Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1663: Weird corpse

After speaking, the three of them walked together towards the old town of Binjiang City step by step.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and darkness seemed to be coming soon.

As he walked towards the old city, Tang Xiaolong said in his mouth: "Hey, I didn't expect our brothers to end up in this situation... The little boss is dead, A Qiu and Ge Lao are also dead... Now there is nothing left. The next master, and Senior Dugu went too..." He sighed as he said.

Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi followed behind them with sad faces and did not speak.

"Even the Ouyang family and the Situ family are now gone." Tang Xiaolong continued.

Chen Qiaozhi turned his head and said, "Don't blame the Ouyang family and the Situ family..."

"The disaster that their two big families suffered this time was actually very serious..." Chen Qiaozhi said with understanding.

Xue Wuhen interrupted in front of him: "Yes, this point, I agree with what Qiao Zhi said... You see, the Situ family has lost so many people, and the Ouyang family has ruined the entire family... Pathetic!"

"Their departure is the right choice to some extent, because now there is only one dead end for revenge." Xue Wuhen continued.

Tang Xiaolong smiled bitterly, looking at Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi: "Then what about the three of us?"

"Are the three of us fools, knowing that there is a dead end? Still revenge?" Tang Xiaolong said and laughed.

Then Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen gave Tang Xiaolong a look...

"Yes, we are indeed fools!"

"But, even if I die, I have to avenge my eldest brother! Revenge for my brothers." Xue Wuhen said.

Tang Xiaolong walked to Xue Wuhen's side, and suddenly put an arm on the shoulder of Xue Wuhen, saying: "Fool, really **** idiot, but I like a fool like you, Xiao Bailian, I His mother did not give you a good brother in vain."

Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, and a little sadness appeared in her eyes.

The true love of the brothers is all in this moment.

The three talked and walked in the direction of the old town.

I saw empty streets with only a few cars passing by occasionally, and there were very few pedestrians on the streets.

The night slowly came. After the three of them circled in the direction of the old town, they arrived at the corner of the alley in front, and then walked towards the alley with the mentality of trying it out, in the night. , I saw Tang Xiaolong’s sharp eyes and suddenly saw two dark figures lying in the front corner.

"Huh, there seems to be someone lying there?" After Tang Xiaolong saw it, he immediately pointed his finger in confusion.

Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen in front of them heard what Tang Xiaolong said, they were not only taken aback, they turned their heads together and looked over there.

But seeing the night, there were indeed two dark figures lying motionless in the front corner alley.

But because the night is too dark, and there are no street lights at all in this section of the road, they can't see it very clearly.

"Would you like to take a look at what happened?" Tang Xiaolong asked Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen behind him.

The two thought for a while, anyway, now they will not find the ghost servant for a while, so they nodded and said: "Go, go and take a look."

With that said, the three of them walked towards the black figure in the corner step by step.

As they approached step by step, they could see more and more clearly, but it was indeed two people lying on the ground.

And there are two people in black robes.

What's going on?

How come there are two motionless people lying here in such a weird place?

Are you in a coma? Still dead?

With Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi in front of them getting closer, they just felt something was wrong.

Because they all saw that the black robes of the two lying on the ground were exactly the same as those of the gatekeepers of hell.

A terrible thought suddenly came up.

People at the gate of hell, my God, these two guys lying here are obviously the people at the gate of hell.

After realizing this all at once, Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi were shocked. One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and then their eyes indicate that as long as the two **** gate guys on the ground dare to move, Then Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen had to kill them.

But they said that the three of them cautiously walked forward step by step at the same time, their two hands had already carried the body's inner strength, and they were ready to move at any time.

It was Tang Xiaolong who was walking in front. He cautiously approached the two **** gates lying on the ground step by step. Since the heads of both of them were buried on the ground, they couldn't see their faces clearly.

However, after that Tang Xiaolong approached the two **** gatekeepers, suddenly a hand slammed into the chest of the nearest **** gatekeeper lying on the ground.

A heavy palm hit the chest of the **** gate, and the **** gate man lying on the ground did not react at all.

This situation made Tang Xiaolong, Chen Qiaozhi and others not only stunned.

I took a look and was shocked to see that these two people in black robes were dead...

They are the dead bodies of two hellmen.

"Nima's, it turns out that the two dead ghosts of the **** gate." Tang Xiaolong in front of him was kicking the corpse with his foot.

Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen also looked at the two corpses in front of them at this moment.

"Xiaolong, Wuhen, look at it... this person is him... it is him!" Suddenly Chen Qiaozhi screamed, and said excitedly with a finger pointing at one of the dead corpses in the **** gate.

That Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen not only froze for a moment, they looked down, and they were shocked right now.

"Damn, it's him? How could it be him?"

I saw this corpse lying on the ground with extremely dark skin, and his entire face turned into purple and blue in amazement. He died tragically there. Wasn't this person the black boy who killed A Qiu and Ge Lao before? ?

I remember that in the battle between Duguxie and his brothers a few days ago, Tang Xiaolong and the others had seen this person... but finally escaped by this nasty bastard...

Now, never thought that this **** **** would die here silently?

"How could he die here?" Tang Xiaolong was shocked in front of him.

Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen were also puzzled.

"Come here and look at this, this corpse... Oh my God, this is this person?" Chen Qiaozhi said suddenly and excitedly.

After Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen walked over, they hurriedly looked down, but saw the face of another corpse on the ground, his face had a long, narrow and hideous sword mark, and his half-black hair died on the ground.

Ruan Zixiong?

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