Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1187: Old woman's words

But after seeing Li Tian's question, the old woman slowly turned her body, then glanced at Li Tian and his brothers, and then fell silent.

"You really don't plan to leave this place now?" She said with a pair of weird eyes looking at Li Tian in front of them.

Li Tian smiled and nodded there.


"Hey..." But seeing that old woman suddenly sighed deeply.

"Since you want to understand this **** so much, hehe, let me come with this old lady." After the old woman finished speaking, she suddenly turned around, and then dragged the trash behind her step by step and squatted towards the ruins. Walk in.

The brothers in front of him are all looking at Li Tian at the moment.

"Young Master, this old woman is really strange...I think we should not go!"

"Yeah, I heard that evil is revealed everywhere in this dark city, and now such an old woman has come out inexplicably...Young Master, I think we should go our own way and ignore her."

"In case this old woman tempts us later, then it will be troublesome..."


The brothers in front of him were there to discourage Li Tian.

But Li Tian was indeed silent there.

After he was silent for about 45 seconds, then he thought about it and said, "I think she can believe it!"

"Think about it, if she wants to seduce us, why is she discouraging us from leaving here?"

"I think, no matter what, we have to see the situation... after all, we don't know anything about this dark city now!"

"If you wait for her to be a villain, I believe we will not be afraid of her with the strength of a few of us, but if she is a good person, she will be able to tell us many clues about the dark city..."

"What do you say?"

After Li Tian finished the analysis like this, the brothers thought about it and nodded slowly.

"The young master's analysis is good...but let's be cautious." Duguxie said.

When Duguxie first saw that strange old woman, he felt a little weird, but what was so weird about that old woman? Now Duguxie hasn't guessed it yet.

After he said that everyone should be cautious, the ghost servant and Tang Xiaolong beside him nodded.

"Okay, let's follow along." Li Tian finally decided to say.

So the brothers and Li Tian followed the weird old woman step by step towards the ruins.

The old woman in front seems to be very old, she seems to be staggering when she walks, her rickety body bends like a hunchback, and the pile of garbage pulled behind follows her step by step. There was a crisp chime.

This kind of scene now, if others look like it, will definitely find it funny.

In a city that looked like a ruin, Li Tian and his brothers followed the old lady who was dressed as if collecting garbage and walked forward.

After passing through the ruins of 34 buildings, I finally saw a simple hut.

After Li Tian and the others saw the low hut, they secretly said: Is this the old woman's house?

After thinking this in their hearts, they saw that the old woman was almost at the door of the house.

And Li Tian and his brothers quickly followed right now.

I saw that there was indeed a huge pile of **** piled up at the door of the old woman... The **** pile exuded a foul smell, it was hard to imagine such a rickety old man living with rubbish.

At this moment, after the old woman arrived at the door, she slowly put the **** pile in her hand on the pile nearby, and then slowly straightened her body, looked at Li Tian and the others, squinted her muddy eyes and smiled there. He said: "Don't dislike my old lady, this place is simple..."

As she said, a row of yellow teeth appeared in her mouth.

Li Tian and the others nodded with a smile.

"Come in... Come to my old woman's room for a while." I saw that old woman said to Li Tian and the others.

As she spoke, she fetched a bunch of iron keys from her dirty pocket.

After she found out the key, she then went to open the door in front of her, and Li Tian and the brothers had already followed carefully at this time.

Duguxie and Opteron cast their eyes cautiously around. Fortunately, the surroundings were relatively open and it seemed that there was no one.

As the old woman slowly opened the door, she invited Li Tian and the brothers in there.

Li Tian and his brothers did not refuse, so they walked in from outside politely.

The house in front of me was rather dark. After the old woman walked in, she turned on the light bulb first, and then she could see the environment in the room clearly.

The hut is very shabby and rudimentary.

There is only a simple small iron bed and two cabinets over there. On the side is the pot stove, which must be the place where the elderly cooks.

There seems to be nothing special about such a place, just like a lonely old man everywhere, living a poor life.

Only 34 small mirror frames are hung on the wall, but because the light in this room is not very good, it is not very clear.

After Li Tian and the others walked in, the old woman smiled and took a few small stools from the side and greeted Li Tian and the others to sit down. After Li Tian and the others smiled and said thank you, they sat down.

Then the old woman was busy fetching water for Li Tian and the others, saying that she would let them drink.

Li Tian and the others saw the old woman getting water for them, so they were more cautious, and said with a smile: "We are not thirsty, no need..."

The old woman seemed to see what Li Tian and the others were worried about, smiled slightly, and did not force herself too much, but poured herself a glass of water, and then slowly sat down beside Li Tian and the others.

"Go ahead, what do you all want to know about?"

"Do you want to know the person who killed the gang just now? Or the one who was chopped up and separated?" The old woman didn't even blink her eyes when she said the murder, as if she was talking about everyday food.

This made Li Tian and his brothers feel more and more curious. They all felt that this old woman must be a little weird in their hearts.

But seeing Li Tian smiled and nodded: "We all want to know."

The old woman drank a sip of water, and then said slightly: "That group of people actually has nothing to say, they are all **** things."

Listening to the old woman's words, Li Tian frowned slightly.

Tao asked: "Why do you say that?"

"Because they are all bastards, and they are all inhuman bastards," the old woman said.

p: Will continue to update in the evening.

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