Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1160: Alive

The wind continues to blow.

The sand was slapping their bodies in the same way.

I don't know how long this violent sandstorm lasted, and finally began to slowly dissipate.

The wind gradually stopped, and the flying sand began to fall to the ground.

The endless desert returned to calm again.

And does Li Tian still have brothers?

At a glance... they seem to have disappeared, as if they were submerged by the huge sand.


Indeed, Li Tian and his brothers were not seen in the endless desert.

I was in doubt, but suddenly I saw the sand pile over there, and suddenly shouted, and then saw a figure suddenly burst out of the sand pile...

The body rushed to a distance of two meters, and then fell to the sand with a plop.

He is not someone else, it is the Duguxie

He turned out to leap out from under the sand! ! !

After Duguxie broke out of the sand all at once, his face, hair, and clothes were covered with sand.

At the same time, he was still breathing heavily.

But he didn't care so much, but suddenly ran towards the sandy place that had just jumped out.

"Young Master...Ghost Servant..."

Brothers and Li Tian were also submerged in the sand?


Yesterday’s sandstorm was too big, and the violent sandstorm had completely covered their bodies. The Duguxie just used all the energy of his body, and then broke through the sand. After this, he was shocked quickly. Call your brothers.

Just when his voice yelled out, boom, boom...

There were two more explosions, and then two figures were seen breaking out of the deep sand.

Opteron, and the ghost servant.

After the two of them rushed out of the sand, they also fell on the surface of the sand. After breathing for a while, it was considered stable.

When Du Guxie saw that the ghost servant and the Opteron came out of the sand, not only was he more worried about Li Tian, ​​but also Tang Xiaolong and Na Aqiu.

"Where are the young masters and the dragons?"

"Still in the sand!"

"Quickly get them out."

You must know that they were almost suffocated to death under the sand pile just now. Fortunately, they were so powerful that they broke through the sand one by one.

But Tang Xiaolong, A Qiu, and Li Tian are still in the sand now! What will happen to them? This is what Duguxie, the ghost servant and the white dragon around him worry most.

At this time, they seemed to be crazy. They went to pick the sand next to it with both hands, while they were picking the sand with both hands while still shouting loudly: "Young Master...Young Master..."

"Little Dragon!"

Just as they were picking up the sand, the sand piles beside them suddenly opened up violently.

Then I saw an arrogant roar, but saw three figures bursting out of the sand.

Looking closely, I saw that Li Tian was in the middle of the three figures. One of his hands was holding Tang Xiaolong, and the other hand was holding Ah Qiu beside him... He straightened out of the sand. Breaking out of the cocoon, and then rushing to a distance of three meters... With a thump, the three of them fell into the sand at the same time!

Gosh! Li Tian actually grabbed Tang Xiaolong in one hand and Na Qiu in the other, dragging the two of them out of the sand.

"Young Master!" This will see that after Li Tian breaks through the sand, Duguxie and the ghost servant, and the white dragon rushes towards Li Tian.

But seeing Li Tian was covered with sand and his hair, his face was a little pale, panting there.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Du Guxie hurried over and asked concerned.

But seeing Li Tian took a deep breath, then shook the sand on his head vigorously...weakly said, "It's okay..."

They were relieved when they heard Li Tian said that he was all right.

Tang Xiaolong and Ah Qiu over there slowly got up, and their stamina was almost overdrawn to the limit. They were sitting there at the moment, slapping the sand on their bodies.

Li Tian would feel sore all over this time... He just wanted to lie down and take a good rest... As soon as he tilted his body, he lay on the sand pile.

Escape from the dead! It's an honor.

After all, in this ruthless desert, no one knows what will happen.

The scorching sun slowly rose.

After the blizzard of last night, the brothers, everyone seemed a little weak at the moment, and they all lay quietly there to recover.

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong, who was lying quietly there, turned over slightly, and then asked Li Tian, ​​"Little boss...what should we do now?"

"There is no food and water..."

Listening to Tang Xiaolong's words, Li Tian straightened up slowly, then glanced at the endless desert.

He was also depressed, and he didn't know what to do.

"Let's leave this place soon... after we are fully prepared next time, come here again." Li Tiandao.

Yes, now they have recovered a life from the brink of death.

If you still go forward stupidly, it will undoubtedly be lifeless, so the wisest choice now is to go back...leave here.

The Duguxie, Ghost Servant, and Opteron over there didn't have any opinion, and then slapped the sand on his body and stood up.

"Let's go, let's go back..."

Duguxie said, and they were ready to go back.

"Not good... not good..." Suddenly the ghost servant over there exclaimed in surprise.

Li Tian, ​​who had just stood up and prepared to go back, heard the ghost servant scream, and they all turned their heads in surprise and looked at the ghost servant.

"what happened?"

"Ghost servant, what happened?" Du Guxie also turned to look at the ghost servant and asked.

But seeing the ghost servant suddenly sat up from the ground, and then said with wide eyes: "Second brother...our compass has fallen!"


Yes, when they came, they had a compass in their bag to identify the direction.

But now? The compass, food, and water were originally contained in that bag... Now they have been swept away by the strong wind. Of course, you won't find the compass again in the boundless desert.

When the ghost servant said this all at once, Li Tian and Du Guxie all of a sudden shook their hearts.

Tang Xiaolong over there looked at the ghost servant with a look of disbelief and said, "Master...that...what should I do?"

"Without a compass and no direction, how do we get back?" he said, stunned.

At this time, it was not only him, but also that Opteron's entire expression became stunned.

They all looked at Li Tian in front of them, but what about Li Tian?

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