Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1570: Shock

"Weird, really weird... I didn't expect the second-hand man to be here." Tang Xiaolong muttered there.

The brothers were all surprised at this time.

"Senior Dugu, I think the guy named Revenge is a bit weird. When he sent someone here, he bluntly reported your name." Ouyang Zhengtian suddenly said again.

Listening to what he said, Duguxie's face darkened slightly.

"How does he know that I am here?" Du Guxie suddenly asked in a cold voice.

Ouyang Zhengtian in front of him shook his head depressedly, and said, "This is also the strange thing..."

"To be honest, I am a little suspicious of the Vengeful Prince." Ouyang Zhengtian said.

Duguxie sat quietly with a cold face.

The brothers in front of you are talking about it! They didn't expect that the son who was previously reduced to a joke would suddenly pop up in Binjiang City... and would like to contact them directly? What the **** did the revenge boy do? Is he really just a prodigal rich brother?

"An unknown person suddenly came here... it is indeed a bit weird." The Duguxie in front of him suddenly muttered there alone.

Tang Xiaolong said: "I wiped it, did that foolish boy admire Senior Dugu... That's why he did this."

"Xiaolong, don't talk nonsense." The ghost servant glared at Tang Xiaolong.

So Tang Xiaolong quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhengtian looked at the Duguxie in front of him and said: "Senior Dugu, now that Lord Vengeance wants to invite you to Cuiweiju for a banquet... and also said that there are important things to discuss... what do you mean?"

Listening to Ouyang Zhengtian saying this, Duguxie in front of him did not answer this sentence, but the whole person was silent.

"When you go to the banquet, go to the banquet... Grandma's bear, just go and see what kind of virtue the second-hand man has... Haha." Tang Xiaolong said.

As soon as the words were spoken, the ghost servant beside him grabbed his arm and shook his arm fiercely with inner strength. Tang Xiaolong grinned at his painful mouth, and quickly backed away, never daring to speak too much.

Duguxie, who was silent for a while, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Ouyang Zhengtian in front of him: "What about you? What do you think?"

Following Duguxie's words, Ouyang Zhengtian thought for a while and said: "I think, since the Vengeful Prince invited us, we should take a look...see what he wants to discuss...even if he wants What tricks we do, then we are not afraid of him!"

After Ouyang Zhengtian said so, Du Guxie thought for a while and said, "Okay!"

After Duguxie said "OK", then Ouyang Zhengtian not only smiled.

"Then it's settled."

After Ouyang Zhengtian finished speaking, he left the brothers' room in front of him.

After he left, the ghost servant hurriedly said to Duguxie: "Second brother, are you really planning to go to the banquet of the revenge son?"

As the ghost servant asked, Du Guxie nodded indifferently.

"However, we are not very clear about that Revenge Prince..." Ghost Servant said.

Chen Qiaozhi over there also said, "Didn't the Vengeful Prince always be in Jinghai City? How could he suddenly arrive here... and also called Senior Dugu to go to a banquet...?"

"Isn't this Vengeful Young Master always saying that he is a prodigal? How could he suddenly get involved in the affairs of the rivers and lakes?"

With all the questions raised by the brothers, I saw Duguxie said indifferently: "When the time comes, I will naturally know when I see him."

After Duguxie made this decision, it was not easy for the brothers to say more.

They were just curious, how could the vengeful boy who looked to them like a fool suddenly come up with such a trick? what does it mean?

in the afternoon!

A member of the Ouyang family sent to investigate the news returned to the hotel.

"Patriarch, we have all found out about the latest news about the revenge boy." After arriving at the hotel, the subordinate said to Ouyang Zhengtian.

Originally, since the Laughing Face Buddha came, Ouyang Zhengtian became more and more suspicious of Lord Vengeance, so he immediately sent someone to investigate all traces of the Lord Vengeance in the near time.

When Ouyang Zhengtian heard his subordinates say this, he quickly asked: "Say..."

The man held a document file in his hand, quickly flipped it through, and then read, "Prince Revenge, he became famous overnight from Jinghai City a month ago and was hailed as the richest prodigal son. Then he started to go around. Spending money...The biggest sum of money spent was spending one night in a high-end nightclub, and there were also some beauty contests, using the money to hire the most beautiful girl to be his servant..."

Listening to the subordinate in front of him, Ouyang Zhengtian couldn't help frowning.

After finishing the information on the page before him, the subordinate began to turn to the second page and continued: "Since the vengeance of the son became famous, he has begun to march into the underworld of Jinghai City."

"What?" Ouyang Zhengtian was taken aback when he heard the subordinates in front of him say so.

"Is he involved in Jinghai City Road?" Ouyang Zhengtian asked quickly.

The subordinate nodded and said: "On July 23, Lord Vengeance gathered the axe gang in Jinghai City...On July 25, he successively accepted He Laoliu’s casino and all the sites under it... During that time, He Laoliu died tragically. The cause of the tragic death is currently unknown! The boss of the Axe Gang is currently following the Lord Vengeance, becoming his capable subordinate... And also the city elder Zhai in the surrounding area of ​​Jinghai has also been brought under the banner of the Lord Vengeance... It can be said that in a short time In less than 15 days, that Lord Vengeance had successively conquered Jinghai City and all the underworld forces around it!"

As the subordinate continued to tell all the recent majestic deeds of Lord Vengeance, the genius Ouyang Zheng was completely shocked there.

In those eyes, I couldn't believe it.

"Axe Gang? He Lao Liu? And the surnamed Zhai are all with this revenge son?" Ouyang Zhengtian said silently.

The Axe Gang in Jinghai City, He Laoliu, and the surnamed Zhai who is near the city, which of these characters is not clear to Ouyang Zhengtian?

We must know that the previous Ouyang family was in the famous side of Jinghai City, how could they not know these surrounding underworlds?

Although these underworld forces are not as powerful as the four big families, nor as powerful as famous figures in the world, their strength is definitely not small, especially the axe gang, when they were in Jinghai City, they were huge in number. ! And that Laoliu He... is in charge of the underground bank and casino business. He is treacherous and insidious. These people, if you can't wait for the elegant hall, it is indeed the truth, but a person can be in such a short time. All these black forces were gathered in just half a month... Is that too exaggerated? So Ouyang Zhengtian in front of him was completely stunned.

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