Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1660: I'm leaving

"Because it's that person... he killed Kuafu and ruined Kuafu's life." Hearing the words of the old man Wuji suddenly said, his voice was full of sadness.

But what about Li Tian?

He was stunned for a moment when he heard his father's name.


"My father... him? He? He killed my father?" Li Tian was completely shocked there... His eyes were filled with speechlessness.

But seeing that the old man Wuji murmured when he saw Li Tian's face showing such a painful expression: "Yes, it's him, the man the old man wants you to kill, and the life of Kuafu he killed. "

Li Tian's mind was full of shock, full of unbelievable.

Own father? Wasn't it killed by the people at the gate of hell?

How could... how could this be?

Could it be that the old man Wuji wanted me to kill? ? ?

"Old predecessor... the person you asked me to kill, could it be that he is the master of the gate of hell?" Li Tian asked suddenly.

How clever Li Tian is!

Of course he figured out the cause and effect all at once.

After he asked in such a surprise, the old man Wuji nodded silently: "Yes, it is him."

After the old man Wuji suddenly admitted, an invisible anger rose from Li Tian's heart.

"I must kill him! I must kill him myself."

"It was him, it was him who killed my father, who killed my father's life, and my mother... I will find him and kill him even if I reach the ends of the world," Li Tian said with infinite anger in his heart.

The old man Wuji looked at Li Tian's crazy face, without words, just sat there blankly.

Li Tian didn't expect that the person that this old Wuji had been letting himself kill was the **** gate master...At this moment, a weird thought not only rose from his heart.

Since Senior Wuji hates the master of the **** gate, why didn't Senior Wuji kill the **** demon early?

Could it be said that even the old man Wuji couldn't beat the master of the gate of hell?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It is not that Li Tian has never heard of the legend of the old man Wuji, his skill has already reached the level of gods...in the world, I have never heard of the old man Wuji defeated by anyone! Conversely, many demon giants in the world have fallen under the hands of the old man Wuji...So the old man Wuji can't beat the gatekeeper of the **** gate, this idea is not true!

Li Tian was thinking about these questions secretly... and the more he thought about it, the more strange it became.

After Li Tian thought for a while, he not only asked.

"Senior, there is a question, I don't know if I should ask..." Li Tian looked at the old man Wuji.

The old man Wuji mumbled and said, "Ask."

"Old predecessor, since the sect master of the gate of **** is so damned, why didn't the old predecessor kill him by himself?" Li Tian asked.

Following Li Tianwen's exit, the face of the old man Wuji changed strangely.

After seeing the weird changes in Senior Wuji's face, Li Tian was not only stunned, and said: It seems that there is nothing wrong with his guess... It turns out that Senior Wuji really has something unspeakable.

But why is it all? why?

Li Tian looked at the old man Wuji quietly at this moment.

I saw the old man Wuji did not speak, nor did he speak too much. He just sat there quietly. His face was wrinkled and wrinkled, which seemed to make people feel an indescribable sadness...

The giant eagle beside it seemed to feel the sad state of mind of the old man Wuji, and suddenly quacked twice there, and then pressed the head of the big eagle against the shoulder of the old man Wuji...

"Don't ask, I can't kill that person anyway." He just listened to the old man Wuji suddenly impatiently saying.

Li Tianyi heard the irritable mood of the old man Wuji, and immediately did not dare to ask too much.

It's just that his heart is getting more and more suspicious, what kind of weird connection the **** gate master seems to have with the Wuji senior in front of him... If not, how could the Wuji senior in front of him show such an extremely weird look? ?

Li Tian, ​​who thought so in his heart, didn't dare to ask too much, just stayed there.

But what about the old man Wuji?

A person raised Long Yan's eyes and looked at the dark distance, not knowing what he was looking at.

This night, it seemed that the cold air was particularly cool, and the cold air faintly blowing in from the entrance of the cave pierced the bone marrow.

Li Tian didn't dare to question too much this night because he was afraid that the old man Wuji would be unhappy.

What about the old Promise?

After experiencing that incident, I stayed quietly all night. Sometimes, Li Tian could see him muttering some unintelligible words there, and sometimes he could see the old man Wuji sigh deeply... …

No matter what, this tormented night was finally over.

The sky finally lit up gradually.

A brilliant golden looming slowly rose from the horizon, and the sun came out.

When the sun slowly rose from the horizon, the old man Wuji flicked the dust off his body slightly, and then slowly stood up, standing with his hands on his back, looking up at the rising sun, he suddenly said something meaningful. Words.

"It would be great if things in the world can be reincarnated like sunrise and sunset."

Li Tian on one side stood there, listening to the old man Wuji saying this, he didn't quite understand, but he didn't ask too much, just stood quietly behind the old man Wuji.

After saying those words, the old man Wuji took a breath of fresh air, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Li Tiandao: "My child, this time the old man was born to tell you the immeasurable things about Maha. On the one hand, it is for your father to find the world spirit grass. Now I have done both things... The old man should go."

When he suddenly heard the old man Wuji say he was going to leave, Li Tian suddenly thumped.

"Senior... Are you leaving?"

The old man Wuji stood there and nodded, then reached out his hand to touch his white beard and said, "So far, the old man only wants to cure your father's disease... so I have to go back."

"Senior, I will go with you! I want to see my father!" Li Tian suddenly said excitedly there.

He wanted to see his biological father. He wanted to see him, even if Li Tian knew that the evil **** was the living dead... but he wanted to see him.

But after Li Tian said his thoughts in this way, the old man Wuji suddenly shook his head and said, "No, now is not the time for you to meet."

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