Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1184: Inexplicable pursuit

Apart from the paint and rust that fell on this bronze-colored door, what remained were mottled cracks over the years, and there were countless crack marks on it. Those incomplete cracks looked like the marks of a blade.

Who knows how long this gate will stand here? Who knows the vicissitudes of life inside this gate?

The old city gate gave the present brothers a sad state of mind that had never been before. Looking at the old tightly closed gate in front of him, the ghost servant on the other side gently touched the rusty gate with his hand.

"We will enter the Dark City after passing this gate." A word came out of his mouth.

The brothers are also standing there, watching.

"Is this city called the Dark City from the beginning? It has no other name?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Presumably no one knows this question," said the ghost servant over there.

"Go, go in."

After Li Tian was silent for about a minute, he said something in his mouth.

Six people and six lives entered the dark city like this.

When Li Tian stretched out his hand to push open the ancient city gate in front of him, he could hear the creaking sound from the city gate, which sounded like singing the story here in the wind.

Pushing open the heavy city gate, he saw the desert at first sight!

That kind of desolation comes from the desolation and despair feeling deep in my heart.

Except for the empty ruins on the street and the trash flying around, there was not even a single figure in sight!

Even the roads are muddy.

Weeds, confetti, and dust even grew on both sides of the empty road, flying in the air as the cold wind blows!

So desolate, so decadent, it seems that the city in front of you is not a city, but an empty ruin.

The buildings on both sides are ancient and mottled buildings. Some have completely collapsed, and some have not collapsed, but they are still in dilapidated condition. The first feeling of the whole city is like a ruin that has just experienced a war.

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Tian and his brothers who had just entered the Dark City were completely stunned.

"What the **** is this?"

"There isn't even a single figure?" Tang Xiaolong muttered there.

On one side, even the ghost servant frowned slightly and said, "This place looks so desolate."

Only Li Tian at this meeting, Duguxie and Hao Long behind, looked around carefully!

They have heard about the horror of this dark city, and they know that the people who can survive in this city are characters who have blood on their hands and killed people, so they dare not care!

The only surprise now is that no one can see it, or even a single sound can hardly be heard.

Except for the screaming roar like a ghost crying, nothing else!

"Let's go forward and take a look." Li Tian said lastly after pushing open the gate of the Dark City.

Then they stepped on the icy soil and walked slowly toward the deserted street in front of them.

Silent, barren, and full of darkness.

The collapsed houses on both sides seemed like ferocious beasts staring at the brothers who had gone deep into the dark city.

Li Tian and his brothers cautiously walked forward step by step.

After walking for about tens of meters, suddenly a scream came from the cold wind!

"Someone!" An exclamation came from Li Tian's mouth.

After he heard the screaming sound, he suddenly said to his brothers: "Hurry up, hide yourself!"

The speed of the brothers is so fast, as Li Tian said a word, and then turned around, they ran to an abandoned building next to them together, and quickly found a place to hide.

"Did you hear the screams just now?" Li Tian said to the brothers while looking at the empty streets.

The ghost servant and Tang Xiaolong said in unison: "I heard it!"

"It seems that someone is really fighting here." Li Tianyan said.

But who is fighting here? What happened to the screams just now? At this moment, Li Tian and his brothers didn't know, they just hid in a corner, and then carefully looked at the place here and observed.

In the cold wind that was like a ghost cry, there was a sudden sound of iron slamming with knives.

At the same time, there was a **** smell in the wind!

At this moment, I saw a roar suddenly coming from one side.

"Grab him and hack him to death..."

"Give it all to me, you must chop him off for me!" With the beastly voice coming, 67 sturdy men suddenly emerged from the side of a deserted alley. They all Holding a saber exclusive in the desert!

The saber is 2 inches wide and 3 feet long. The sword is wide and thick, and the blade is indeed extremely sharp.

If the saber in the desert is slashed on a person's arm, it is estimated that it can cut off the other's arm alive.

A machete of the power type.

And now there are 67 powerful men chasing and slashing at a man with a big saber in their hands.

The man was about 30 years old, his hair was scattered and slender, his upper body was naked, and there were blood stains on his bronze chest. The blood stains were not known to be his or someone else's, and he was fleeing desperately at this moment.

In such a deserted and silent dark city, it suddenly appeared that a few powerful men were holding a saber and slashing a naked upper body. At the same time, the situation of a man with scars on his body was indeed called "weird".

What's going on?

Who is a good person? Who is the villain again? Now Li Tian and his brothers can't distinguish clearly.

"I'm going... Who are those people?"

"Why are you cutting that man?" Tang Xiaolong, who was hiding in the ruins of Fei, blinked while looking at the horrified scene and said.

Li Tian and his brothers were there and shook their heads slightly. Of course they didn't know what was going on before they first arrived in the Dark City.

The only thing they can do now is to watch carefully with those eyes open.

But seeing the man who ran wildly ran forward like crazy, but the gang of beast-like fierce men behind were also chasing closely.

Finally, the man who was running wild in front of him with loose hair fell softly to the ground.

At the same time, the big sabers in the hands of the sturdy men behind had already raised.

"Asshole...see where you go!"

With a roar, one of the hunks carried the big saber in his hand and slashed at the man on the ground.

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