Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1113: Reunion

I must have seen the news in the newspaper, so I found it.

Li Tian, ​​thinking like this in his heart, ran toward the 39th Army Command as if flying.

But after seeing him run to the 39th Army Command Headquarters, he quickly shouted, "Where is the man?"

"Where is she?"

As he gasped and asked, he saw a figure slowly appearing in his eyes in the front place.

Then her beautiful body trembled at that moment...

Slowly turning around the tired body...I saw him.

"Li Tian..." Two words tremblingly came out of her mouth.

There is endless excitement and endless love in the voice.

What about Li Tian? I also saw his favorite woman, Situ Ningbing.

He thought he was dreaming, but reality told him that all of this was not a dream, but a real thing, really real.


"It's really you... my God, you really came."

"You came……"

Looking at Situ Ningbing, who was full of exhaustion at this moment, at her haggard and thin pretty face, and at the dirty stains on her delicate hands, Li Tian suddenly ran over in distress.

"Ningbing!" With a cry of true love, he then hugged Situ Ningbing tightly in his arms.

And Situ Ningbing? At this moment, his strong body finally softened, lying in his arms, holding his back with two hands, holding, holding...

"Ningbing, I miss you... I finally saw you..." Li Tian said, holding Situ Ningbing's trembling body tightly.

Situ Ningbing also hugged him tightly, beautiful tears slowly streaming out from her eye sockets, but those tears seemed to be happy, excited tears.

"I also miss you...every day...I don't want to all the time!" Situ Ningbing said with a trembling voice.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm not good... I've caused you to suffer." Li Tian said in a self-blaming way.

Especially when she saw that she, who she loved the most, was now so haggard, and her body looked so weak, Li Tian was even more heartbroken.

Situ Ningbing shook his head in Li Tian's arms and said: "No...I am not suffering! As long as I can find you, as long as I can see you... Even if it makes me die, I am willing."

"Silly girl." Li Tian cried distressedly.

"Ningbing, I swear that Li Tian will never let you leave me again... I will not leave one step."

"If you leave, my heart will be gone...my heart will die."

Situ Ningbing said with tears of happiness: "Yeah! Well, I promise you... we won't be separated forever."

Two people, two loving hearts, finally truly merged together at this moment.

At this moment, they are so happy, so happy,

After Wang Zhen hurried back, he saw the moment they were embracing each other. Wang Zhen looked at Li Tian and hugged the beauty with a smile, and then stepped back again without disturbing them.

Looking at her favorite in front of him, and reaching out to gently touch her haggard face, Li Tiantian's heart was full of distressed expressions.

"Ning Bing, you have lost weight... you have lost a lot." Li Tian said distressedly, touching her beautiful face.

But Situ Ningbing shook his head slightly: "I'm fine."

"As long as I can see you, it's better than anything."

"Fool." Li Tian said, looking at her there.

"Where have you been for so many days?" Li Tian continued to look at her and asked.

I saw Situ Ningbing snuggling in Li Tian's arms at this moment, saying: "I will look for you... I will look for you, I will always look for you."

"Do you know? I'm afraid, I'm afraid that people from the gate of **** will kill you... I'm afraid they will harm you!" Situ Ningbing said as she shed tears.

"Fool, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made you tired." Listening to Situ Ningbing's words, Li Tian hugged her into his arms again.

Situ Ningbing shook his head there and said, "No, I'm not tired."

"How about you?"

"Why did you get into this army? And those who arrested you at the gate of hell? How did you escape?" Situ Ningbing asked Li Tian in front of him.

She has always worried about Li Tian. She has no idea about all the things that happened to Li Tian recently. At this moment, after seeing Li Tian in front of her, she certainly wanted to ask what happened so many days.

I saw Li Tian smiling and saying, "Okay, I will tell you the latest things little by little."

So Li Tian held Situ Ningbing's delicate body tightly in his arms, and then told Ningbing in front of him about all his recent experiences.

Listening to Li Tian telling him what happened to him recently, Situ Ningbing seemed to be immersed in Li Tian's deeds.

Not only was he worried about his behavior at the time, but at the same time, he was very fortunate that Li Tian was able to turn the danger to the bane every time.

After listening, Situ Ningbing put a pair of slender hands around Li Tian's neck and said, "Li Tian, ​​promise me that I won't be allowed to make myself so dangerous in the future, or I'm worried, okay?"

Listening to what his lover said, Li Tian was sincerely happy. He nodded deeply and hugged his favorite man tightly.


"Miss Situ is here?"

"She found here?" In the brothers' room, but I heard Tang Xiaolong say with his eyes wide open.

Chen Qiaozhi and Old Monster Ge beside him were also staring wide, all with a look of surprise.

"of course it's true."

"Your little boss is now with that beautiful woman." Wang Zhen said to Li Tian's brothers with a smile there.

Tang Xiaolong became excited when they heard it.

"Go, let's go and have a look."

Speaking of words, Tang Xiaolong ran like a rabbit, and ran to the barracks where Li Tian was staying. Old Monster Ge, Chen Qiaozhi and A Qiu all followed.

"Little boss..."

"Brother Heaven..."

Before anyone arrived, Tang Xiaolong's thick voice came first.

After his loud voice came in, then he saw the figure of the servant suddenly jump in.

At this moment, Li Tianzheng was holding his favorite Situ Ningbing tightly in his arms. When he saw the brothers coming, he was slightly surprised, but his hands did not separate and hugged her small waist.

But what about Situ Ningbing? After all, a little embarrassed, sitting in Li Tian's arms, his body twisted, and his pretty face turned slightly red.

"Miss Situ..."

"Wow, it's really Miss Situ here." After Tang Xiaolong ran in, he saw Situ Ningbing in front of him screaming in surprise, his voice revealed excitement and joy.

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