Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1234: Treacherous

After the palace lord in front of him gave a reasonably reasonable explanation, the red-haired blood pupil couldn't help but snorted, and then seemed to want to say something more, but Mr. Hei, who saw him on the side, slightly stopped him.

Then Mr. Hei slightly raised his kind face and looked at the palace lord in front of him and said, "Then I will thank the Poison Emperor for our **** gate first..."

As he said this, the palace lord quickly said: "Mr. Hei is too polite..."

"According to your opinion, currently Long Yin is no longer a dark city, right?" Mr. Hei continued to look at the palace master and asked.

The voice of Mr. Hei was softened, like an elderly man.

But when his flat voice is heard in people's ears, it unknowingly gives people a strange feeling.

The muscles of the palace lord in front of him trembled slightly and said: "We are still investigating... As for whether Long Yin is really in the Dark City, there should be clues in two days."

"Okay, very good." Hearing this palace lord said that, Mr. Hei squinted and smiled slightly.

"Then trouble you." Mr. Black said again.

The palace lord smiled slightly and said to Mr. Hei in front of him: "This is what we should do."

"The gate of **** and our dark city were originally the same." He said with a big laugh.

After hearing the palace lord in front of him say this, Mr. Hei not only laughed.

"By the way, Mr. Hei... I think there may be one thing you are interested in." Suddenly the palace lord in front of him looked at that Mr. Hei and said.

Mr. Hei frowned slightly, then looked at the palace lord of the Black Palace in front of him and asked, "Oh, is it? Then what is it?"

The Palace Master of the Black Palace then said: "Recently, a bunch of strangers have arrived in the Dark City..."

"And these strangers are familiar to everyone." The Palace Master of the Black Palace squinted slightly and said.

Mr. Na Hei heard the palace lord of the black palace say this around the bend, and smiled kindly: "Palace lord has something to say straight."

"it is good."

"Mr. Hei, you must know the evil sword and the name of the ghost servant too...hehe, they have also arrived in the dark city now." The black palace master said.

When the palace master of the black palace suddenly said that Duguxie and the ghost servant had arrived in the dark city, the kind old face that Mr. Hei was smiling just now became ugly and weird at this moment.

The red hair and blood pupils on the other side also widened at this moment.

"Are they here too?"

"You have entered the dark city now?" Mr. Black asked immediately.

Just listen to the black palace master saying: "Yes, and now you have entered the inner city..."

"So fast!"

"Unexpectedly, they noticed here so quickly." Mr. Hei suddenly muttered.

The red-haired blood pupils beside him also closed his mouth tightly, those big red eyes blinking there, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"Mr. Black... you also know what happened back then... And now this evil sword, and the ghost servant suddenly came to the Dark City... Don't you think it is strange?"

"Did they come for what happened back then?" The Palace Master of the Black Palace asked slightly.

But seeing Mr. Hei in front of him said: "No matter what they do... they must die."

"Our **** gate has long hoped that these two people will die, but unfortunately there has been no chance...now that they have found this place, then we will let the two of them be buried here." Mr. Hei said unhurriedly. Say.


"I think the evil gods fell under our feet back then...huh, now the two of them will die here too." The red-haired blood pupil suddenly roared.

Hearing them say this, the palace lord of the Black Palace showed a weird smile.

"The two want to know the whereabouts of that Duguxie and the ghost servant?" The Palace Master of the Black Palace who listened to the moment suddenly looked at Mr. Hei and the blood pupil and asked.

Mr. Black looked at the Palace Master of the Black Palace and said, "Do you know their clues?"

The Black Palace Lord shook his head.

"I don't know yet... but I have arranged for someone to check..."

"If you two are interested in Duguxie and ghost servants, I will let my people find out and tell you immediately." The Black Palace Lord in front of you said grimly.

But unexpectedly, I saw Mr. Hei slightly waved his hand and said, "Thank you Palace Master for your kindness... It's just that we don't want to do anything with those two people now."

"We came to the Dark City this time to kill our **** renegade... As for the Duguxie and the ghost servants, hehe, it's better not to provoke him."

Hearing what Mr. Hei in front of him said, the palace lord of the black palace said, "Okay."

"Since Mr. Hei doesn't want to deal with the Duguxie and the ghost servant first... Then I am not too strong."


"Okay, then I will retreat first... let's not disturb the two of you." The Palace Master of the Black Palace said as he slipped his wheelchair and walked slowly outside.

After the palace lord of the black palace walked out, I saw that Mr. Hei's smiling face turned ugly at this moment.

Looking coldly at the tightly closed door, I didn't know what was thinking in my mind.

The red-haired blood pupil next to him suddenly turned his head and said to Mr. Hei at this moment: "Why didn't we say that we were going to deal with the Duguxie and the ghost servant?"

"These two people have always been the confidant of our sect master. If we kill them here, the sect master will definitely be very happy." Just listen to the red hair and blood pupil roaring there at the moment.

After he said this, Mr. Black in front of him suddenly looked at him coldly.

"Why should we do it?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Don't forget, the poison emperor is also responsible for the incident that participated in the evil **** massacre."

"If I'm correct, the reason why Duguxie and the ghost servants came to the Dark City must have heard some clues... They came here to find the truth about the murder of the evil **** back then..."

"Now they don't deal with those two people but let us deal with Duguxie and the ghost servant... Hmph, obviously they want us to help them, are you willing to be a fool who has been called?"

Mr. Black said coldly there.

After Mr. Hei's cold words and words were analyzed, the red-haired and **** pupils suddenly seemed to understand something...

He blinked his eyes and thought for a while and said: "What you said makes sense... It seems that these traitors are not good things either."

Mr. Black on the other side said slightly: "Now let's leave alone Duguxie and ghost servants... Our only purpose here is to **** the Heavenly Book Pill Scroll back..."

"I just hope that we can find Long Yin as soon as possible...I hope we can get the Tianshu Pill scroll smoothly." Mr. Hei in front of him seemed to be worried about something, and said with a slight sigh.

The red-haired blood pupil sat there and nodded silently, and said nothing more.

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