Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1249: Send someone

But seeing Tang Ao in front of him said, "It's them..."

After the Palace Master of the Black Palace confirmed his words, the Poison Emperor who was standing there frowned deeply and was depressed there.

"Evil sword, ghost servant?"

"I have always heard that these two people have come back out of the arena... Unexpectedly they came to my dark city?" The Poison Emperor suddenly muttered there, and his eyes became vicious in an instant.

"Tell me, when did these two people arrive in the Dark City?" The Poison Emperor asked suddenly.

But listening to Tang Audao in front of him said: "Just in these two days..."

"And the subordinates just learned their true identity." Tang Ao said.

After Tang Ao said so, the Poison Emperor did not speak any more.

He was silently thinking about his heart with that gloomy face.

"Duguxie? Ghost servant? How could these two people suddenly come to my dark city... Did they know what happened twenty years ago?" The Poison Emperor in front of him suddenly muttered to himself.


"Except for the people at the gate of **** who knew that I was involved in things more than 20 years ago, no one else knew about me. How could this Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly arrive here?" The Poison Emperor in front of him continued. Thinking about it there.

When the Poison Emperor in front of him was thinking like this, suddenly the palace master of the Black Palace in a wheelchair said: "Master, the subordinates think if it is the Duguxie and the ghost servant who knew it more than 20 years ago. That Gongan of the Cthulhu? That's why it arrived here." His eyes were viciously open and said.

Hearing the Black Palace Lord in front of him say so, the Poison Emperor did not speak.

Although the Poison Emperor and his people have been living in the Dark City, this does not mean that he and his people have no knowledge of the outside world.

As far as he knew, Duguxie and the ghost servant had already been born... and they were still in a state of dire straits with the current gate of hell.

But the poison emperor didn't expect this Duguxie and ghost servants to suddenly come here?

The Poison Sovereign thought for a while and looked at the Palace Master of the Black Palace and asked, "Just the two of them have arrived in the Dark City?"

"No, there are still people."

"I heard there are a few more people, the most notable of them is a young man in his twenties..."

"The young man's kung fu is very high...The height is almost outrageous, and the most important thing is that he has a sword in his hand, a sword that was once regarded as a magic sword by the world. Sword: Chilian."

In the Black Palace, the palace lord said in a cold voice, Demon Sword: When Chi Lian, even the Poison Emperor was shocked.

"Magic Sword: Chilian?"

"How is it possible? This magic sword: Isn't Chilian always in the hands of the legendary old man Wuji? How could it have been in the hands of a young man? Can you see clearly?" The Poison Emperor asked in shock.

But seeing the black palace master said: "Although my subordinates have not seen the magic sword: Chilian, but my subordinates have seen it, and have personally described the appearance of the sword, with a pure black blade. , Without a trace of patterns, black, black makes people feel cold."

Hearing the words of the Black Palace Palace Master in front of him again, the Poison Emperor's stern eyes flashed.

"Does the Demon Sword Chilian really come out of the arena?"

"How could this be?"

"In just a few years, how could so many things happen in the arena." The Poison Emperor couldn't believe it.

After pondering for about a minute, he suddenly asked again, "Tang Ao, what does that young man with the sword look like?"

"Subordinates don't know, they only know that the young man is in his 20s." Tang Ao, the lord of the Black Palace in front of him, said.

When the poison emperor heard this, his brow furrowed deeply.

"Twenties... Twenty years ago..."

"Oh my God! Could it be that this son is the bane left over from that year..." the poison emperor in front of him said thinking. .

When Tang Ao, the palace lord of the Black Palace standing on the other side, heard that from the Poison Emperor's mouth, he was also stunned for an instant.

"Master... what you are talking about... but the son of the evil god?" Tang Ao was surprised.

But seeing the poison emperor nodded silently there.

"probably is."

"Some time ago, I heard rumours in the rivers and lakes that the son of the evil **** was born... I didn't expect it to be true." Poison Emperor said.

The Palace Master of the Black Palace said: "No, 20 years ago, didn't that **** have been killed by someone from the gate of hell? How could he be alive?"

"Could it be...... Didn't the people at the gate of **** kill the **** of the evil god?" Tang Ao said in shock.

Poison Emperor said: "Yes."

"Back then, the sect master of the gate of **** was trying to lure the escaped evil god... so he left the cub's life... didn't expect that in the end it was a pity that the evil **** was not found again, even his son's life was left..."

"It's ridiculous to be self-defeating," Tang Ao said there.

"Then what should we do now?" Tang Ao suddenly looked at the Poison Emperor and asked.

"If Duguxie and the ghost servants really knew that we were also involved in the murder of the evil **** more than 20 years ago, then we might as well take the initiative first and kill them here first." Tang Ao was there. Say.

Hearing what Tang Ao said, the Poison Emperor narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Then he shook his head slightly.

"Do not."

"Now there is no need for us to do it first." Poison Emperor said.

Tang Ao was slightly puzzled when he heard the Poison Emperor say this, and said, "Then what do you mean?"

"The three death guardians in the gates of **** are now in my dark city...hehe, do you think we need to do it?" The Poison Emperor suddenly sneered.

When Tang Ao heard the poison emperor saying this, he immediately understood his master's meaning, and burst into laughter in an instant.

"I understand, I understand."

"It's just that Mr. Black, and the blood pupils seem to be reluctant to make a move."

"Actually, I have slightly revealed the news about Duguxie and the ghost servant to Mr. Black and Blood Eye... but the two of them don't seem to be very interested... They have been asking to find Long Yin first."

Hearing Tang Ao's words, the poison emperor said, "Long Yin's matter will not be mentioned again..."

"They won't find Long Yin." The Poison Emperor said with a smile.

The Tang Ao in front of him looked at Poison Emperor Dao and said, "Master, I don't understand why we should protect Long Yin so much. Haven't we been allied with the gate of **** before? Why do we want to shelter a traitor from the gate of hell?"

The Poison Sovereign laughed and said: "You'd better not ask about this...you just need to follow my instructions."

Listening to the Poison Emperor saying this again, Tang Ao did not dare to ask more after all.

"Let the people in the black palace move... first find out the addresses of Duguxie, the ghost servants and the descendants of the evil god... and then relay the news to me." The Poison Emperor said at last.

"Master, rest assured, I have sent Xue Wuhen out." Tang Ao said.

"Okay, very good." In the end, only the poison emperor said.

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