Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10396: invite

Fortunately, the aftermath of the battle was resisted by the other monster guests who were invited by the elves. These people who can be invited by the elves are very powerful. Just resisting the aftermath of the battle is not a problem. , So the place where they sit is very safe.

Tomorrow, a few people will be obscured by these people, so they are not in danger.

Just when the two sides were fighting, several special people came to the scene. The head of them was a woman. This woman was covered with a veil and could not see the specific appearance, but she could tell from her figure. The figure of the person is very good, and the face under the veil is definitely not much different. Beside him are several people with very powerful realms. Just standing there exudes a powerful aura. And the other person is also very eye-catching, he is the leader of the Elf group.

Seeing that the three elders of the elves were already fighting the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce’s money string, he couldn’t help but look at the veiled woman next to him, and said to the veiled woman: "President, look now What should I do in this situation? Do I need to intervene?"

If he intervened, the battle would be much easier. Even with the help of the first elder, the second elder, and the fourth elder, Hai Boqing, the battle could be ended soon, but the money string belongs to the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce after all. People, how the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is going to solve the money string, he still doesn't know, and he doesn't dare to offend the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, it still asks the veiled woman next to him, as long as he gets the approval of this woman, he dares to do it.

After all, the future Jing [新笔趣阁www.biqule.vip] Spirit Race is in the hands of this woman, he still dare not care.

Hearing the question from the leader of the elves, the veiled woman only glanced at the leader of the elves, and she didn’t speak for a while, then she moved her gaze to a farther place where Li Tianhuan sat. There are Zhang Qian and Huntian Great King He Li. Looking at the group of four people, he has already received information about these four people from Zhang Danian. Of course, he understands who they are and what their relationship is with him.

There were a few teardrops in his eyes. He hadn't seen his daughter for a long time. Seeing her at this moment, the tenderness in his heart suddenly couldn't help.

The corners of her mouth opened slightly, and the veiled woman yelled softly: "Daughter."

This life is very light, more like dreaming, but Zhang Qian seems to feel something. She was sitting there chatting with Li Tian, ​​and suddenly she turned her gaze to the veiled woman. Zi Zhang Qian stopped.

When he left Zhongzhou, he was very young. It can be said that after so many years of absence, the changes are very big. This veiled woman can't recognize her, which is very forgivable, but When Zhang Qian left, his mother's face was already set. Once the monk was set, as long as his realm continued to grow, his appearance would basically not change, so Zhang Qian recognized his mother. When he saw this familiar face that had always appeared in his dream, his tears flowed down.


Zhang Qian yelled loudly, and yelled at the woman with a familiar face in the distance. Even though the woman was covered with a veil, she had appeared countless times in his sleep. He remembered that face and remembered That figure, remembering the familiar taste, yelled, he abruptly stood up from where he had been sitting, and quickly ran towards the veiled woman in the distance, throwing into his mother's arms.


Venerable Emperor Butterfly's body trembled. How long she had been looking forward to this sound, but the daughter had been in the Eastern Region, staying with his father, and could not come to him. He could only dream countless times. Dreaming about these two words, dreaming that one day his daughter would come to him and call out these two words. At this moment, when the scene in the dream happened, he could no longer help his inner excitement and wept with joy. Opened his hands and looked at the delicate figure that suddenly ran over, he shouted: "Daughter."


Zhang Qian threw himself into the arms of Venerable Emperor Butterfly, and screamed out these two words tremblingly. Her tears wetted Venerable Emperor Butterfly’s clothes. Even though it was a very unusual piece of clothing, it was still wet. , Li Tian in the distance saw this scene and took a deep breath, knowing that it was his old mother-in-law who came, hesitated for a moment, he didn't go over yet.

I understand that this is a reunion that the mother and daughter finally got. It is obviously very irrational to disturb the mother and daughter in the past at this time.

After Venerable Emperor Butterfly appeared, the powerful people who were invited by the elves at the scene all cast their eyes on Venerable Emperor Butterfly. After all, this is the vice president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, the legendary powerful woman. , Defeated the entire God of War in the Central Region with just one move, and captured the heart of the God of War in the Central Region.

That’s right, this so-called Zhongyu God of War is Zhang Danian, Zhang Qian’s father. When he was fighting with Zhang Qian’s mother, he appeared careless because of the beauty of Zhang Qian’s mother. Zhang Qian’s mother, also known as the Yellow Disc Sect.

However, Zhang Danian did not explain the specific reason for his scum. He only said that he lost to Zhang Qian’s mother because of one move. After hearing this news, outsiders made some speculations, so there was a version like Zhang Da. Lost to Zhang Qian's mother in one move in Nian.

And at this moment, when someone saw Zhang Qian’s mother coming, he immediately panicked in his heart. He is Qian Chuanzi. As the person in charge of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce here, he has done a lot of wrong things for so many years. Zhang Qian’s mother is an upright person who dared to violate the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce’s rules and will never tolerate it. He understands that what is waiting for him must be severe torture, or even the death penalty. Only by fleeing can he get a life. Opportunity, if you don't run, then there is only one way left for him, and that is death.

No one wants to die, even if he has lived for hundreds of years, for thousands of years, he is an old monster, he still wants to live, so he made a decision, that is to run, run immediately, run non-stop, one second Zhong couldn't run away.

"Vice President, do you want me to deal with him?"

Li Tian was the first person to see Qian Chuanzi about to escape, but when Li Tian was about to speak, Zhang Qian's mother, who was also a strong man next to the Huang Die Zong, immediately locked Qian Chuanzi's figure. , She asked Zhang Qian's mother and asked for instructions.

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