Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1575: Familiar feeling

However, after the Duguxie and the brothers came here one by one, Situ Ningbing who was following him had already arrived at the business hotel at this moment.

It's just that at the door, because there is a subordinate of Lord Vengeance guarding there, Situ Ningbing in front of him seems to be unable to walk directly from here.

Situ Ningbing blinked her beautiful eyes and glanced around, and suddenly her beautiful eyes were placed on the front wall.

Since you can't get in from the main entrance, it's better to turn over directly from the wall.

Situ Ningbing thought this in his heart, so he flashed to the wall on the left.

This wall is not very high, only three meters high. For a skill like Situ Ningbing, of course it is a breeze.

I saw Situ Ningbing observing from the left and right. When there was no one, she stretched her body, and then Qian Ying directly rolled over the wall in front of her.

After reaching the inside, they all rolled, and then they concealed directly behind the rockery.

After hiding behind the rockery, she looked around her eyes and found that there was someone guarding it not far in front, but apart from that place, there seemed to be no one here!

After thinking about it, Situ Ningbing quickly walked towards the place where there was no one.

She wanted to see what exactly this place was, and why Duguxie and the brothers came here.

When Situ Ningbing sneaked into the place where the revenge boy lived alone, Du Guxie and his brothers over there were waiting for the revenge boy in the restaurant.

They all were very surprised at that young man of revenge, and no one knew who the man of revenge was, let alone why the so-called man of revenge was looking for them here this time.

Finally, after waiting for less than five minutes, the sound of messy footsteps suddenly came from outside.

When Duguxie heard the sound of footsteps, her brows wrinkled slightly.

Because he can feel the sound of people’s footsteps extremely calm, that firm footsteps are definitely something a master can make. When he feels such a small link, Du Guxie’s heart is set, and he secretly said: Come in the end. Who is it?

Then I saw several figures coming in from outside.

The first one is a 5060-year-old man who looks from his face. His face is very old and he also has a lot of wrinkles, but his eyes are indeed shining like a torch light, and I don’t know why, when Duguxie is in the first place. When he saw the eyes of the "old man", his heart throbbed... as if those eyes were so familiar, and they shocked him.

After feeling this change, Duguxie not only glanced at the "old man" in front of him.

And the so-called "old man"? The first moment he walked in, he looked dumbfounded at the Duguxie and his brothers.

His eyes were filled with an unprecedented fiery light, and the fiery heat seemed to feel like seeing a loved one...Even his footsteps couldn't help taking a step, as if he wanted to talk to his brothers in the past.

"Hey, look at that old man... Nima, it's kind of weird, why keep staring at us?" Tang Xiaolong would mutter in his mouth.

Xue Wuhen, the ghost servant and others also saw the "weird" old man and couldn't help but blinked at him: "Yes, that old man did look a little weird...but...but... I don't know what's wrong," Chen Qiaozhi said in front of him.

But apart from his old and dull face, the brothers did not see any clues.

But he said that the first one who walked in was the old "old man", and the second was the majestic Jiang Dashan... followed closely behind the "old man" with a grin.

When these two people walked in, the Duguxie and the brothers were all taken aback.

"Which one is Lord Vengeance?" This is a common question in their hearts.

While Duguxie and the brothers were surprised, suddenly the smiling Buddha smiled and said, "My son, our guest has arrived."

The smiling Buddha said to the "60" old man.

Just when he said this sentence, that Duguxie and his brothers almost screamed, because they all recognized it, who is the Revenge Prince.


Could it be that the old guy is the so-called "Vengeful Lord?"

This Nima, Tang Xiaolong almost squirted out, and couldn't help laughing at once.

Seeing Tang Xiaolong's rudeness, the ghost servant quickly kicked him with his foot. Tang Xiaolong held back his laugh, and muttered there, "I've got some grass, I've seen it... This Nima, such a The old guy still calls himself a son, I always thought I was shameless enough under the world, and I didn't think there was someone with a thicker skin than me...Haha."

Xue Wuhen and the ghost servant beside him were all frowning at the moment, looking at the "old man" more curiously.

But what about the revenge son over there? Still a pair of eyes fiercely looking at his brothers! Because only he knows that those in front of him are his good brothers, the best brothers.

It has been two months, and for more than two months, he hasn't seen his brothers. Now, he did. He saw that his brothers were all thin and haggard. But what about him? But I can only watch them... and can't recognize each other!

He is not unwilling to recognize each other, but can't! Because he still has big things to do, for revenge, for hatred, he must endure and endure.

"The son..." The smiling Buddha not only whispered a reminder when he saw the vengeful son stupefied slightly.

Only then did Young Master Vengeful slowly react from the gaffe he had just made, and then slightly sorted out his emotions, then raised the torch-like eyes and looked at Duguxie and his brothers.

"If you didn't guess wrong, this should be Senior Dugu..." A word suddenly came out of Prince Vengeance.

He looked at Duguxie with fiery eyes there.

The moment that Duguxie heard the words of Lord Vengeance, he was taken aback, because he felt that the voice was so familiar with "he", that "he" was Li Tian... But the tail of Lord Vengeance's voice was slightly hoarse, if It wasn't this hoarse feeling, Duguxie would definitely mistake it for Li Tian's voice.

It turned out that Prince Vengeance was afraid that his identity would be recognized, so he deliberately changed his voice... But even if he changed his voice, Duguxie still slightly felt some familiar feelings.

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