saving my life last time." Wang Zhen suddenly blocked his subordinates and thanked Li Tian.

Li Tian smiled slightly and said lightly: "You are welcome."

"I, Wang Zhen, have never owed anyone else in my life, but I owe you a life today...If you want to, I, Wang Zhen, will definitely give it back to you." Just listen to Wang Zhen's domineering words.

Li Tian felt that Wang Zhen was a bit too stubborn, and smiled awkwardly.

"Although I owe you my life, I will continue to do what I should do!"

"I am a soldier, I hope you can understand." Wang Zhen continued.

Li Tian nodded.

"Now I'm going to ask you... Who are those gangsters? What is their relationship with you? I hope you can tell me everything from one to five to ten." Wang Zhen only asked in a serious tone.

Li Tian had learned in the past two days that their military had imposed martial law on Binjiang City, and also knew that brigade commander Wang Zhen was really angry and vowed to arrest the people at the gate of hell.

So this meeting can only say: "I and those people are enemies."

"The enemy?" Wang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and he seemed a little puzzled.

"Yes, they are my enemies, so they will catch me." Li Tiandao.

Wang Zhen naturally knew what was left.

Hearing what Li Tian said, Wang Zhen said, "Then can you tell me who these people are? Why are they here?"


"I guess you haven't heard of their names... They belong to a terrorist organization called Hell Gate." Li Tian told the truth.


The gate of hell?

When Li Tian said the three words of the mysterious organization of the Hell Gate, the officers behind Wang Zhen showed weird looks on their faces.

"The gate of hell?" Wang Zhen repeated silently.

"Why have I never heard of such an organization in society?" Wang Zhen said.

Li Tian smiled: "It is normal to have never heard of it. It is because of this terrifying organization that few people know about it."

"But the people in this organization are indeed extremely powerful, they are all top-notch masters."

"People like the people you dealt with the day before yesterday are the masters in the gate of hell." Li Tiandao.

The gate of hell? The gate of hell?

The officers behind Wang Zhen were all talking silently there. Of course, people in their army had never heard of such an organization in society. It was the first time I heard Li Tian mentioned this gate of **** at this moment, so now Shock is also normal.

"I don't care how many masters there are in this organization... and no matter how powerful they are, I only know that they killed my soldiers, and I will pay for them with their lives." Wang Zhen suddenly said with blood red eyes.

"Now I just want to ask you, how can I find these thieves?" Wang Zhen looked at Li Tian and asked.

Li Tian thought for a while and said, "If I'm right, the people at the gate of **** are still in Binjiang City... and they are definitely hidden."

"It is not easy to find them in a while." Li Tiandao.

Of course Wang Zhen understands this. Binjiang City is so big...Although they have a lot of people in their army, they seem to be insignificant in the huge Binjiang City.

In the vast crowd, searching for the gang of thieves like this is probably not an easy task.

"Then what to do?"

"The only way now, I'm afraid I have to wait..." Li Tiandao.

Hearing the word "wait" from Li Tian's mouth, Wang Zhen in front of him and the officers around him were slightly puzzled.

"Wait? What do you mean?" Wang Zhen asked.

Just listen to Li Tiandao: "I mean waiting for them to come by themselves."

"How is it possible? How could they be so stupid that they came to die?" Wang Zhen expressed deep doubts about Li Tian's words.

But Li Tian said: "They will come, you believe me."

"Why? Why are you so sure?" Wang Zhen really didn't understand Li Tian's meaning.

"Because of me." Li Tian said suddenly.


When Li Tian said it was because of himself, Wang Zhen in front of him and the officers behind were even more puzzled.

"Yes, because of me."

"They will definitely come to me again... and I'm staying in your military district now... so they will definitely come here." Li Tian said vowedly.

When they heard that it was because of Li Tian, ​​the soldiers all looked at Li Tian in doubt.

Even at this moment, Wang Zhen looked at Li Tian curiously.

"Why are you so sure that they will come to you? What if they don't come?" Just listen to Wang Zhendao in front of you.

Li Tiandao: "Because of hatred!"

"Because they and I share an unshakable hatred, so they will come... they will come to kill me."

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