Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1408: Arhat Palm

"You demon... I tried to fight with you." Ouyang Hua, who roared extremely over there, suddenly rushed at the Yin and Yang person desperately.

Ouyang Lie was beaten to death because of him. At this moment, seeing his second brother dying, how could Ouyang Hua not be angry? How can you not be excited?

So Ouyang Hua at this meeting has completely lost his mind.

When he saw Ouyang Hua rushing towards the Yin-Yang person in desperation, the old man over here exclaimed.

"Youngest, can't go..."

But his shouting voice was already late.

Because his people have come to the side of the yin and yang people.

The roaring fist struck the yin-yang person in front of him, and the yin-yang person sneered: "Things that do not live or die... Since you want to die, then I will see you off."

The moment his words were uttered, the Yin-Yang person suddenly began to spin...and the evil aura around him also quickly turned.

Even though Ouyang Hua worked desperately, his fist seemed so weak that he couldn't touch the yin and yang person at all.

Just when Ouyang Hua attacked the third rage punch, a ghostly hand of Yin Yangren suddenly hit that place on Ouyang Hua's chest.

With a click, I only heard the sound of fractured muscles and bones coming from Ouyang Hua’s left chest... Then Ouyang Hua heard a tragic call, and then saw the Yin and Yang man suddenly kicking off Ouyang Hua’s body. ...

Ouyang Hua's body was kicked from the air by the yin and yang person!

Seeing that his son was beaten up like this, Old Man Ouyang swept over his heart-ache and hugged his son.

But seeing Ouyang Hua's mouth full of blood in his arms... The body was completely immobile... Only the heart was undulating there.

"Third brother!!" Ouyang Zhengtian shouted in pain and ran over.

But seeing Ouyang Hua didn't know whether it was alive or dead, a pair of eyes were closed tightly... There was no breath in the nose, lying in the arms of the old man like a dead person.

"Third brother, you can't die...you can't die," Ouyang Zhengtian cried out in pain.

However, Ouyang Hua couldn't hear the sound of Ouyang Zhengtian at all.

Look at the old man at the moment?

His expression seemed to be dull, standing there,

At this moment, he seemed to be much older...

In a blink of an eye, he saw his two sons seriously injured here. At this moment, he didn't even know whether he was alive or dead. How could he not feel sad?

Looking at the two sons who fell on the ground, a tear came out of the muddy eyes of Old Man Ouyang.

He looked at the dark sky. Could the Ouyang family really be destroyed by that monster today?

"Old stuff... You see your two sons die in front of you like this, are you heartbroken? Hey..." The cruel yin and yang man in the dark said with a strange smile.

Then Ouyang Zhengtian's eyes were red, and when he heard the monster's words, he roared and said: "You demon...

Just when Ouyang Zhengtian wanted to go up and desperately, the old man suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed him.

"Zhengtian..." The old man caught Ouyang Zhengtian.

But seeing Ouyang Zhengtian looking at the old man with red eyes.

"Father." He cried out in pain.

"Is it okay to promise to be the father?" Suddenly a sentence came out of the mouth of Old Man Ouyang.

When the old man Ouyang said something like this, Ouyang Zhengtian's heart shook, and an extremely bad premonition surged into Ouyang Zhengtian's heart.


"With poetic sentiment...there are people who are still alive, leave here soon..." Father Ouyang said suddenly.


go away?

Could it be said that the Ouyang family really can't keep it?

When the old man Ouyang said this, not only Ouyang Zhengtian was completely stunned, even Ouyang Shiqing beside him was also staring at his grandpa in disbelief...The bodyguards around him were also stunned. Got there.

"Father...no...no...even if I die, I have to guard the family." Ouyang Zhengtian said suddenly with red eyes there.

But seeing the old man smiled bitterly, only he knew in his heart that the Ouyang family might really be over today, and really couldn't keep it.

He said to Ouyang Zhengtian, "Don't be silly... While the old man still has the energy to resist the demon for a while... You will leave here with poetry and the living people..."

"Remember, never take revenge for me!" This was the last words of Old Man Ouyang.

"Father..." Ouyang Zhengtian shouted there.

But seeing the old man suddenly glared at his son with white hair flying in the air.

"Hurry up..."

Just when the old man wanted to let the Ouyang family stay alive, the terrible yin and yang person had already said, "Old stuff...do you really naively think that your family can escape today?"

"Hey... I tell you, none of your family wants to live tonight... don't even want to run for me."

With the voice of the Yin and Yang person Senhan speaking, his figure suddenly turned into a black mist, and he flew towards the Ouyang poetry here.

When Ouyang Shiqing saw a cloud of black mist suddenly hit her, her face changed in fright, and her steps couldn't help backing.

"Devil, don't hurt my granddaughter!"

When the old man Ouyang roared, his body's gray robe suddenly filled with strong wind, and his flying white hair hissed in the air, and then his body suddenly shot at the shadow of the Yin and Yang people like a spinning arrow.

Although the yin and yang people are extremely terrifying in martial arts, after all, they dare not careless in front of the old man.

He who had attacked Ouyang Shiqing over there, could only turn black, and quickly attacked the old man.

"Arhat palm!"

A sudden shout came out from the old man's mouth.

Then the old man folded his hands together, and a golden-eyed Lohan faintly appeared in the center of the entire palm.

The Arhat Palm is the unique kung fu of the old man Ouyang, which was realized by the old man when he had been chanting and chanting in the ancestral hall after decades of retreat.

When the "Arhat Palm" of the old man Ouyang was used, the world seemed to change suddenly, but in the palm of the old man's hands, the faint golden light appeared to light up the entire space.

The family members beside them were all pierced by the dazzling golden light and couldn't open their eyes.

"Arhat Palm" is really overbearing!

Just when the old man used his "Arhat's Palm", the yin and yang people in front of him felt the domineering power of the old man Ouyang, and his body suddenly retreated.

A pair of bloodthirsty eyes looked at Father Ouyang in front of him.

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