Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1260: Ziyan, tiger male

It seems that Li Tian is going to enter through the walls of this black palace.

This wall is not very high, it is only over ten feet, it is a piece of cake for Li Tian now.

But after seeing him look at the towering wall in front of him, he suddenly accumulates his vitality, and then his two feet slammed, and his body, like a nightingale in the dark, sprinted onto the towering icy wall at great speed.

After he suddenly reached the top of the wall, he carefully observed the environment inside.

The mansion inside is really big and empty, and there are still a few lights on in the front.

When Li Tian was sure that there were not many people below, he swept down from the wall again.

After Li Tian fell to the ground lightly, he rolled away, and then went inside the black palace.

At this moment, I observed the driving around, but I saw two dim rooms with no lights in front of them. It seemed that there were no people living. At the side door, there were a few men in suits. That keeps.

From the look of the man standing at the door and the look in his eyes, Li Tian could feel that these characters are definitely not ordinary characters.

After observing the environment, Li Tian prepared to go deeper into the Black Palace.

So he catted and walked forward like a lonely soul in the dark.

There was no sound at all when the steps were on the ground.

After arriving in a room with no light in front, I suddenly heard the sound of messy footsteps from the left.

Hearing someone coming, Li Tian hurriedly hid towards the wall.

And here? I did see a few men in suits coming over, and it seemed that these people were guarding the Black Palace.

A total of 4 people walked back and forth there.

After seeing this situation, Li Tian hid himself in the dark. After the patrollers left, Li Tiancai bent his body and continued to walk forward.

Soon, he has reached the inner position of the Black Palace.

However, there are a few brightly lit houses inside the black palace.

One of the rooms in the middle can still hear the voice of speaking, but because the distance is too far, Li Tian can't hear clearly.

So he wants to get close to the house to see who is talking in it.

Li Tian at this meeting approached the house very lightly.

The closer you get to the house, the more you can hear the sound coming from it. After Li Tian reached the side of the window of the room, Li Tian's voice could be heard clearly.

Only the voice of a middle-aged man inside came out first.

"How is the investigation? Are Duguxie and the ghost servant still staying there now?"

Li Tian was slightly startled when he heard the voice of the middle-aged man inside saying the names of Duguxie and the ghost servant.

Then he began to look at the people inside through the gap in the window.

I saw the figure of a man appearing in his eyes through the gap of the window, but the man really seemed to be disabled, he was sitting on a wheelchair.

Who is this disabled guy? Why do you ask about Duguxie and ghost servants? Li Tian said silently in that heart.

Just when he was secretly surprised, only a voice came over.

"Return to the palace owner, Du Guxie and the ghost servant are indeed still there."

When Li Tian heard the voice, it was Xue Wuhen's voice.

It turned out that Xue Wuhen came back and returned.

And obviously the man in the wheelchair should be the lord of the black palace, Li Tian said inwardly.

Only listen to Tang Ao, the lord of the Black Palace, sitting in his wheelchair looking at Xue Wuhen and asking, "You haven't been discovered by them, right?"

"No." Xue Wuhen said, standing there.

"That's good." But there was a sneer from the corner of the black palace palace lord's mouth.

"Apart from Duguxie and ghost servants, are there anyone else there?" The Palace Master of the Black Palace continued to ask.

Xue Wuhen said, "Yes, but I don't know those people."

Hearing Xue Wuhen's words, the Palace Master of the Black Palace frowned slightly.

"Okay, go down... continue to monitor them tomorrow." Hearing Palace Master Black Palace said to Xue Wuhen in front of him.

Xue Wuhen nodded slightly, and then left the room in front of her.

When he came out, he seemed to spot Li Tian at the window, but he didn't talk too much and left quietly.

What about Li Tian? Still staying alone at the window and continuing to observe the situation inside.

I saw two men in suits standing next to the palace lord of the Black Palace. At this moment, he slightly whispered a few words to the two men in suits beside him.

Because the voice was too small, Li Tian, ​​who was eavesdropping in the dark, couldn't hear clearly.

After the Palace Master of the Black Palace finished speaking to his men, he saw one of them and left here quickly.

After a while, I saw a woman and a man walking out of another room.

The woman's hair is blue, her appearance is cold, her face is beautiful, she is dressed in a purple shirt, and her two slender legs come out from inside wearing a pair of black leather boots.

There was also a knife hanging from her waist, a weird sword similar to the Japanese samurai sword.

The man next to him is also brave and burly, wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt, with two sturdy arms undulating.

When these two people walked in, they bent down and bowed slightly to the black palace palace lord who was sitting next to him in a wheelchair.

"Participate in the Palace Master."

But seeing the palace lord of the Black Palace staring at the two of them slightly, an evil smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Zi Yan, Tiger Man, I tell you two one thing." The black palace lord in front of me called out the names of the two people.

The female is called Ziyan, and the male is called Tiger.

"Palace Master, please say." The two people in front of me said there.

I saw the Palace Master of the Black Palace say: "I tell you two to follow Xue Wuhen." Suddenly a word came out of the Palace Master of the Black Palace.

When he said this, Li Tian who was standing outside was taken aback.

My heart lining secretly: Did this black palace master discover Xue Wuhen's clues? Does he already know something is wrong with Xue Wuhen?

The man and woman called Ziyan and Tiger Man also seemed slightly taken aback after hearing the words of the Black Palace Lord.

"Palace Master, why should you follow Xue Wuhen? Is it because the Palace Master is not at ease with Xue Wuhen?" He only heard a word from the guy named Hu Nan.

That man named Hu Nan, fierce and burly, really lives up to his name.

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