The smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan have already returned to the Cuiweiju Hotel with Baihua Fairy, Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying.

After they got out of the car, the fairy Baihua asked excitedly: "Tian'er lives here now?"

Smiling Buddha quickly said: "Yes, our son lives here."

"I hope you don't lie to me... If you lie to me, you should know the consequences."

"Not only will the lives of the two of you be gone, I will also kill your guy who is called Revenge." Fairy Baihua said with a murderous expression.

Then Jiang Dashan glanced at the smiling Buddha silently, and said to himself: Who is this beautiful woman? How so cruel!

"Let's go, take us in." Fairy Baihua said there.

So Jiang Dashan and the smiling Buddha in front of him could only hurriedly bring a few beautiful women into Cuiwei.

Ouyang Shiqing, Baihua Fairy, Duanmuying, these three stunning women born like dust, when they walked into the Cuiwei Residence in front of them, they became the focus of everyone. There is no way, their beauty is so outstanding and beautiful. Yan it.

When the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan quickly led them to the door of the business hotel, the subordinates saw Jiang Dashan and the smiling Buddha.

"Father, eldest brother..." The people under his staff stared in surprise at the beautiful women like Ouyang Shiqing behind the smiling Buddha, while screaming.

"Where is the son?" After the smiling Buddha came over, he immediately asked.

The subordinate stammered, staring at Ouyang Shiqing and their pretty faces without blinking, as if stupidly...stuttered: ""

After speaking, I saw the smiling Buddha and turned to the domineering fairy Baihua behind him: "Our son is inside."

"Take us." Fairy Baihua said.

The smiling Buddha had no choice but to nod his head, so he hurriedly took Baihua Fairy and the others in front of him and walked towards it.

After they walked inside, the guards were completely stunned.

"Oh my god... so beautiful!"

"My sister's is the first time I have seen such a beautiful woman in my life..."

Those subordinates all said in that mouth.

After Jiang Dashan and the smiling Buddha brought Baihua Fairy into the backyard, Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying looked around at the surrounding environment.

They felt that Li Tian could not be here more and more!

Because according to Li Tian's previous style, it is absolutely impossible for him to live in such an elegant a slight disappointment rose in the hearts of the two beauties at this moment.

After the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan in front of him brought in Fairy Baihua and the others, they arrived outside the door of the Vengeful Master.

"Here...this is our son's room!" said the smiling Buddha.

"You guys wait here for a while...I'll call our son."

Listening to Laughing Buddha saying this, Fairy Baihua glanced coldly at the room in front of him, then silently nodded.

After nodding, she walked slightly to the side of Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying in front of her.

"Shiqing, Yinger, you two be careful...I think something is wrong." Fairy Baihua whispered.

Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying also nodded silently at this moment, and then carefully observed their surroundings.

Let’s say that the smiling Buddha has already walked towards the door of Lord Vengeance. After reaching the door, he quickly reached out and knocked on the door. After he knocked, he then shouted, "Master ..."

It's a pity that after he knocked, there was no sound from inside.

The smiling Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but secretly lined up: Isn't the son here?

This moment, made him a headache.

Jiang Dashan came over at this moment, looking at the ugly smiling Buddha and said: "What's the matter?"

"The son seems to be away!" Smiling Buddha said.

Jiang Dashan suddenly became depressed when he heard it.

Just as the two of them were muttering at the door, the fairy Baihua said coldly: "What are you two muttering?"

"What about God? Where are the others?"

After Baihua Fairy's cold voice came out, the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan in front of them suddenly became embarrassed.

"Our son... the son... seems to be not at the moment." The smiling Buddha said in front of him.

Hearing what the Smiling Buddha said, the fairy Baihua suddenly became angry.

"I knew you lied to me... Hmph, Tian'er has been dead for more than two months, but you gang of thieves dare to fabricate lies to deceive me? Something that does not live or die! Go and die." With a roar, Fairy Baihua is slim The figure suddenly delivered a fatal blow to the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan in front of him.

Baihua Fairy’s most powerful thing is the hidden weapon. His goddess Sanhua is one of the best characters on the hidden weapon rankings so far...At this moment, one move is attacking Jiang Dashan and the smiling Buddha. The two of them changed their colors in amazement, but they could not hide. After this fierce blow.

Just at the moment of this critical moment, suddenly only a familiar voice came over.

"Auntie Hua...Stop it!"

Following the sound, a figure flew over, and then one hand grabbed the slender wrist of Baihua Fairy.

When his voice came all of a sudden, it was like a thunderbolt hitting Baihua Fairy’s body, not to mention Duanmuying and Ouyang Shiqing in front of him... They were all stunned. With that fast light-like figure... his beautiful eyes widened.

Then he appeared!

Li Tian!

It was Li Tian who rushed to hold the arm of Fairy Baihua tightly.

When the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan wiped the cold sweat on their faces and saw Li Tian rushing over, they hurriedly said: "My son..."

And Baihua Fairy? It was looking at Li Tian in front of him stupidly.

"Tian'er... is it really you?"

"Is it really you?"

"I...I... didn't I dream?" Fairy Baihua said tremblingly.

Li Tian looked at the Baihua Fairy at this moment, his eyes were almost red, and he kept nodding his head and said: "Auntie Hua, it's me...I am Tian'er! I am!"

"Tian'er..." With a soft cry, the fairy Baihua immediately hugged Li Tian in front of him into his arms!

What about Li Tian? He also hugged the fragrance of the Baihua Fairy tightly, and hugged him tightly.

"I thought you were dead! I thought you were killed by an adulterer..."

"Second and fourth brothers said you were dead...Do you know how sad Aunt Hua is?" Baihua Fairy said while holding Li Tian tightly in front of him, while crying there.

Since she was a child, she has liked Li Tian the most, and she likes to hold him. Now that she finally sees Li Tian who has been resurrected from the dead, Fairy Baihua is of course extremely excited.

Li Tian also hugged the Baihua Fairy at the moment, with red circles under his eyes, and said, "Auntie Hua, I'm not dead! I'm alive..."

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