Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1308: Ultimate power

His black robe shook with the cold sword aura coming from him, and his entire face trembled slightly. .

"Is this the trick that Duguxie said?"

"This is the ultimate move of the so-called Duguxie Sword: Tyrant Sword Art?"

When Mr. Hei sensed that Duguxie had used his ultimate move, a smirk burst out from the corner of his mouth.

The black snake scepter in his hand suddenly slammed on the ground in front of him... the entire ground under his feet seemed to be trembling because of the shock of his black snake scepter.

Then Mr. Hei suddenly turned his hands left and right, accumulating his power for decades to reach his black snake scepter.

After the black snake scepter was injected with strong real energy, the whole trembled...At the same time, a black circular barrier was formed in front of Mr. Hei, and the circular barrier deeply surrounded him. Up.

"Come on... I will teach you the ultimate trick of Duguxie today."

As Mr. Hei said so, he suddenly had the procedure to pick up the black snake scepter inserted on the cold ground... and then the whole person soared into the sky... the black circle drew an arc in the air, and then the black snake in his hand The scepter slashed at the Duguxie in front of him vigorously like a mountain axe.

The black snake scepter suddenly changed in the air, turning into a arbitrarily indulgent black snake. At the same time, the whole snake body was shrouded in the black mist, swallowing it like a cloud and rain, towards the motionless Duguxie.

But what about Duguxie? His whole person has been completely filled with the steaming sword energy.

His eyes have completely changed, becoming magic eyes, and his pupils have gradually been completely eroded by the black magic energy.

His demonic energy is coming up, he is going to be demonic.

"Overlord Sword Art." With Duguxie's earth-shattering scream, his eyes all turned black at this moment. The blackness made people feel scared. At the same time, he held the sword like one in his hand and suddenly his body suddenly From...

That three-foot bronze sword surged several times in the entire sword body at this moment, and the sword aura rose to the sky.

The mighty sword aura completely seemed to cover the whole world and everything.

Slash up to the sky, the world is invincible.

The bronze sword that exploded several times was like a giant sword in the air. When it suddenly slashed, the arrogant black snake of Mr. Hei suddenly crashed together.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately afterwards, only a sharp and strange cry was heard in the air, which was like the sound of a black snake being injured.

This sound is so weird, as if it is impossible to hear such a sound in the world...

Then I saw Duguxie's huge sword that had exploded several times as if it was cutting straight towards Mr. Black at this moment.

Mr. Hei's black snake scepter still wants to try to resist, but how could it be the Duguxie opponent after being enchanted?

The vast power of the Tyrant Sword Jue had completely controlled the audience, and no matter how arrogant the black snake scepter was, no matter how arrogant it was, it would be futile to struggle.

In the sky, after struggling for a dozen times, the black snake suddenly rumbling, and the entire blackness exploded. It seemed that the powerful sword energy of Naha Sword Art was shattered at once. After the black snake smashed in the air, then I saw that Mr. Black's black snake scepter was also completely shattered to the ground. At the moment of the shattering, Mr. Black's face showed unprecedented horror.

Because in the sky, he only saw the giant sword, the giant sword that was cut down from the sky.

His body is still defending with black energy, but can he really defend against Duguxie's strong slash?

The answer is of course: No!

When the bronze sword of Duguxie surged towards him suddenly, Mr. Hei was completely scared.

His body in the air didn't even hesitate to step back quickly to avoid the invisible sword energy of Duguxie.

But how can he hide?

I'm afraid that the sword energy seems to have enveloped the entire world, no matter how fast he is, it will be futile to retreat.

The one that destroyed the sky and the earth was cut from the sky, and the whole earth seemed to be cracked.

With a click, the entire abrupt floor surface was smashed into a deep crack by the invisible sword aura... And what about Mr. Hei who defended his body with black vigor?

Before he retreated in the air, he had not had time to fall to the ground, and the terrifying sword energy had all been slashed towards his body.


I saw the black defensive gas shield surrounding Mr. Hei's body completely shattered at this moment, and then heard a scream from Mr. Hei’s mouth, and his body was suddenly affected by a huge sword energy. It hit the fly behind, and flew more than ten meters away before falling to the ground with a bang.

When the whole body fell, it smashed the ground into a huge hole.

He fell.

He is not Duguxie's opponent after all.

The black snake scepter also fell from the air in pieces, and fell to the ground, breaking into two pieces.

And what about Mr. Black? The whole body fell heavily to the ground, and the body was trembling there, but a sword mark deep into the heart was seen in the chest.

The shadowless sword energy of the Tyrant Sword Jue had already pierced his heart...His face was like ashes. At this moment, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and his body climbed up with difficulty... he glanced at the sword marks that penetrated the heart. , The corner of his mouth suddenly showed a miserable smile at this moment.

He knew he couldn't survive.

The sword has penetrated his heart, even if it is a **** now, the **** may not be able to help him.

At this moment, the mighty sword spirit of Duguxie's sword is still in his hand, but he is completely different from before, because his eyes have all turned black, and the whole person has been completely lost.

He was filled with a terrible evil spirit. At this moment, no one dared to approach him, not even his brothers.

In the audience, everyone was stunned for Duguxie's destruction of the world just now... Even the Opteron was stupid, looking at Duguxie there.

The red-haired **** pupil who was fighting with the ghost servant was fiercely over there. Just now, after seeing the sound of Mr. Hei’s black snake scepter in the air, he was shocked by the whole person. The moment the husband was shocked by Duguxie, he became even more messy.

Just when he was messy and uneasy, the ghost servant had already spotted the opportunity, and suddenly the two ghosts' hands were directly hitting the tender red body.

The red hair and blood pupil had just reacted, but unfortunately it was too late.

A master's trick is a fleeting opportunity.

Now the ghost servant has fully found this opportunity, and at this moment, the ghost servant slapped the red-haired blood pupil's chest with a heavy blow. The red-haired blood pupil's palm was not lightly beaten. There was a muffled hum, and his body was about to retreat, but the ghost servant's figure was several times faster than him.

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