Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1639: I'm late

On the empty corridor of Donglin Avenue full of blood, I saw the brothers sitting there one by one.

The **** corpses on the ground looked like the void to them.

Tang Xiaolong was covered in blood, and he didn't know if the blood was on his body. He just panted and raised a pair of blood-red eyes to look at the corpse on the ground.

The snow-white clothes of Xue Wuhen over there had been dyed red with blood, and she was sitting with Chen Qiaozhi, panting.

Obviously the battle just now left them almost exhausted.

Situ Xiong here is checking the bodies of his subordinates... The same is true for Ouyang Zhengtian.

Only the Duguxie and ghost servants over there stood among these dead bodies.

There was no expression on their faces, some were just deep hatred.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Damn bastard! If you have the ability to leave him alone..."

"The gate of hell, the **** gate of hell...you bunch of turtles, bastards..." Tang Xiaolong cursed there.

The brothers listened to Tang Xiaolong's scolding, and stood there without speaking.

Here, Ouyang Zhengtian slowly walked towards the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him.

"Senior Dugu... now the people at the gate of **** have escaped. They will definitely not appear again in a short time. Hey, I am afraid it is really difficult to find them next time." Ouyang Zhengtian said.

Listening to Ouyang Zhengtian saying this, the Duguxie standing among the **** corpses said coldly: "Even at the end of the world, I will hunt them down."

"Yes, this hatred must not be forgotten like this, I must seek justice for Deng Lao." Situ Xiong also walked over and said.

Looking at so many corpses on the ground, everyone finally chose to be silent.

This is the blood-stained arena!

The dead corpses on the ground exudes a gloomy feeling... Some of the dead corpses are figures from the gates of hell, and some are figures on their side of Duguxie... All of them lie on the ground cold and give people a saying A sense of sorrow not to come out.

On the streets of Heping District, I saw an aggressive black Land Rover rushing towards this side.

Sitting in the car was Li Tian, ​​the Smiling Buddha, and Jiang Dashan who had arrived.

As he drove, Na Jiang Dashan said, "My son, I'm almost here, I will be on Donglin Avenue soon."

Li Tian sat in the car, staring at eyes full of hatred, sitting there with his fists tightly clenched.

The smiling Buddha next to him is also sitting there nervously.

Finally, the car turned a corner and reached that Donglin Avenue.

After the car reached the intersection of Donglin Avenue, Na Jiang Dashan stepped on the brakes and the car stopped abruptly.

"My son, this is Donglin Avenue." Jiang Dashan said while extinguishing the car in front of him.

Li Tian didn't say anything. He opened the door and jumped out of the car very quickly.

After he jumped down, the smiling Buddha behind him and Jiang Dashan quickly followed.

After Li Tian jumped out of the car, he glanced at the crossroad with clear eyes, and suddenly his eyes stopped at the narrow alley on the left.

Because he faintly felt a strong **** breath coming from here.

After smelling the **** breath in his nose, he suddenly stretched his body and jumped into the alley in front like a flying swallow. The smiling Buddha behind him and Jiang Dashan still didn't understand what happened, but see Li Tian's body had been swept away several feet away, and the two looked at each other, and at this moment they also hurriedly followed Li Tian towards the entrance of the alley.

It was said that after Li Tian quickly entered this alley, the **** aura became stronger and stronger, and it was exuding from the front.

Li Tian was taken aback, speeding up and running forward.

But seeing that when he suddenly turned around and reached the entrance of the alley in front, he saw a **** scene in his eyes... but seeing the corpses all over the ground, blood... appeared in his eyes terribly.

Li Tian was shocked there!

My eyes looked at the corpses and blood all over the ground in disbelief...

"How could this be?"

"I'm late?" Li Tian muttered, looking at the corpses on the ground.

Except for the dead bodies, there was no one in the empty alley! Even the Duguxie and the brothers were gone.

At this moment, seeing the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan quickly rushed here. After the two arrived and saw the corpses and blood all over the ground, they were instantly shocked there.


"A lot of dead bodies..." Jiang Dashan couldn't help exclaiming.

The smiling Buddha in front of him also opened his eyes wide, looking at everything on the ground.

But seeing Li Tian over there observing the corpses of these people one by one, he squatted on the ground and pulled away the corpses in black robes, took a look, his eyes were full of weird feelings.

Finally, Jiang Dashan came over and asked, "My son... we seem to be late."

As he said, Li Tian snorted, his face looked strange and ugly.

"My son, what kind of stuff are these people in black robes?" Jiang Dashan asked, pointing to the corpses in black robes on the ground.

Li Tian stood up slowly, took a cold look at the corpses of the **** gates on the ground, and said, "Hell gates!"

When the smiling Buddha in Jiang Dashan heard the three characters for Hell Gate, their whole body not only felt a chill, it seemed that the three characters for Hell Gate made them sound extremely uncomfortable.

The smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan stood among the piles of corpses with Li Tian. Li Tian glanced at the corpses on the ground and the sword spirit of the forest around him. He knew in his heart that he was late this time. Up.

It seems that Duguxie and the ghost servant have already left!

However, judging from the current corpses on the ground and the surrounding situation, the brothers didn't seem to have suffered much in this battle, and they also killed many masters of the **** gate! Thinking of this, Li Tian's heart was not only slightly more comfortable.

"My son, what shall we do now?" asked the smiling Buddha and Li Tian, ​​who stood by Jiang Dashan looking at the moment.

Li Tian strode forward, no longer looking at the dead bodies on the ground, and replied coldly: "Look for my brothers.,"

Following his words, the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan followed Li Tian to the front.

In the empty and silent alley, the bloodstains and corpses left at this moment are no longer cared about.

Li Tian walked away with the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan beside him.

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