Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1025: Grandpa!

"And your...your parents...who are they?" Mu Yunlong finally asked.

With extreme horror in those resolute eyes, he looked at Li Tian in front of him.

When Li Tian saw his "pro-grandpa" look, he knew that he had basically guessed it... so he smiled bitterly and said, "My name is Li and my name is Tian!"

"My father is an evil god... my mother is named Mu Wanqiu."



The air seemed to freeze suddenly at this moment.

Quiet, in the dead silence.

Mu Yunlong's resolute eyes were trembling...

For so many years, more than 20 years, he missed the name "Wanqiu" almost all the time, but now he said it out of his mouth.

Mu Yunlong's steel body shuddered at the moment when he heard Li Tian say this... almost as if he fell down.

Looking at Li Tian in front of him with those eyes that were extremely horrified.

Really? Is all this true?

He is... he is... his grandson? Grandson?

Is he Wanqiu's child?


Mu Yunlong was a little afraid to accept the facts before him, he was just completely stunned in astonishment.

"You...you...you..." He was speechless after saying three words of you in a row.

Li Tian looked at the old man with white hair on the temples and at his own grandfather, his eyes slowly reddening at this moment.

After all, this was the first relative he saw since the beginning of his memory. After all, this was the first relative by blood he had seen since he had lived so long.

"Grandpa..." Two unfamiliar and trembling words finally came out of Li Tian's mouth.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Mu Yunlong in front of him.

And Mu Yunlong? When he heard the words Grandpa, his tall and burly body trembled deeply and violently, and his steady, rock-like footsteps suddenly took a step back...

Does he dare to accept this title?

Is this his grandson?

But seeing Mu Yunlong muttered: "You...your...named Li Tian?"

"You... are you really... really... Wanqiu's child?"

Li Tian listened to Mu Yunlong's words, and said with tears: "Well! I am... I am..."

"Oh my God!"

Mu Yunlong's tall and burly body suddenly stopped and took a few large steps back, and the twin dragon's eyes suddenly became slightly red.

How could he think of meeting his grandson under such an opportunity? See your grandson?


When Mu Yunlong heard Li Tian in front of him calling out to himself again, he suddenly started to back away...The reddish eyes trembled violently... Then he did something that no one had expected. As he acted, he suddenly turned his head and opened the door in front of him, his tall body rushing toward the outside.

Does he dare not accept this fact? Still what happened?

Who knows what Mu Yunlong is thinking about in his heart?

What about Li Tian? He recognized his pro-grandfather, but when he did not accept it, a sense of loss that had never happened before rose from his heart. He stood there, motionless, and then slowly reached out and wiped it away. The tears on my cheek...


"Commander in Chief..."

When Mu Yunlong suddenly opened the door and ran out like crazy, the officers at the door were all stunned.

Then he hurried after it worriedly.

"Don't chase me... leave me alone!" Mu Yunlong's trembling voice came from the front.

With the sound of the voice, the division commanders, brigade commanders and chiefs of staff who were worried about Mu Yunlong were all stunned.

"What happened to the commander?" the commander of the 55th Division asked with an extremely ugly expression.

"I don't know either." The teacher of the 28th Division rubbed his hands, looking confused.

All the officers and men of the 39th Army in front of them were all in a daze.

"Wang Zhen, stand up for me." A sudden roar came out of the 55th Division's commander's mouth.

After he exited, Wang Zhen quickly stood at attention.

"Wang Zhen, tell me clearly... Who is the detainee in this room? Why did the commander-in-chief suddenly become like that after meeting the kid?" The commander of the 55th Division looked like he wanted to kill. Wang Zhen glared at him and roared.

Wang Zhen was also depressed for a while, how did he know what happened to this commander-in-chief?

He also stood there depressed, his mouth wobbly not knowing how to answer.

The commander of the 55th Division roared: "Wang Zhen, you will listen to me... If something goes wrong with the commander-in-chief because of the person you are detaining, I will be the first to shoot you.

Listening to the 55th Division's teacher cursing, Wang Zhen's face was green and white.

The commander of the 28th Division said at the moment: "Old Liu, don't scold him..."

"Let's go and see the commander first."

The commander of the 55th Division, known as Lao Liu, gave Wang Zhen a fierce look, and then quickly flicked his sleeves and led his men to chase in the direction where the commander ran away.

Brigadier Wang Zhen, who was confused in front of him, and all the officers of the 39th Army behind him.

"What's the matter? Brigade commander?" An officer standing behind Wang Zhen suddenly asked in a low voice.

Wang Zhen was already full of fire. Hearing this question from his subordinates, he shouted, "How the **** do I know?"

Yes, how would he know?

Today’s Wang Zhen was unlucky enough. First he was scolded by the commander-in-chief, and then scolded by the teacher. Now he is full of fire and depressed.

The subordinate was so frightened by Wang Zhen's roar that he did not dare to speak, and quickly closed his mouth.

Political commissar Zhou said, "Brigadier Commander, let's go in and ask that kid to see what happened..."

Wang Zhen turned his head, Sen Leng glanced at the room where Li Tian was being held before him, then quickly nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then he quickly opened the door and walked towards Li Tian's room with the political commissar Zhou behind him.

After entering, I saw Li Tian.

But seeing Li Tian staying there stupefied, with a desperate look on his face, as if stupid.

After entering, Wang Zhen was completely speechless when he saw that Li Tian's expression was exactly the same as that of the Commander-in-Chief who had just rushed out.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"What did our commander-in-chief tell you just now? What happened?" Wang Zhen asked all the questions from his mouth.

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