"When your master discovered this, his old man became curious at the time. How can one not die without eating or drinking water? And it has been maintained in this state? So he began to be interested in that downcast Taoist priest. , The scary face of the down-and-out Taoist priest was extremely ugly and dirty, but he talked very happily with my master. During their chat, my master and his elder knew that the reason why this old Taoist could not In the case of eating or drinking and not dying, he has practiced a method called: Longevity Technique, a method of cultivation."

"When my master heard about the longevity technique at the time, he naturally thought that the Taoist was nonsense and deceitful, but the crazy old Taoist laughed and said nothing."

"Time flies like that, the master, his old man, has been kept in prison, and the crazy old Taoist next to him? He is still crazy every day, sometimes not talking nonsense, sometimes he starts to cry and cry. ...And the most important thing is that he has never seen this crazy old Taoist eat a grain of rice or drink a glass of water. The strange thing is that the old Taoist is safe in the end, and nothing happens at all."

"My master started to feel strange in his heart at the time. He felt that the crazy old Taoist indeed seemed to be some kind of fairy... Finally, when his old man was ready to ask the crazy old Taoist, he suddenly saw the crazy old Taoist. Hiding his face and burst into tears, the mad Taoist cried and complained to the heavens and said: I'm leaving...Leaving here... From now on, I can no longer get away with it... At that time, my master and his old man heard that After the crazy old Taoist's words, before he fully understood, the crazy old Taoist suddenly took off the dirty robe he was wearing, gave it to my master, and told him mysteriously, saying: My dirty robe, although dirty on the outside, but inside...hehe, it is enough for your life!!! After the crazy old Taoist finished those words, he suddenly fell to the ground, and then He died in the prison with a smile on his face..."

When Cthulhu heard the old man Wuji talking about this, he was shocked there.

At the same time, I couldn't help but lining up in my heart: Is the crazy old Taoist true or false? If it's true, isn't it, isn't it a fairy?

In the shock of Cthulhu, the old Wuji who only listened to one side began to preach: "About that crazy old Taoist, to be honest, from the beginning to the end, my master and his old man did not know his origins or his identity... …The only thing I know is that the jailers who were in charge of the prison once talked about the origins of the crazy old Taoist... Said that the crazy old Taoist was because he saw a man chasing the stars and the moon in the wild one year. It was very strange and full of mouths. In the words of the gods, the servant put him in prison. As for how many years and how long he was held in custody, they didn't even know."

"However, after all, the crazy old Taoist died. On the day of his death, in the hot summer of June, snowflakes floated above the sky. The cold snowflakes shocked all the people in the audience. The fishes and shrimps in the river also seemed to be crazy. They started to jump out of the water. After all, in the snow in June, the fish leaping over the dragon gate was a manifestation of a natural vision. Then, the jailers carried away the body of the crazy old Taoist priest. , That was the last time my master and his elders saw that mysterious mad old Taoist priest."

"After the crazy old Taoist died for no reason, my master felt strange, so I began to study the tattered robe that the old Taoist left him. The robe was indeed dirty and smelly, but What's inside? I looked at it with amazement, but it was densely packed characters. The characters were written in vermilion ink. The handwriting belonged to the ancient official characters, but my master could see and understand, but I saw that the densely packed words were written on it. : Longevity."

"After seeing the old man, the master studied it in the prison. He was extremely smart, so within five years, he had already practiced all the cultivation methods in the longevity technique. It is said that he was a master. On the day his old man finished his cultivation, a colorful red light came in from the entire prison, making it impossible for all the jailers in the prison to open their eyes. When the colorful red light suddenly disappeared, the jailer opened his eyes and took a look. My master, his old man is completely gone..."

"After a lapse of many years, my master and his elders started to establish the Longevity Gate."

The old man Wuji slowly talked about these smokey legends of the years.

The ancient and slightly mythological legend made the evil **** so shocked and confused.

At this moment, after he finished listening, he raised his eyes and looked at the Wuji old man and said: "Master, what do you mean, our real sect name is the Longevity Gate?"

"Yes." The old man Wuji nodded in acquiescence.

"Master, after he founded the Longevity Gate, he began to help the poor and save the world, and the old man was also the master he met during the turbulent years of the late Ming Dynasty."

As the old man Wuji said so, the eyes of the evil **** began to enlarge.

During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties?

Doesn't it mean that my master is more than 300 years old?

Looking at the old man Wuji at this moment, his old face was engraved with traces of years. The traces of the ancient years made him look as if he had experienced several lifetimes.

"When I followed the master, the master was already over a hundred years old, and there was already an apprentice by his side. His name was: Kui, and he could be regarded as my brother."

"I have never been in harmony with my brother, because he has a violent temperament and a sinister and vicious manner, so I didn't get along well with him from the beginning, and later because of our different skills in cultivation, so in the years to come, We even more inadvertently contact."

After the evil **** heard the old man Wuji tell the ancient story, he was not only fascinated by it. To be honest, although the old man Wuji was his master, he didn't know anything about the old man Wuji, let alone what the old man Wuji said. The said Kui.

"Master, I didn't expect your old man to have a brother?"

"What about my uncle and his elders?" Cthulhu couldn't help asking curiously.

After the Cthulhu asked so, the old man Wuji in front of him suddenly sighed.

He stared at the nameless spiritual position in a daze for a long time before slowly continuing to tell: "After I entered the gate of longevity, the master saw that I was kind, so he let me learn the way of meditation. , This quiet meditation, on the one hand, makes my cultivation more powerful, on the other hand, it is the practice of longevity. After I succeed in my practice, the master and his old man passed on a set of martial arts, named: Liangyi Divine art. Later, the master and his elders ordered me to go down the mountain and start practicing in the distant mountains. At the same time, it also allowed me to treat the common people all over the world with a salvation mentality."

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