"Miss...Miss...Open the door soon..." Xiaohuan also shouted outside.

But who is going to open the door for the two people arguing there? Of course they won't open it, and they can still hear their loud noises at this moment.

Seeing that the door in front of him could not be opened, Situ Ningbing was suddenly angry.

Suddenly lifting his palm, he slammed toward the door of the room in front of him.

There was a bang, but the locked door was suddenly shaken by Situ Ningbing's palm.

The moment the door shook open with a click, the arguing stopped inside.

But seeing that Duan Muying in the room is now with her hands on her hips, blushing and panting with her neck thick, and Don Feifei on one side is standing there without showing any weakness... It's just that the eyes of two people will bet everything. On the body of that Situ Ningbing, both of them looked at the cold Situ Ningbing at the moment with surprised eyes.

And the girl Xiaohuan on one side also whispered: "Miss..."

Just after Situ Ningbing entered the room in front of her, she first glanced coldly at the two people in front of her, and then said fiercely, "Have you two troubled enough? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Do you think this is your home? This is the North China Field Military District... There are tens of thousands of troops watching and laughing at you... Don't you feel ashamed at all?"

Situ Ningbing was still very good. When a few cold words came out of her mouth, Duan Muying and Tang Feifei were speechless at once, and neither of them was talking.

"I know you are all women who have walked with Li Tian... But you can't argue here anymore. What do you look like here?"

"I don't know what Li Tian thinks or what you guys think...but I only know that as a woman, you should have something you hold back! If you don't feel embarrassed enough, continue to quarrel here. ...Just keep making trouble here."

Situ Ningbing's words were like a bomb that fell between the two women.

At this time, Duan Muying and Tang Feifei didn't speak anymore, as if they were all shocked by Situ Ningbing in front of them.

Duanmuying and Tang Feifei were all in embarrassment after hearing Situ Ningbing's words at the moment, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the girl Xiaohuan hurriedly walked over very cleverly, and said to the end of Mu Ying: "Miss... let's go..."

At this moment, Duankiying was a little bit unable to get off the stage. When she heard her little girl say this, she said in a casual way: "Okay, just go... Hmph, I don't know anything like that."

As she said, she quickly followed the small ring in front of her and left the room in front of her.

And what about Don Feifei? At this moment, Duanmuying, who was watching her arrogantly leave, was so angry that her tears rolled in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

Situ Ningbing glanced at Tang Feifei, who was now in tears, and said, "Miss Tang... are you okay?"

Tang Feifei suddenly turned her delicate body, choked in her voice and said, "I'm fine."

Situ Ningbing glanced at the weak Tang Feifei, then didn't say anything too much, and said: "Since it's okay, then I won't disturb you...you can rest well."

As Situ Ningbing said so, she turned and left the room in front of her.

And what about Don Feifei? After Situ Ningbing left, tears were suddenly aggrieved.

Outside, after watching Situ Ningbing walk in, after less than five minutes he persuaded two quarreling fierce like tigresses away, not only did they admire Situ Ningbing.

Even Wang Zhen, the brigade commander of the 38th Brigade, said, "Look... or Miss Situ has deterrent power!"

On the other side, Chen Qiaozhi smiled slightly: "Of course, this is Li Tian's favorite person."

"Of course they dare not provoke anyone... and she used to be a killer."

After hearing what Chen Qiaozhi said, the brigade commander Wang Zhen on the side nodded and said, "It is indeed very temperamental and very deterrent."

After Situ Ningbing's arrival, Tang Feifei and Duanmuying finally stopped making a farce.

The two of them now were sulking. The savage Duanmuying was bulging with anger... and Tang Feifei couldn't help crying with anger.

Originally, she needed a lot of courage to find Li Tian by plane from Kyoto City. When she saw a strange woman and brother beside Li Tian, ​​she felt even more chilled...because she knew that she might It really changed... Then Li Tian might also change, even forgetting himself.

But she still couldn't let go of the silly concerns, trying to see Li Tian.

So she has always stayed in the North China Field Army, and even rarely went out. She was afraid that she would be embarrassed to see Li Tian’s current brothers, and was afraid that she would not know what she said, but what she didn’t think was that the girl named Duanmuying actually I came to myself all at once, and obviously came with a huge jar of vinegar.

Tang Feifei, who had been tolerant, couldn't bear it anymore, and finally got into a big quarrel with Duan Muying...

Now she is alone on the bed and weeping.

Tang Feifei, who doesn't have a family by his side, is pitiful here... At this moment, she is lying there and weeping silly.

Finally I don't know how long it has been. Maybe it was because of tiredness from crying, maybe because there were no tears...Tang Feifei stood up stubbornly from the bed, and then wiped her red and swollen eyes with her hand.

Then he walked to the side of the computer and slowly turned on the computer.

After turning on the computer, she quickly went to her friend, Su Ke.

When he saw msn Su Ke online, Tang Feifei immediately bounced the video in front of him.

Su Ke over there happened to be online, so he connected the video.

After switching on the video, I saw that the beautiful Su Ke was doing a mask on his face, looking at the video and saying, "My dear, do you miss me?"

Su Ke joked at the end of the video.

Tang Feifei's voice here also slightly choked and said, "Su Ke...I will return to Kyoto City tomorrow, so please pick me up at that time."

Su Ke, who was doing the mask on the other side of the video and not looking at the computer, was taken aback after hearing Tang Feifei say this, she heard something wrong with Tang Feifei, and now she saw that Tang Feifei was red and swollen from the video. Meimu quickly asked, "Feifei, what's the matter?"

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