Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1562: Brothers come

"Aren't you willing to hand over the Heavenly Book Pill scroll? Are you willing to watch your brothers and those you find help die one by one at your feet?" Long Yin said in a murderous voice. .

But how could the man who was hit by Duguxie iron be deterred by a few words from Long Yin!

Immediately he said angrily: "Even if I die, I won't give you the Heavenly Book Pill!" Duguxie said stubbornly.

After Duguxie said his thoughts so resolutely, that Long Yin's terrifying killing intent became even more intense.

It seemed that he would attack the Duguxie in front of him at any time.

The terrible killing intent was enveloped by the two.

That Long Yin seemed to have been unable to bear the murderous intent in his heart, and his hostility surged with the surrounding air.

In this deadly silence, suddenly that Long Yin suddenly laughed wildly.

His laughter made that Duguxie startled...

I don't understand how this weird guy burst into laughter.

I saw that after Long Yin smiled slyly, he said fiercely: "Duguxie, I will give you a few days, and you will think about it when the time comes. If you think about it, you will hand it over I...In that case, with you and me, everyone will be beneficial at that time!"

Long Yin sneered there.

Duguxie was full of hatred at this moment, there was so much consideration there, he just wanted to kill the guy who killed "Li Tian" in front of him alive.

Tightly grasping the bronze sword in his hand, Duguxie said with a murderous expression: "The surnamed dragon, you never want to get the heavenly book pill scroll."

"Today, even if I die, I will avenge my young master." Du Guxie roared, and suddenly the bronze sword in his hand attacked Na Long Yin with a very fast sword.

But what about Long Yin? He was not afraid of the Duguxie sword move in front of him.

He hid himself, and then slammed out a palm with his left hand, and his domineering palm shook Duguxie's bronze sword slightly.

Then Long Yin didn't seem to want to fight... he swept his body, and then swiftly and swiftly towards the outside of the Great Bell Temple.

In a flash, the body was already out of the ancient temple in front of him.

"Duguxie...Today, I will not kill you...I hope you will consider my conditions...Hahahaha!"

"After three days, if you still don't agree... when the time comes, you will wait for the corpses to be everywhere!"

As Long Yin laughed wildly, Long Yin suddenly jumped straight towards the Lingshan, and his strange figure swept down the Lingshan in front of him.

Although Duguxie has a strong martial arts, if he wants to catch up with the extremely fast Long Yin, it is indeed an unlikely thing.

Looking at the Lingshan Mountain in front of Long Yin, Duguxie stood outside the Great Bell Temple with his sword.

Long Yin is gone!

He didn't commit a murderous attack on Duguxie, but put forward a conditional book.

It seems that Long Yin didn't know about the Heavenly Book Pill scroll on Li Tian, ​​and he didn't expect that Long Yin would kill the Yin and Yang Old Demon for the Heavenly Book Pill scroll?

Is what he said true or false?

Nobody knows.

At the Great Bell Temple, which was blowing in the cold wind, I saw Duguxie standing there alone.

I thought that Long Yin had already died with Li Tian, ​​but I didn't expect that this terrifying Long Yin would not die! Still alive.

And judging from the current situation, this Long Yin should be with that Yin and Yang old demon!

After thinking this way in my mind, Duguxie felt that something was wrong more and more!

Why is this Long Yin not dead?

More than two months ago, he clearly saw Li Tian fall into the sea of ​​fire with this demon, but why did he not die?

If he is not dead, what about Li Tian? Is he not dead either?

After this thought suddenly emerged from Duguxie's heart, the Duguxie in front of him suddenly felt a bit of a heart, and then an unprecedented sense of excitement rose from all over his body.

The cold wind was still blowing, and he stood silently on the top of Lingshan Dazhong Temple.

In the distant place, at this moment, I saw a black Mercedes-Benz car swiftly driving towards the Great Bell Temple in Binjiang City.

Look carefully at the people sitting in this car, it is precisely that who are here to help the Duguxie brothers and ghost servants.

It was Tang Xiaolong who was driving, with full throttle at the moment, and the speed of 180 miles was like the speed of electric light galloping towards the Lingshan Great Bell Temple in front of him.

"How long will it take to reach that temple?" In the car, only the ghost servant asked anxiously.

Tang Xiaolong, who was driving in front, glanced at the navigator and said, "It's coming soon, I should be there in less than five minutes."

The ghost servant frowned and said, "Hurry up."

So Tang Xiaolong stepped on the gas pedal hard, and the car started to drive fast toward the front as if flying.

Everyone in the car was frowning tightly, and they didn't know what was happening at Lingshan Great Bell Temple at this moment.

I saw that ghost servant looked worried and kept looking out of the car window.

Finally, they could already see the Great Bell Temple in the middle of the Lingshan Mountain.

"Here, the place in front is the Great Bell Temple." Tang Xiaolong who drove said there.

Brothers all raised their eyes to look at this time.

I saw that the Great Bell Temple was located on the mountainside of Lingshan, not very high.

Tang Xiaolong drove the Mercedes-Benz in front of him and finally reached the foot of the Lingshan Mountain at a very fast speed.

The car slammed on the brakes, and the Mercedes-Benz in front of him made a hiss, and then stopped sideways at the foot of the mountain.

The ghost servants and the brothers opened the door with a slam and quickly all jumped out of the car.

However, after the ghost servants and the brothers jumped out of the Mercedes Benz incomparably fast, then they rushed towards the Great Bell Temple without saying a word.

The ghost servant used his supreme ghost shadow gaze, and his body was really like a ghost. He couldn't see his figure at all. All he saw was his erratic dark shadow quickly and absolutely leaping towards the top.

The brothers in the back also rushed towards the top place.

This section of stone stairs is not very high, only a few hundred meters, so they can reach it soon.

I saw the ghost servant first arrived at the Great Bell Temple.

The black shadow flashed, and the whole person had jumped to the gate of the Great Bell Temple.

The ghost servant who had just leaped up saw the Duguxie standing motionless in the front place at first glance.

"Second Brother!" The ghost servant who shouted hurriedly ran towards the Duguxie.

He didn't know what happened to his second brother... At this moment, besides worry, he was worried.

But what about Duguxie? After hearing the ghost servant's voice, he felt a slight surprise, slowly raised that indifferent face, and then saw the ghost servant running toward him quickly.

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