Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1219: Separation wall

The group of Boss Qiu's men who had been beaten up by him were bruised and swollen. At this moment, they watched Li Tianyang go away, but no one dared to stop him.

These people used to be desperadoes... But now they have encountered people who are more powerful and vicious than them, and they can't help it.

What about Boss Qiu? After watching Li Tian leave, he couldn't help but sighed from his mouth.

The little brothers around rushed over.

"Boss...Boss...How are you doing?" The subordinates were shouting there.

Boss Qiu was covered in soggy wine. At this moment, his face was pinched purple by Li Tian just now. At this moment, he looked at a group of unweathered boys and roared, "Go... I get out..."

Following his roar, the little brothers didn't dare to stay too much, and ran out one by one in a hurry.

Only the boss of the enemy stayed in the room with an ugly expression.

He wiped a handful of alcohol from his face, and his eyes roared with a sense of viciousness that he had never felt before, and said, "I'm **** you... asshole... I want you to go into the inner city and die..."

"Let the beasts peel your skins!!!"

When Li Tian came back, the brothers were waiting anxiously.

After seeing that Li Tian had come back safe and sound, the brothers let go of their hearts.

"How's it going, little boss?" Tang Xiaolong asked first there.

"Young Master, have you seen the enemy boss?" The ghost servants on one side and Duguxie also asked there.

But seeing Li Tian smiled slightly and said to the brothers: "Found it."

"What did that **** say? Did he agree? Did he agree to enter the inner city?" At this moment, the brothers continued to ask Li Tian.

Li Tian nodded silently.

"He agreed..."

"Great!" After hearing Li Tian say this all at once, the brothers immediately became happy.

Unexpectedly, the enemy boss would agree so quickly.

"Little boss, what method did you use to get that **** to agree so quickly?" Xiaolong asked Li Tian with a smile there.

The ghost servants on one side and Du Guxie also looked at Li Tian curiously.

Li Tian turned around and walked towards the room inside. He didn't turn his head and said, "There is no way...I used the most direct and effective method."

"Don't worry... Tomorrow... Tomorrow the enemy boss will definitely bring our brother into the inner city."

Li Tian said as he entered the room inside.

Tang Xiaolong, Duguxie, and the ghost servant standing outside were all startled slightly when they heard Li Tian say: he used the simplest and most effective method...

Then they seemed to understand something, and everyone looked at each other and smiled without saying more.

The next day, when the sun had just risen in this depraved city, the boss had already sent someone to take Li Tian and his brothers into the inner city.

When Li Tian and his brothers walked out of the room, they saw a truck parked outside and a few characters from boss Qiu.

When there was no shadow of Boss Qiu, Li Tian asked the group of younger brothers, "Where is your boss?"

One of the men with a tattoo on his shoulder said, "Our boss has something to do...so let us take a few into the inner city."

Li Tian glanced at the few guys in front of him, and then at the car in front of him, so he said, "Okay."

"Then get in the car... we will take you into the inner city."

After talking about Li Tian and the brothers, they jumped into the truck in front of them vigorously. After they jumped into the truck in front of them, the car started with a grunt, and then drove away.

Li Tian and his brothers sitting in the car are about to enter the inner city. To be honest, their hearts are not too excited.

It seems to be very plain.

"Hey, just ask, how far is it from the inner city?" Tang Xiaolong in the car asked the man driving in front of him.

The man didn't turn his head back and said, "You will reach the inner city after crossing the wall."

After speaking, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Separation wall?" When Li Tian and his brothers heard the man talk about the separation wall, they were not only slightly startled, of course they didn't know what a separation wall was.

It turns out that this dark city can be separated because of the tall and cold separation wall.

The separation wall completely separates the entire outer city from the inner city.

Along the way, the truck drove through deserted streets that were inaccessible, and then drove past the ruins and cold buildings, and gradually began to slowly move towards the center of the dark city.

After driving for about 20 minutes, suddenly a circle of cold walls resembling a fence appeared in the front.

The wall is one or two feet high in total, all made of marble, which completely separates the entire surrounding ruined buildings.

The wall!

Is this the wall separating the inner city from the outer city?

The brothers blinked at the moment and looked at the tall and magnificent separation wall.

The mottled and slightly hollow separation wall stretches far, far away, as if it will never end. On the top of the separation wall there is still a rusty power grid clinging to it to prevent people from turning in.

Judging from the current situation, it is completely impossible for people in this outer city to pass through the separation wall and enter the inner city.

There are a lot of dirty things on the mottled partition wall, and there are a lot of dirty and messy graffiti, some of which are painted naked women...Some are painted with hideous skulls.

And there were **** all over the ground around the separation wall... swarms of flies and mosquitoes buzzed around the rubbish.

Life outside this wall is like hell.

Looking at the towering and huge separation wall in front of him, a sense of shock surged from the hearts of the brothers and Li Tian.

After all, it is indeed a shocking thing to have such a powerful building in such a degraded place.

There is a huge iron gate in the middle of the wall.

The old big iron gate is like a city gate in ancient times, tall and mighty.

It's just that the current big iron gate is graffitied in a ugly fashion, but it still reveals a cold majesty.

"This is the separation wall." He only heard the man driving in front pointing to the road in front of the city gate.

Li Tian and his brothers are now looking at the city wall and the city gate with their eyes open.

"This is the inner city... Passing through this city gate is the inner city." The subordinates in front of him said to Li Tian and the others.

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