Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10267: strength

But their most powerful one is only close to the strength of the Demon King. When Li Tian was a monk in the Nine Heavens Realm, he could join hands with people to deal with the Demon King's existence. At this moment, he has reached He was in the realm of heaven and human, and the one he encountered was still a demon who was not in the realm of the demon king, so without using the power of blowing dust, Li Tian easily annihilated the demon.

As for the remaining demons, the strength is not to mention, they are all very weak. Under Li Tian’s strong combat power and the Skeleton King’s strong combat power, there is no resistance at all. , They were all killed.

After removing the demons from the entire canyon, Li Tian took the Skeleton King to the crack in the canyon.

The place where the crack appeared was where the demons appeared from the demon world, so it was very necessary for him to investigate where the crack appeared, what kind of ghost was it, was it man-made, or was it naturally broken.

On this continent, there are many naturally broken cracks. Once these cracks are discovered by the demons, the demons can use this broken space to reach the human world, and then cannibalize humans, the same. , If a human finds a broken crack in the space, he can also reach the demon world based on this broken crack. It is just that the demon people are cruel, and humans without certain strength basically have no guts to enter the demon world, so often What can be seen is that the demons invaded the human world, not the humans invaded the world of the demons.

At this moment, Li Tian thinks it is unlikely to be a natural crack, because if it is a natural crack, there will be some danger. If such a large-scale demons invade through this crack, there must be a very large The birth of the demons is very difficult. Any demons who grow to a certain level are a power in the demon world. If they die, then it is a loss, so through the natural broken space cracks There will be great losses when entering the human world.

But there is another non-destructive way to enter the human world, that is, the demons themselves research a method to break the space barrier. Of course, this place must have very weak space barriers, so the power needed to break the space It's much smaller, and the broken space like this is relatively safer. If you do some reinforcement in the future, then the broken space barrier can completely provide passage.

This is also the most probable reason why Li Tian thinks there are so many demons.

Soon, they found the space channel. This is a dark blue space channel. Nothing can be seen on the other side of the channel, but here is a flashing light pattern that looks like it is There is a layer of membrane, and it is obvious that some reinforcements have been made around this space channel. This is an artificial space channel!

"It's weird, when did these guys find out that I was here? They were able to make such a good space channel, and they have sent so many people over. I'm afraid they can come out with such methods. It's not a special person!" Li Tian sighed.

Then he looked at this space channel, he was hesitating whether to go in and see. After all, he still didn't understand what was going on on the other side, but Li Tian thought about it, but he still didn't dare to go in. The base camp of the demons, and at this moment so many demons have entered the human world through this space channel, and the other side must be guarded by the demons, as long as he enters through the passage established by the demons , The other half may have a very big ode demons waiting for him.

"It seems that entering is impossible, so is there a way to ruin this spatial passage?"

Li Tian muttered to himself, it is not so simple to destroy the space channel. After all, if the space channel collapses, then this space will be shattered. At this moment, the distance between Shenyin Gate and this canyon It is very close. Once the method of destroying this space is not good, what huge consequences will be caused, then the Shenyin Gate will be greatly affected. Li Tian still understands this, so it cannot be destroyed easily. Went to this space channel.

After thinking about it, Li Tian didn't have any good solutions, but at this time, the [笔趣阁5200www.bqg5200.xyz] Overlord Gun and other artifacts in his body were all talking.

They have lived for tens of thousands of years. Old antiques still know some good methods. Among them, the Overlord Spear, the Shenquan Sword, and the Liyin Xiao have provided several methods. These methods are very feasible, Li Tian After stopping, I immediately became happy.

Then, he wrote down all the materials needed to destroy this space channel, and hurried to the Shenyin Gate.

In the treasure vault inside Shenyinmen, there are many good things he didn’t take away. Nowadays, most of the things he needs are found in the treasure house of Shenyinmen, so Li Tian immediately Passed.

Skeleton King also left with Li Tian.

After the two of them had just left a small amount of effort, the azure space channel flickered, and then a demon with wings on his back came out. After he came out, his brow wrinkled, because Li The corpses were all burned when the sky was gone, so it was impossible to see what was happening here, and there was no way to see the corpses of the dead demons.

"What's the matter? How does this king of hundred feet handle things? The space channel is so important that no one was sent to guard it. Fortunately, I came to check his battle results in advance and discovered this. Otherwise, if Let the humans see and destroy this space channel, I am afraid that the King of Hundred Feet and his subordinates will die in the human world. What a fool, there is no way to do such a thing!"

"When I go back, I must report it to Princess Lucy!"

When speaking, he wanted to see where the King of Hundreds of Foot had defeated. After all, he was still more worried. If the King of Hundreds of Foot had completed the war against Shenyinmen, then he and his men would have nothing to do next. For the things he did, the credit would be counted on the King of Hundreds of Foot. Such a good thing would not be given to the King of Hundreds.

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