Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10365: Dispatch

When he said a word, St. Martin was completely surprised. Even when the three senior priests of their elves were dispatched, they couldn't see the condition of Li's body, so the little girl's body was a bit different. Mystery?

At this time, I have to say that Saint Martin was also interested in Li's body, and suddenly felt that Li's body might be hiding a huge secret.

But it’s already too late at this moment. If he went to test Li’s body just now, maybe it’s still possible to take a look at Li’s body, but at this moment, Li has already recovered. Circumstances, then it can only annoy Li Tian and a few people, so this kind of thing is just thinking about it.

And just as St. Martin, the patriarch of the Elf tribe, brought people to discuss the situation of Li's body, the Elf tribe arranged for Li Tian and others in the room.

Looking at the awakening Li, King Huntian really shook his head in sorrow. He didn't expect that it took so much time for Li to wake up. It is really too difficult, this At that moment, he couldn't help but remember the things they experienced during Li's coma.

Zhang Qian was very happy. She came to Li's side, held Li, and said very happily: "You finally woke up, how do you feel about your body now, do you have any special feelings?"

Asked a word, Li could not help but check her body with a little bit of doubt, then smiled and responded to Zhang Qian: "It's okay, Madam, my body is very good, don't worry about it."

Although I don’t know what happened after she was in a coma, she can understand from Zhang Qian’s expression at the moment. After she was in a coma, a lot of things must have happened, otherwise, it would not appear. Such a situation.

Then, she asked Li Tian curiously: "Master, who are those people just now? Why are they so strange?"

Although the appearance of the elves is 90% similar to that of the humans, in fact, there is still a big difference in appearance. Only this point makes Li curious. After all, such a race, her previous At that time, I had never seen it before, so I was quite curious.

Hearing Li's inquiry, Li Tian told Li about their current situation: "We are no longer in the Eastern Region, but have come to Central Continent. The reason for coming here is to find someone who can heal your injury. People, now you have found someone who can treat your body by mistake."

"They are from the Elf race. The person who spoke just now is Saint Martin, the patriarch of the Elf race. Others are the elders and senior priests of the Elf race. By the way, the senior priest will treat you. People, they are very skilled in medical skills among the Elves. When you wait for the meeting, you have to thank them all at once, because they have cured your injury." Li Tianxiangli asked.

Li is a little girl who knows nothing about world affairs. She doesn't understand everything. Since Li Tian lives with Li, he has a duty to teach Li everything, so he is teaching Li the principles of life.

After hearing what Li Tian said, Li took it down very seriously, and then said to Li Tian: "Good master, I will thank them when we wait for the meeting."

Just now, because it was the first time I saw people from the elves, she was still in a state of being trapped. She didn’t know what kind of race it was, or who those people were. In front of strangers, she has always been very quiet and never speaks actively. Only when Li Tian teaches her something and asks her to speak, she will speak.


Li Tian was very satisfied with Li's current state, so he nodded, and then thought that when Saint Martin and the others came over, there seemed to be something to say to him. After thinking about it, he talked to Huntian around him. The king said: "Go to the door and inform the maid of the Elf race, and ask her to ask the Elf patriarch Saint Martin if there is anything to discuss with us. If there is something to talk about, I hope he can set a time as soon as possible. Let’s talk about it. Now that Li has woken up, we don’t need to stay with this elven clan. I think we will leave tomorrow."

Central Continent is the place where King Huntian has always wanted to experience. Now that he is trapped in the elves, it is indeed not the scene that King Huntian wants to see. Hearing Li Tian said this, he was very happy, and immediately He responded and left quickly. When he came back again, he told Li Tian that he had already talked to the maid of the elven race.

"Okay, then let's wait. I think the head of the elves will definitely express his purpose." Li Tian said.

Zhang Qian and King Huntian both nodded, knowing that what Li Tian said was true and not false. When the meeting was held, the patriarch of the elf clan would arrange for someone to come over and waited.

During this process, they chatted with Li and talked about what had happened these days.

Through their mouths, Li also thoroughly understood some of the things that had happened after she was in a coma. She couldn't help but became embarrassed and said apologetically to Li Tian; "Sorry, Lord Master, I don’t know about these coma. I’m really sorry for causing you such a big trouble over the years."

When she spoke, Li appeared very humble. In her memory, Li Tian was the only person who treated her kindly. She didn’t want to lose Li Tian’s care and love, so she paid special attention to Li Tian’s attitude. She was really very afraid that Li Tian would abandon her because of her illness.

To be honest, she herself did not understand her illness. When she was in a coma, she just felt weak for a while, and then passed out. If it were not for Li Tian and others to tell her, she really didn’t know. She had been in a coma for so long, she seemed to have had such a problem all the time.

When meeting Li Tian for the first time, she just ended from being in a coma, and then she saw Li Tian. She didn’t tell Li Tian about the situation at the time. If she told Li Tian, ​​only I'm afraid Li Tian won't want her anymore.

So at this moment, when she knew that she had passed out in a coma again, she was really a little worried, worried that Li Tian didn't need her anymore and sent her out.

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