Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1482: Awesome

An extravagant banquet was passed by a group of people in a group of wine and rice bags.

After eating and drinking, the king tiger took his group and left the banquet, preparing to go back to the hotel room to rest. When he left, he did not forget to pat his chest and said in a vow: "Brother Ouyang, Don't worry, the hatred of your family, and the thing called the yin and yang old devil... it's on my little brother, I must kill that **** for you, little brother."

Hearing what the bald king tiger said, Ouyang Zhengtian could only smile and shook his head.

Watching them leave, Ouyang Zhengtian couldn't help but sighed, suddenly grabbed a glass of Lafite wine next to him, and drank it all at once, but when this good wine was drunk in Ouyang Zhengtian's mouth, It's bitter, turned into bitter wine.

Xu Fan, the thunderbolt hand by his side, looked at Ouyang Zhengtian, whose expression was extremely ugly, and couldn't help saying, "Brother Ouyang, what can I do now?"

"These so-called helpers, there is simply not one that can be used... To be honest, their characters are in the hands of the old demon of Yin and Yang, and they may not even know how to die."

"They don't know, but we witnessed the terrifying power of that demon with our own eyes back then!" Thunderbolt hand Xu Fan said worriedly there.

How can Ouyang Zhengtian not worry about it?

His face was pale and ugly. After hearing the words of Xu Fan, the thunderbolt hand in front of him, he suddenly stood up and said, "I'll find Senior Dugu and them."

Then Xu Fan heard Ouyang Zhengtian say so, so he followed.

After they reached the room of Duguxie and the brothers, they saw the brothers sitting quietly in the room.

After seeing Ouyang Zhengtian and the thunderbolt Xu Fan come in, they didn't pay much attention to them.

"Senior Dugu..." I saw Ouyang Zhengtian shout over there at the moment.

But Tang Xiaolong, who was next to him, suddenly slanted his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Patriarch Ouyang, why, drink and eat? How about your friends? Have you all eaten?" Tang Xiaolong asked sarcastically.

After Tang Xiaolong said so ironically, Ouyang Zhengtian's expression became even more embarrassing.

Chen Qiaozhi was still quite rational. Seeing that Tang Xiaolong's words were full of ironic words, he quickly eased the atmosphere and said, "Patriarch Ouyang, what's wrong? Is something wrong?"

I saw that Ouyang Zhengtian's face was full of guilt, and he said: "I know that everyone is complaining about me at this moment... angry me."

"But I really did my best."

"I never thought that they would be such a mob..." Ouyang Zhengtian said sadly.

Listening to Ouyang Zhengtian's words, the ghost servant thought for a while and said: "Patriarch Ouyang is serious, everyone actually didn't blame you, but think that if your friends who asked for help really want to deal with the old evil I’m afraid it’s a little inappropriate."

"Well, Brother Ghost is right!"

"If they are really asked to help deal with the old yin and yang demon, there will only be one result, and that is: death!" Xue Wuhen said.

"Everyone present should know the terrifying power of that old yin and yang demon... Do you think your friends can really help us?" The ghost servant suddenly said.

After the ghost servant said this, everyone present was silent for a moment.

That Ouyang Zhengtian had a deeply guilty face and did not speak.

The Thunderbolt hand Xu Fan said at this moment: "Hey, Patriarch Ouyang has done his best..."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be like this." Only Xu Fan said.

"What should I do now? I think let those people go..."

"En! That's a good idea."

"After all, these people staying here will not help us very much... Once the yin and yang old demon really appears, no one of us can care about their safety, on the contrary, it will harm them..." The brothers were talking there. Talking.

"But people kindly come to help us, if we drive them away, I'm afraid this matter will go out, okay?" Xu Fan said.

In the end, Ouyang Zhengtian opened his mouth and just listened to him saying, "Don’t worry, everyone, since this matter started because of me, then I will do it, I’ll tell them, I’ll tell them, let them go away."

After Ouyang Zhengtian made the decision to do this, the brothers never spoke again.

In fact, although the brothers look down on the identity of that group of people, they also look down on the ability of that group of people, but from the bottom of my heart, Duguxie and the brothers' actions are really good for those people.

After all, the strength of the old demon of Yin and Yang is too terrifying.

If you really wait until the old Yin and Yang demon appears, those so-called helping people will definitely die here.

In order to avoid unnecessary deaths and injuries, the brothers can only do this.

But what about those people?

The group of so-called helping guys did not immediately return to their hotel rooms to rest after being satiated, but came to the room of the bald king tiger in a unified manner.

At this moment, I saw 78 people sitting in a row to discuss matters.

"Boss Wang, who is the one-armed guy this morning? So arrogant, and the guy with the grimace mask...looks like a dude...what's the background of those people?" Just listen A guy named Zhang Biao said unconvincingly there.

It turns out that this morning, the Duguxie and the ghost servants, after seeing their group, did not even look at them directly, leaving them directly, making them very dissatisfied, so now they are talking here again. Talking.

After listening to Zhang Biao spitting out here, Bai Zhendong, the nephew of the Huaihai boss on the other side, also said, "Yes, especially the one-handed guy... I'm grass, and I still hold it in my hand. A bronze sword with a broken iron gadget, what age is this Nima, and still use that gadget? Not as good as the Beretta 92sbfm9 pistol in my waist."

As they said so, but saw the bald king tiger said with deep eyes: "Don't underestimate those two people!"

"Why? Does it have a background?" Zhang Biao said on one side.

Bai Zhendong beside him blinked at the bald king tiger.

Just listen to Wang Huo said: "You may not know the names of those two people, but I know deeply..."

"Who is it?" Zhang Biao and Bai Zhendong asked.

"One is called the evil sword Duguxie, and the other is called the immortal servant, the ghost servant." The bald king tiger slowly said the name of the duguxie and the cinnamon from his mouth.

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