Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1224: Blaze a trail

The more Li Tian and the brothers move forward at this moment, the more they can feel something is wrong.

Because the doors of the streets on both sides were all closed at the same moment, it was as if the whole city was on guard.

Li Tian could occasionally see a pair of vicious eyes looking at them through the rooms on both sides and inside the door... Those eyes seemed to see the affection of the enemy.

In an empty street, at this moment, only Li Tian and his brothers were walking cautiously and lonely. No matter where they went, the door of the room began to close directly.

It seems that Li Tian and his brothers are as terrible as a plague with bacteria, afraid of being infected.

"Young Master, something is getting more and more wrong... You see why the doors of the room are closed all around, as if they are deliberately avoiding us." I only heard Duguxie holding the bronze sword in his hand and facing forward. As he walked, he said coldly.

Of course Li Tian had already felt something was wrong.

At this moment, it's not just saying that: "Yes."

"The people here don't seem to welcome us very much..."

"Little boss, why do these people treat us like this?" Tang Xiaolong asked on the side.

Li Tian shook his head there, of course he didn't know. He didn't know who wanted to hunt them down because of their lingering spirit.

"Get out of here quickly." The ghost servant over there said quickly.

He also felt that the atmosphere was not right at the moment, and faintly felt the suffocating and murderous aura in the air.

"Can't go..."

"It's late." Suddenly Li Tian said slightly there.

When he suddenly said such a sentence, the brothers around him were all stunned.

"They've already come." Li Tian closed his eyes slightly...suddenly his ears trembled and said.

Yes, he had heard the messy footsteps from a distance, and the sound of footsteps was definitely not 56 people, but many, many.

"Then what to do? Let's fight with those bastards..." Just listen to Tang Xiaolong roaring at that moment.

Everyone was watching Li Tian openly at this moment.

Waiting for the decision in his mouth.

I saw Li Tian slightly opened his eyes, he could already hear the footsteps running madly closer...

"You can only kill it." Just like that, a sentence came out of Li Tian's mouth.

After he said to kill, the brothers were also ready for everything.

Duguxie's bronze sword was out of its sheath, and it was coldly held in his hand, and the white dragon over there also picked up his shotgun that he had snatched from the gang.

The ghost servants here, Tang Xiaolong, and A Qiu also had expressions of murder.

They are all waiting, waiting for the arrival of the group.

There is no way to go ahead...The back is also a dead end, so the brothers can only fight.

Break! But can you kill this time? This is a problem.

Seeing those who rushed over from a distance, they had already rushed towards this side.

Some of those people have terrible tattoos on their bodies, and some are weird in alternative costumes, but it is undeniable that none of these people is a good thing.

All of them are cruel and desperate characters.

One by one, they showed a fierce look, rushing towards Li Tian and the others with the deadly guy in their hands.

Some have a machete in their hands, some have steel pipes in their hands...and others have a gun in their hands.

In short, they are here to kill Li Tian and the brothers.

After these people rushed over.


"The eldest sister has an order. Whoever kills these strangers will have 100,000 cash." Following the roar of the majestic hunk at the front, he led dozens of people towards Li Tian and his brothers. .

When they ran towards Li Tian and the brothers like crazy, that Opteron shot first.

Bang, bang, bang...

The bullet shot from the shotgun directly knocked the two guys with guns to the ground.

What about Li Tian? After getting closer, Xuantian **** suddenly broke out.

Swishing fingers, shooting like bullets at the guys who were holding the gun first.

The extremely fast Xuantian fingering, combined with his powerful inner strength, is truly invincible.

There were **** screams wherever the fingers were pierced, and the men with guns in their hands suddenly showed blood holes on their bodies, and then fell to the ground wailing and died.

Li Tian, ​​of course they knew that they had to deal with the gunmen first.

After the battle, the bullets of those with guns also shot at Li Tian and the others.

The bullets roared frantically at Li Tian and the others.

Li Tian and his brothers tried their best to avoid those crazy bullets, and then looked for opportunities to beat those guys.

The ghost servant made a fascinating step, and the ghost-like body skills suddenly flashed, and he jumped into the crowd over there. One of the men with a gun only felt the black shadow in front of him flashed, and he hadn't noticed what it was. During the meeting, his neck was cut off and he died tragically.

Then the ghost servant went to kill the second and third.

Wherever I went, screams kept coming...

After the ghost servant took the lead in smashing into the crowd with a swift and unparalleled body technique, the Duguxie here roared to the sky, and the bronze sword in his hand slashed to the 56 men on the left with the power of destroying the world.

Due to the sword light, the bodies of those 56 fierce guys suddenly broke apart... their bodies were shaken by the huge sword energy, and their bodies were separated one by one.

Blood is splashing in the sky...

The brothers are fighting fiercely here.

Soon the opponent's gunman was almost killed.

Li Tian had already clenched the magic sword in his hand: Chi Lian.

Chilian seemed to “smelt” the **** aura on the court, and the entire sword body was trembling slightly, as if he couldn’t wait to drink human blood... Suddenly a black aura came from the sword body that only hit Li Tian’s. The palm of the hand, and then the black air flow along Li Tian's palm and rushed into Li Tian's body, to his head.

His eyes became black at this moment...violent.

Then he roared, and his whole body slew towards the group of people.

The magic sword in his hand was swung out, and a black and terrifying air current filled the group of desperadoes directly, and then he saw Li Tian slashing his sword to kill those guys.

All the screams caused by the sword light.

The Demon Sword was sucking blood desperately...Though the guys who rushed up to death were fierce, they could be Li Tian and his brothers' opponents.

Fighting, blood, wailing, and screams filled the entire audience.

Over there, a man with dragon tattoos raised a pair of extremely cold eyes and reminded the audience.

He is the fierce man named Dalong.

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