Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1306: Tang Ao's death

At this moment, there was an irresistible power in the words of White Dragon. When Xue Wuhen heard him say this, he nodded quickly, and then quickly stepped aside to protect the injured Tang Xiaolong and Aqiu.

And White Dragon looked at Tang Ao, the disabled black palace lord in front of him.

Tang Ao hated others most in his life for saying that he was a disability. At this moment, he was furious when he heard that Wang Ao coldly said that he was a thing without legs.

"you wanna die."

Roaring, his whole body ejected from the wheelchair, and then both hands shot at the white dragon from left to right.

The strong palm strength is close to the Opteron in front of him.

However, it was said that Opteron faced this Tang Ao, not at all empty, a fist suddenly clenched, and he could even hear the knuckles of his knuckles.

With a boom, the sturdy fist struck straight towards Tang Ao.

Tang Ao felt this unprovoked powerful fist technique, and suddenly his body was upside down in mid-air and turned back.

There was no way to face the powerful strength of the Opteron, that Tang Ao was a little vain.

After he fell back into the wheelchair, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

Eyeballs looked at the Opteron in front of him with cold hatred.

Opteron didn't care if he was crippled or not. In his eyes, he only saw the person who should be killed at this moment.

So Opteron strode forward directly, like a beast.

Then Tang Ao saw that when Wang Ao pounced, his palm pressed his wheelchair, and the wheelchair spun on the ground. At this time, Wang Ao also hit his fist directly, and Tang Ao reached out to block.

Soon the two attacked dozens of moves with unparalleled speed.

Even though Tang Ao was disabled and had no legs, he was agile in a wheelchair, just like a person with legs.

But no matter how flexible Tang Ao is, can he be Opteron's opponent?

of course not.

Therefore, Tang Ao, who was able to fight dozens of moves, began to feel the terror of the opponent.

He could feel that this man with clank bones all over his body seemed like a steel, as if he would never be defeated.

Just when he was shocked, Hao Long suddenly smashed his chest with a punch.

That Tang Ao was taken aback. He didn't dare to be hit by the fist of this fierce man. If he really hit him, it is estimated that all the bones in his chest would be smashed alive, so he quickly moved his body and at the same time The wheelchair below also began to slide backwards.

But how could the Opteron give him a chance, roar, and kick the wheelchair with one foot.

That Tang Ao was depressed when he saw that Opteron kicked the wheelchair back into him.

He was already sitting on a wheelchair. The wheelchair was dead, and he couldn't fight back at all. It was impossible to avoid him. If Tang Ao didn't leave the wheelchair at this moment, he would definitely suffer the weight of Opteron, but if he flew up, Then his wheelchair must be destroyed by Opteron.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Tang Ao was suddenly embarrassed...but in the end he chose to abandon the wheelchair he was sitting in, and suddenly rose up, and Opteron also kicked the wheelchair fiercely.

The wheelchair was kicked up by Opteron, and fell to the ground with a bang...All the parts were damaged.

And look at that Tang Ao again? The body he flew out had nowhere to fall, so he could only fall to the cold ground in an awkward manner...the whole person sat on the ground like that.

"I'm killing you... I'm going to kill you."

After that Tang Ao sat on the ground, he felt ashamed and angry, so just now he would see that his body just touched the ground, a palm slammed on the ground, and the whole body flew again and flew towards the white dragon. go with.

But how could Opteron give him a chance.

Facing the body of the black palace lord Tang Ao leaping over, Hao Long roared, and immediately grabbed Tang Ao's attacking wrist with one hand and five fingers into claws. Then Tang Ao's wrist was suddenly given by Hao Long. After reaching out and grabbing, he was suddenly taken aback, and it was completely impossible to break free.

At this moment, Tang Ao, who was grabbed by Opteron's wrist at once, only felt that his body in mid-air was out of balance. His left hand hurriedly cut the veins and veins of that Opteron's hand, trying to force Opteron to let go, but how could Opteron give up? This opportunity?

Just as Tang Ao's palm was cut, Wang Ao grabbed Tang Ao's arm and slammed his arm around. Suddenly, Tang Ao's body completely lost balance.

What about Opteron? It was like throwing a shot putter, violently pulling Tang Ao's body "suddenly" and throwing it at the ruined wall behind.

With a bang, the wheeled Tang Ao suddenly hit the cold stone ruins with his whole body, but when he heard a scream, Tang Ao's whole body hit a big hole in the abandoned stone wall... The body fell heavily to the ground.

He is so overbearing, he really deserves to be an Opteron.

At this moment, after Throwing Tang Ao out, Hao Long strode towards Tang Ao, who was lying on the ground with blood on his face.

Tang Ao was holding his severely injured arm with one hand, and his arm seemed to be broken...There were scarlet blood stains and dust on his face, and he was completely embarrassed at this moment.

He was dumbfounded when he saw Opteron strode towards him to kill him.

"Kill him...what the **** are you doing in a daze? Do it." Tang Ao suddenly said to the group of Black Palace swordsmen behind him who were completely dazed.

When the group of swordsmen heard the words of their master, they suddenly woke up, and quickly raised the guy in their hands and slashed towards the white dragon.

Opteron fisted one of the swordsmen, and then suddenly grabbed the other swordsman with both hands, abruptly lifted the man up, and then slammed to the ground.

The screams and the sound of death were endless.

And Tang Ao, the palace lord of the Black Palace, took advantage of this opportunity to rush for his life.

He was so embarrassed for the first time, his whole dingy body was lying on the ground, crawling forward hard... His face was full of blood, he just wanted to live at this moment.

The Duguxie over there was trembling fiercely with Mr. Hei, and at the moment the ghost servant was also entangled with red-haired blood pupils, and the white dragon was surrounded by more than a dozen swordsmen in front of him, a little unable to escape.

Therefore, no one paid attention to Tang Ao, the lord of the Black Palace in front of him.

Tang Ao crawled forward like crazy, he just wanted to live, just to live...

The instinct of a person to survive is huge, so even though Tang Ao was seriously injured at this moment and covered in blood, he still crawled to the alley on the corner in front of him alone.

He thought he could live and escape, he couldn't help but sighed... and then slowly wiped the blood on his face, but when he wiped the blood off his face, he Suddenly saw a man's feet in front of him.

Then he lifted his face and saw someone.

His pupils suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief and horror...

"It's you?"

Just as he said two unbelievable "two characters" in his mouth, the person standing in front of him suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then his hand was like a ghost and grabbed his Tianling...

Then Tang Ao's whole body began to twist... trembling violently, his two hands wanted to break free from the devil's grasp, but it was already too late, because the opponent's hand suddenly attracted him as a whole. The body, and then his whole body began to convulse and twist violently, and at the same time the whole body's strength began to move bit by bit towards the other's palm...

In this way, his body began to slowly become weak, and the whole body began to slowly become a virtual shell.

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