Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1277: Survived

But when the poison emperor came out of this Absolute Cloud palm technique, his palms were already like invisible shadows... Rows of palm prints were accumulated in his palms, and the whole body was filled with a lifetime of vitality. The poison emperor is going to have his last fight.

Domineering palm, extremely powerful.

The Poison Sovereign can dominate this evil and inhuman place for so many years, so naturally it is not a boast. The old nature who killed the Eighteenth Gang of Jiuzhai with a ghost knife back then has extraordinary strength.

Therefore, when the Poison Emperor's palm was used, the space seemed to be violently distorted.

The vigorous Jueyun palm directly hit the gray-robed old man.

Rows of palm prints attacked the gray-robed old man in front of him like a stack of arhats.

But seeing that the gray-robed old man saw that the Poison Sovereign was using such a fierce control, he suddenly sighed: "You have no repentance in your life...Don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

As the gray-robed old man said so, suddenly the gray robe he wore on his entire body was suddenly lifted up by the vast strength of his body.

Then he saw that the gray-robed old man stretched his right hand slightly, and a powerful invisible palm was like a barrier toward the Poison Emperor's Jueyun palm.

In this way, the powerful Jueyun palm of the Poison Emperor was suddenly covered by the powerful vigor of the mysterious old man, and then he saw the mysterious old man push forward slightly, which originally hit the mysterious old man's Absolute Cloud palm. He was forced to go back, and attacked the Poison Emperor...

The Poison Sovereign never thought that all the palm of Jueyun he used would attack him, and he was completely stunned at this moment.

Until he understands that all this is true, it is completely late...

With a bang, Jueyun's palm that fell back hit him all hard.

Rows of turbulent palms then hit the Poison Emperor’s chest again and again.

With a bang, the Poison Sovereign's tall body was stunned into the air by his palms at this moment. In the midair, only the Poison Sovereign screamed, and his body slammed heavily on the **** table behind him. , A huge black wooden table was smashed alive by his body and fell heavily to the ground.

Then the poison emperor wowfully spit out a red blood stain from his mouth, and his entire face fell to the ground like ashes.

And what about the mysterious gray-robed old man? He stood with his back on his back, staring at him coldly in his eyes.

"Ashamed... As expected of the old man Wuji..." The Poison Emperor suddenly showed a miserable smile, and said with blood on the corner of his mouth.

There was no unwillingness, no resentment in his voice, as if he had taken the blame for everything.

Yes, it would be an honor to be defeated in the hands of the old man Wuji in this life.

His Jueyun palm was used to the extreme just now, and his power naturally did not dare to be underestimated, but he never thought that his desperate blow would hit him.

But seeing the mysterious gray-robed old man looking at the poison emperor in front of him: "You are full of wickedness, you have to blame yourself...no wonder the old man."

"If you want to kill, kill... My Poison Emperor can die in the hands of your Old Man Wuji, and it won't be in vain!"

"Besides, I have killed enough people in my life... Haha." The Poison Emperor suddenly laughed wildly, with a trace of miserable regret in his voice.

But in front of this mysterious old man, the Poison Emperor knew that he must be inevitable today.

The blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, and then dripped onto the cold ground.

His pale face was full of madness and distortion.

This poison emperor who had killed countless people now even died without knowing to repent.

Looking at the distorted Poison Emperor in front of his face, the mysterious gray-robed man shook his head slightly.

"If you put it a few decades ago, you would have already died in front of the old man... Hey... It's a pity that the old man doesn't want to get blood on his hands in this life..." After the mysterious gray-robed man finished saying this, The poison emperor was slightly taken aback.

"You...you...you don't kill me?" The poison emperor asked, looking at the gray-robed old man in front of him with his face covered with blood stains.

But seeing that the grey-robed old man did not answer his words, but suddenly walked towards the Poison Emperor step by step. As he walked towards the Poison Emperor step by step, the lingering body of the Poison Emperor was frightened. Can't help but step back...

In the past, countless great characters were slaughtered, but at this moment, they were as scared as a maimed dog.

It's a pity that this gray-robed mysterious man doesn't seem to have any thoughts about the dying Poison Emperor... He just bends down slowly after getting to the Poison Emperor's side.

The Poison Emperor was already breathless...

It's a pity, but the moment the mysterious man in gray robe bent down, he was picking up something from the ground.

That thing is a book, an old book.

Tianshu Danjuan.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious gray-robed man came to pick up the heavenly book pill scroll on the ground.

After the mysterious gray-robed man picked up the heavenly book pill scroll on the ground, he Long Jiong pill scroll, and then slowly took the ancient relic into his arms.

"I will not kill you today... does not mean that the evil you have done will be wiped out... I will not kill you, because I don't want blood on my hands in this life... But I tell you, your life will sooner or later Someone came to pick it up."

After the mysterious gray-robed man said this sentence, suddenly his body flew up in the air, and then the figure turned around, disappearing in the middle of the room out of thin air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And the poison emperor? Frozen, the whole person was completely stunned.

After the mysterious gray-robed man left like this, the poison emperor who had recovered his life from the edge of death was finally awakened.

Is he not dead? He is still alive... He didn't kill me, didn't kill himself? The poison emperor doesn't know if he should be lucky at this moment? Or what?

He stood up hard from the ground...

Then he raised his arm to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at the room around with horror.

Finally, after waiting for a few minutes, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief... It seems that the mysterious man has really gone.

The poison emperor is lucky.

He finally got his life back.

It's a pity that he was beaten by the palm of Jueyun that he bounced back and almost died. After receiving the palm of his own palm, he sat there panting and opened his clothes slightly with his hands, but he saw on his chest A blood-red handprint was firmly imprinted on his entire heart.

There is no doubt that his heart has been severely injured.

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