Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10853: Continuous

After Li Tian finished his praise, the battle between the two men continued. It was obvious that although the general of the monkey clan was evading, when he evaded, it was very The troublesome k.


  According to everyone's guess, the chasing party must be more tired. After all, the people on this party have to pay more energy when attacking.


   But what made everyone expect that the mistake was that even in the pursuit, King Hongda had the absolute top spot, because the strength of King Hongda was much stronger than the general of the monkey family.


Before   , perhaps because of careless reasons, I didn't get a certain upper point in the battle with the general of the monkey clan.


But at this moment, after King Hongda reacted, he didn't give the monkey general of the monkey clan a chance. He immediately chased the monkey general of the monkey clan to chase after him, deciding to do so in the shortest possible time. The battle was completely resolved.


Seeing such a scene, those spectators who originally thought that the monkey general of the monkey clan had chosen the right way of fighting, all sighed involuntarily, and one of them said: "It seems that it still doesn't work. The strength gap is too great, otherwise, such a result would not be possible."


His words can be said to be very pertinent. After he finished speaking, the rest of the people immediately agreed: "Yes, when the general of the monkey clan starts, the combat effectiveness can be clearly seen. Come out, it’s not as good as the Hongda King. The reason why he has been fighting with the Hongda King for so long, I think, is because the Hongda King released the water."


Although the two of them are fighting for the final position, there is no such thing as the release of water, but there is really a big difference between the performance of HTC King at the beginning and the current performance, so everyone feels that , There must be some special deal between the two of them, which led to such a move by King Hongda.


   It's just that the king of Hongda is the conscience of heaven and earth, and he didn't make any move to release water, but because he was really careless at the time.


   But if such a reason is said, it would be too shameful.


   After all, I almost lost this game to the effect. This is not something that an average person can do. If he tells the specific reason, then I am afraid that everyone will be scolded as an idiot.


After    you chased me, this linghou general of the linghou family finally could not withstand the pursuit of King Hongda.


After all, although King Hongda seems to be a big man, when he moves, his speed is not weak. This leads to the fact that when King Hongda is chasing him, he has to use his full strength, otherwise he cannot resist. The HTC King’s attacked.


In the end, the general of the monkey clan moved at a slower speed, and the king Hongda naturally showed no signs of slowing down. Seeing that, the king would catch up with the monkeys of the monkey clan. General.


   "No way, if this continues, I will definitely lose. If it doesn't work, I will fight back!"


After the monkey general of the monkey clan secretly cares about it, he feels that his state at this moment is really very bad. If he fights in such a state, then the person who fails in the end must be It's his. So when he said this, he immediately took action, turned around and took his spirit stick, and launched an attack on King Hongda.


   As soon as he was holding the spirit stick, his body shape began to change. The moves he used were all very powerful, and the powerful luster that came out directly enveloped King Hongda.


   But when the King Hongda faced this attack, he was very calm. In fact, to be honest, he had predicted that the general of the monkey clan would make a counter-attack when he could not escape.


   After all, this was the last chance for the general of the monkey clan, but unfortunately, since he had expected it at this moment, he could naturally resist this person's attack.


Therefore, when the Monkey General of the Monkey Clan attacked King Hongda, he directly avoided this attack on one side of his figure, and then followed up with a punch and hit it directly. The monkey general of the monkey clan has one side of his body.


   The monkey general of the monkey family felt painful for a while, and when he dodged and avoided a safe distance, he gasped for breath.


   At this moment, his body is very painful, and he feels that his entire chest is no longer his own. Just now, King Hongda’s punch hit his chest.


   quickly replied. Seeing King Hongda attacked again, this monkey general of the monkey clan immediately controlled the magic stick in his hand and hit the King Hongda.


   It's just that he is already in an injured state, so when the attack came out this time, it was very weak, almost in an instant, he was completely hit.


   Great King Hongda’s fist was so big that when it hit his chest, he couldn't even breathe.


   Immediately afterwards, King Hongda followed up again with a few punches, and hit the monkey general of the monkey clan one after another, leaving the monkey general of the monkey clan without the slightest ability to fight back.


Those people under the ring, after seeing this general of the Monkey family were targeted by such a target, they all sighed in their hearts, knowing that the person who lost this time was the Monkey of the Monkey family. General.


   These sighing people belong to the monkey family. After all, their own monkey general was defeated, so naturally in my heart it feels like not.


   On the other hand, the people of the Niu Demon tribe were very happy to see such a scene.


   Just before, they had been reminded. After the result of the battle appeared, they must not make a noise, and they must not start to cheer because the generals of their own clan won.


   So at this moment, although they saw such a situation, they didn't say anything, just watching the battle on the spot.


   Soon, this linghou general of the linghou clan was finally unable to resist, and was smashed out of the ring by King Hongda with a punch. . .

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