And the man who was leading the man with eyes like poisonous snakes also became even more vicious in an instant, looking around coldly.


"Who the **** moved his hand?"

"Show me out..."


Suddenly, the scolding sounded from all around, and the hunks with guns in their hands were cautiously holding the guns in their hands at this moment, and shouting to the surroundings.

And the Yi people who were kneeling on the ground over there, and the eighth masters were completely dumbfounded! What happened? Who moved the hand? None of them knew.

At this moment, suddenly a breaking wind pointed out from the hidden place again!

Xuantian fingering!

Accumulate strong infuriating qi as one of the sharp fingerings, which can penetrate the rock wall!

If such **** is hit on the human body, it must not penetrate the human body directly!

But seeing this broken wind, Xuantian's tens of thousands, once again shot at a man holding a double-barreled shotgun. The man screamed all his life and died instantly on the ground.

"over there……"

"Damn, the hands-on **** are there!" The group of guys who roared all their lives suddenly found the place where Li Tians shot, and at this moment everyone ran towards this side.

And those fierce men with guns shot Li Tian and the others.

The bullet sounded like crazy, roaring and shooting towards the house here.

Li Tian and his brothers hid on the side of the house, bullets hit the cold wall, stone chips, and falling bricks all of a sudden flying everywhere!

"It's time to take action!" Li Tian said suddenly there.

The brothers behind him and Duguxie nodded like Opteron, but after hearing an exclamation, the three black shadows rushed towards the crowd with electric shots from the house.

The speed is terrifying.

Of course these three are not others, it is Li Tian, ​​Du Guxie, and White Dragon!

After the three big men jumped into the battlefield suddenly, Li Tian was the first to penetrate the crowd!

Because the opponent has a gun in his hand, Li Tian can only get into their crowd with thunder. In this case, the opponent's gun can't be randomly shot, because if he shoots indiscriminately, it is very likely that he will be killed!

Just after Li Tian jumped into the battlefield, he suddenly shook his left hand, and directly grabbed the throat of a man with a cloth on his head, squeezed hard and clicked, the other's throat tube was directly crushed by Li Tian with a sound. Woo, fell to the ground and died.

And another fierce man holding a saber slashed at Li Tian fiercely from the side.

Li Tian didn't even look at him. He moved a little, and then his right foot flew up and kicked directly on the man's chest. But when he heard a scream, the man was kicked a few meters away by Li Tian and fell to the ground. It's hard to get up...

There are also a few hunk men with guys in their hands rushing towards him!

Where is Duguxie over there? The bronze sword is out of its sheath!

With a clang, the dragon screamed!

A cyan light was like a trace of the sky, and with a cry, the green light appeared, and the two men who had just arrived beside him suddenly stopped physically!

The two only felt that their chests were a little hot and sticky. When they lowered their heads, they saw that their entire chests had been cut open by the vicious sword...

Ah ...... ah ...... Can Hu's twice, two people were evil Tokgo sword to kill!

Bang Bang Bang, the gunfire shot towards Duguxie from there at this time.

Duguxie stayed and dodged, and then kicked on top of the body. The corpse flew towards the man who shot the gun. With a bang, the corpse hit the body of the man who shot the gun, and then Duguxie moved as fast as light. Flew towards the person at a speed of, and then a sword pierced the throat of the guy who shot the gun!



Where is the Opteron over here? It can be said to be one man!

His hands were shirtless, but he was like a tiger.

When two macho men holding sabers attacked him from left and right, Opteron didn't even look at it. He suddenly turned and hit the bridge of the man’s nose with a fist. The man screamed, and the bridge of his nose was all over. After being smashed by Opteron, he fell to the ground in pain while holding his nose. Before the other knife was cut off, Opteron flew directly and kicked on the man's calf joint. He only heard a click, that person's calf. It was directly kicked off by Opteron, and then Opteron grabbed the person's head with one hand, twisted it hard and made a click, clean and neat, the person's head was directly cut off.

After these three fierce men rushed over like a killer, Tang Xiaolong, Ah Qiu, and the ghost servant also quickly joined in at this time.

The situation suddenly became a mess!

The Yi people who were kneeling on the ground were terribly scared just now, and the Eighth Master who was so frightened, they were stunned for a moment watching the inexplicable fight!

And in the messy fighting arena, only one person stood there coldly!

His eyes are very poisonous, very poisonous!

Looking at Li Tian, ​​Duguxie, and the ghost servants in that coldness!

In the end, the muscles in the corners of his eyes suddenly trembled, and then he pulled the automatic rifle next to him!

Then he pulled the trigger, and the bullets directed at his own people, as well as Li Tian and the others!


He is so cruel!

Even kill your own people?

The crazy bullets pierced through the bodies of his subordinates, blood and blood, and died tragically, and Li Tian, ​​Du Guxie and the ghost servants?

I didn't expect that this guy, like a mad dog, would even kill his own people. He was stunned for a while, and then his body hurriedly sought cover for cover!

The bullet wiped Li Tian’s ear. Li Tianshun grabbed Basis’s body and blocked it in front of him. The bullet hit the dead corpse, splashing blood on Li Tian’s. Above the cheeks.

And the Duguxie and Opteron over there were also driven back by crazy bullets!

Even if they are awesome! It can't resist the random shooting!

They can only step back!

In an instant the brothers were pushed back by this extremely crazy guy.

The bullet also rubbed the arm of Aqiu, and Aqiu groaned in his mouth, clutching his arm and quickly backed away!

The blood flowing out dyed his entire arm red!

Seeing that Li Tian was forced to retreat by the opponent's crazy bullets... Li Tian knew that if this continues, the brothers are likely to be all forced to die here!

Isn't this? With a roar, he suddenly found the opportunity to accumulate the strength of his whole body to the index fingers of both hands, swish two broken wind fingers and shoot at the extremely vicious man.

The man felt Li Tian's extremely fierce wind hit... his body dodged slightly, avoiding one of his fingers!

In addition, the right hand was quickly raised, and the steel claw stretched out from his arm with a slur, and then the steel claw hit his sharp steel claw with a bang once and was blocked by him.

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