Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1560: War is coming

In front of the door of the ancient temple, a few seal characters appeared mottled on it: Dazhong Temple!

The three-character dragon and phoenix dance are extremely powerful.

However, the incomplete surrounding walls made this ancient temple lose its due temperament.

After Duguxie glanced indifferently at the gate of the ancient temple, he strode into the ancient temple in front of him.

After he entered, I saw the entire Great Bell Temple was extremely desolate, the courtyard was empty, and only on the left was a huge incense burner!

There are a lot of ashes of "paper money", there are also traces of firecrackers, fireworks and so on. These things should be left by people who went to the temple a long time ago.

In the middle is the center of the Great Bell Temple.

When I walked in, I saw three Rakshasa with angry eyes standing on the left and right sides of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the middle. The three big stone elephants are about three meters high, one holding a double mace, the other holding a thunder hammer, and the last holding it. The big shield's Kui Yao, his eyes widened, so majestic!

This Great Bell Temple believes in ghosts and gods!

Therefore, what is enshrined in the temple is the Jizo King Bodhisattva of the nine gods.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was gilded with gilded lacquer, glaring and cold-eyed. Only the large hand held the Nine Dragon Bodhi stick, and the other hand held the relic beads.

On the left and right sides of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, there are a few proverbs written in vermilion lacquer. The left side says: Hell is not empty, and you will not become a Buddha! On the right, it says: When all beings are saved, Bodhi is justified!

There are a few domineering words in the middle: I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell!

It turns out that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the worst bodhisattva in **** among the eight Buddhist Bodhisattvas, so he once said the above two proverbs.

Having said that, he said that after the Duguxie in front of him entered the middle temple of the Great Bell Temple, he coldly glanced at the Bodhisattva and Rakshasa in front of him, and then cautiously stared around.

Among the empty temples, the dilapidated houses were covered with broken spider webs, and the surrounding windows were even more tattered. The cold wind blew them and made a slight noise.

Standing in the Great Bell Temple with one sword and one man, Duguxie suddenly let out a cold cry: "I'm here!"

"Old Yin and Yang Demon, come out!"

With his loud shout, the sound of thunderous heaven and earth shook the whole Lingshan.

After Duguxie uttered, the entire Great Bell Temple once again returned to deathly silence, only the few Raksha Buddha statues staring at him angrily.

Suddenly in this dead silence, a weird laughter suddenly came from behind the King Kong Rakshasa.

The laughter is harsh and powerful!

A guy who can possess such a sly smile and strong power must be an extremely master character.

As the laughter came out, then a voice came.

"Duguxie deserves to be Duguxie! He really deserves to be the brother of the Cthulhu, so he dared to come to the appointment in person."

The voice came out, but no one appeared.

When Duguxie heard the other party's voice, she was startled inwardly: Why doesn't this voice resemble that of the old yin and yang demon? It's like... his?

Do not! impossible!

He is dead! He has been buried with the young master in the sea of ​​fire of the Ouyang family, how could he still be alive?

Although Duguxie's heart was uncertain, he was still calm and composed, holding the bronze sword in his hand tightly, and shouted at the King Kong Raksha in front of him, "Devil, don't want to pretend to be a ghost here..."

"If you want to fight me, get out."

As the Duguxie roared again, it was a pity that the other party still refused to show up, just grinning gloomily.

Seeing that the other party refused to show up, Duguxie became angry.

"I don't think you can come out."

With a roar, the bronze sword in Duguxie's hand suddenly slashed, and the terrifying sword shadow directly slashed towards the large Rakshasa stone elephant in front.

This sword is so powerful that it cannot be countered by manpower.

The suffocating sword aura engulfed the entire Great Bell Temple, and then I saw a sword light several meters long slashing towards the big stone elephant of King Kong Raksha!

Hands up, sword falls!

With a terrifying cut, Mi suddenly slashed towards the big stone elephant with a thousand energy!

Hearing a loud bang, the three-meter-high Vajra Rakshasa stone statue was slashed directly by the terrifying power of the Duguxie.

As the big stone elephant that was split fell to the ground with a bang, all the dust and ashes around it flew up.

Just as the dust was flying, a figure suddenly soared up from behind the stone statue of King Kong Raksha, and then landed on the arm of another Rakshasa.

And on the ground?

With a sword in his hand, Duguxie stood in the middle with an aura.

The sword is hissing long...

"What a powerful sword!"

"What a terrible sword spirit!"

"Duguxie, who has been hailed as the world's number one sword for more than 20 years, really didn't blow it." I saw the strange figure standing on another Rakshasa suddenly praised there.

Who is he?

At this moment, Duguxie slowly turned his indifferent face with endless hatred, and coldly looked at the figure standing on the huge Raksha over three meters high.

But who is that person?

Looking closely, I saw the figure standing on top of the tall Rakshasa, wearing a gray-white dress with a weird silver mask on his face, covering half of his face, and the other half with a smile Looking at the Duguxie in front of him, standing there with his hands on his back.

When Duguxie saw his figure and the other half of his face that was not covered by the silver mask, he was completely stunned.


"Are you Long Yin?"

With an angry voice of hatred suddenly roared out of Duguxie's mouth.

It really is him!

Is it really that Long Yin?

He didn't even die!

I thought that I had heard the wrong Duguxie just now, but I never thought that the person who appeared was the Long Yin who killed Li Tian! ! !

All the hatred, all the hatred, all rushed to Duguxie's heart at this moment.

He was so angry that his eyes were about to bleed, and his tall body trembled violently. Even the bronze sword in his hand seemed to feel the hatred erupted from the master, which rang out from the sword god. The strong sword aura enveloped the entire space more and more.

But who is the figure wearing the half silver mask?

Not bad! He is indeed Long Yin!

He is indeed the Long Yin who lured Duguxie to the Great Bell Temple!

It turns out that everyone, including the ghost servants and the brothers, guessed wrong. The one who lured Duguxie to the Great Bell Temple was not the old yin and yang demon, but this terrifying Long Yin?

But what about Long Yin? At the moment, he sneered: "Duguxie, it seems that your eyes are really good..."

"You can recognize me wearing a mask, not bad, not bad!" Long Yin said with a wicked smile.

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