Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1239: Bloody killing

The two did not speak, but looked at Li Tian and nodded.

After the two of them nodded together, a smile appeared at the corner of Li Tian's mouth.

Then he raised his arm and hit the back of the desperado next to him on the back of the head.

When the desperado didn’t realize what was going on, his eyes suddenly went black, and the whole person fainted.

Li Tian didn't really kill this guy, but just knocked him out of a coma.

At this moment, after knocking out the guy who led the way in front of him, Li Tian and the Duguxie in front of him and the place where the ghost servant was hiding stepped out step by step.

The Chilian Sword was already in Li Tian's hands.

And Duguxie also exudes a terrifying killing intent from his entire body.

They are going to rush... It seems that the three of them are really going to head to the elder sister's nest.

As soon as the figures of the three of them appeared, a few desperadoes standing at the door with cigarettes in their mouths suddenly saw their figures.


"Who the **** are you?" Only one of the guys holding a sharp machete raised the machete in his hand and pointed coldly at Li Tian, ​​who was like a **** of death, Duguxie and the ghost servants step by step.

Just when he said a fierce word, he saw Li Tian suddenly draw his sword.

The Chilian Sword came out of its sheath, and a black giant python with a gloomy aura suddenly swallowed it towards the man holding the sword arm.

Flutter a sword.

The Chilian Devil Sword slashed directly on one of the man's arms, and the guy's arm was chopped off immediately.

The moment the entire chopped arm fell to the ground, it was still squirming slightly, but the man screamed screamingly in Hysteri...The arm holding the blood like a fountain of blood screamed.

The magic sword was stained with blood, and it became more and more ferocious, and the black light became more explosive.

The little brothers who watched the door saw these people come up and killed the Quartet, so they raised the guys in his hands and cut them at Li Tian and the others.

"Hack them..."

A roar of 56 slashed the fierce machete fatally towards the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him.

Duguxie held the bronze sword in his hand, and the moment 56 people hacked at them, he let out an angry roar.

Then the blue light suddenly appeared...there was a sound of a dragon's roar in the warehouse, and then a long and narrow sword mark was slashed violently on the several men who rushed over.

Ahhhh screams.

All of the 56 guys were suddenly seen in different places, and each of them had a sharp and deadly sword mark on their bodies.


In a blink of an eye, these 67 little brothers who were guarding the gate were killed alive by Li Tian and Duguxie.

Li Tian, ​​Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him did not hesitate at all, and then walked towards the building in front of him.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the voice of screaming and killing coming from inside.

It turned out that the people on this floor had already heard the screaming sound just now, but after seeing more than 20 little brothers in their hands, they rushed towards Li Tian, ​​Duguxie and the ghost servant frantically.

When the three of them saw so many people besieging them, they looked at each other coldly.


"Get in."

With a roar, Li Tian took the lead and jumped into the air.

Rashomon: Nine types.

A frightening atmosphere of darkness immediately permeated Li Tian's body. This Rashomon nine styles were the lifelong secrets of the dark Duanmu family. At this moment, once Li Angel came out, it really looked like a fierce demon.

Coupled with the red chain of the magic sword in his hand, it really is the Supreme Darkness.

Li Tian was enveloped in black aura like a demon, wherever he went, he screamed again and again.

Those desperadoes didn't seem to be close to Li Tian's side at all, and died one by one under Li Tian's magic sword, and then fell to the ground.

After that fierce magic sword was bloodthirsty, it seemed to be crazy, and the whole sword buzzed in Li Tian's hand, as if screaming excitedly.

Li Tian was slaughtering there like that... slaughtering these fresh lives.

Where is Duguxie? Stand with the sword.

Whoever blocks will die.

Although the bronze sword was not as fierce as the Red Demon Sword, Duguxie's sword moves were ten times, or even a hundred times more vicious than Li Tian.

As a generation of sword master Duguxie, his swordsmanship can be described as superb.

Every move can kill people, and the sword move is surprisingly fast.

Worthy of being the number one evil sword in the world: Duguxie.

As a result of sword strokes, a **** corpse fell everywhere.

And where is the ghost servant over there? After the whole person entered the battlefield, the only thing he could see was a weird and erratic shadow. Those people could barely see the trace of the ghost servant, and then he was beaten to death by his cold ghost hand.

The brutal massacre, the **** scene, it seems that Li Tian and his brothers are really angry.


This extremely cruel eldest sister chased Li Tian and his brothers all the way for no reason, and also killed Tang Xiaolong and Aqiu who almost died tragically. How could Li Tian not repay this grudge?

So he is killing endlessly at this moment.

The blood seemed to have stained the entire ground... Except for the scarlet blood on the entire cold floor, there were dead bodies all over the floor.

"Elder sister...Elder sister...that bunch of strangers have killed our nest." Suddenly, on the 17th floor of the entire building, a pale man with a machete in his hand rushed in and said to the older sister Say.

The elder sister, who had an ugly face and was engraved with a "cross" scar, suddenly stepped over after hearing the words of her man, and then grabbed her neckline: "What did you say?"

Her voice was full of disbelief and anger, and her face became distorted.

I saw the little brother who was grabbed by her neckline and quickly said again: "Eldest sister...the bunch of strangers...the strangers actually came in..."

"How dare they bring it to the door by themselves?"

"Aren't they afraid of death?" The eldest sister shook off the younger brother beside her and walked there with a distorted expression.

The dozen or so little brothers standing in the room all showed shocked expressions.

"Sister, what should we do now? The murderous outsiders have broken into our first floor..."

"It seems to be coming in soon." The subordinates looked at the older sister and asked.

The ugly face of that elder sister suddenly became evil.

"Notify me everyone in the entire building...stop them...stop them...pass the order, no matter who kills the gang...I have many rewards."

"Remember, they must not be allowed to come up." Only the eldest sister in front of me said angrily.

After the elder sister in front of me said so, the younger brothers in the room yelled together: Yes!

Then he quickly ran downstairs...

After everyone retreated to intercept Li Tian and the others, the eldest sister on the 17th floor was extremely angry.

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