Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1752: Elevator

Time passed by every minute.

I saw it outside the Dead Kiln Mine, where Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi were sitting aside.

"Sick ghost, after we went in and waited out this time, let's go there next to find the little boss and my master??" Tang Xiaolong asked blankly.

Then Chen Qiaozhi thought for a while and shook his head suddenly: "Hey, I actually don't know."

"For more than a dozen days, we haven't even found a single clue for more than a dozen days." Chen Qiaozhi exclaimed there.

Then Tang Xiaolong said suddenly: "You said that the little boss and my master... Will they really be taken away by the **** gate? Or...or...killed?"

"No, it's impossible." Chen Qiaozhi said with red eyes there.

"Li Tian will not die."

"He didn't die after so much pain, and nothing will happen this time." Chen Qiaozhi said there.

Then Tang Xiaolong sullen his head and stopped talking, just staring at a place with his eyes far away, and no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

The night has finally come.

When the night came, Tang Xiaolong, Chen Qiaozhi, Xue Wuhen, Situ Xuan and others were ready to enter the dead kiln mine.

Among them are the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan.

After they prepared the lights and everything that must be prepared in the underground kiln mine, they were ready to enter.

At this moment, I saw Wang Zhen, the brigade commander of the 39th Army, walking over there quickly, looking at the brothers who were about to enter the dead kiln mine, and said, "Wait for me..."

After hearing Brigadier Wang Zhen rushing over so quickly, the brothers were all taken aback, looking at him in surprise.

"Brigadier Wang, what are you...what are you doing? Are you going to come in with us?" Tang Xiaolong in front of him blinked and said curiously. The other brothers around him were also there with their eyes open. Xie looked at Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him.

But at this moment, Brigadier Wang Zhen had put on a camouflage uniform, and at the same time he was fully armed, and he walked over to the brothers and said, "You are right, this time I want to go in with you."

When I heard that brigade commander Wang Zhen actually said that he wanted to go in personally, the brothers not only showed some admiration for Wang Zhenduo.

After all, everyone knows that this dead kiln mine is a bit dangerous, but this Wang Zhen is not afraid at all, so in a certain way, this person is definitely a person worth admiring.

After Brigadier Wang Zhen said so, the brothers smiled slightly.

"Well, since you want to go in with us, let's go in together."

Then they picked up the flashlights and started walking towards the cave entrance of the Dead Kiln Mine not far in front.

There were rows of soldiers with automatic rifles standing around them, standing cautiously.

I saw them walking towards the cave entrance of the dead kiln mine, while saying: "Take all the things that should be brought... the tunnel inside the dead kiln mine is extremely deep. If you enter, you will miss something. If it does, it will be troublesome."

"Don't worry, basically everything that should be brought has already been brought." Tang Xiaolong said.

"That's good, let's go."

After they said this, they walked step by step towards the mouth of the cave of the Dead Kiln Mine.

The cave entrance of the dead kiln mine was covered with thick weeds and some coal piles. After the brothers walked over, Tang Xiaolong was the first to walk in front with a flashlight in his hand and said, "Go, Go in."

"En." After the brothers behind him responded, they started to enter one by one.

But even though the mouth of this dead cave mine is not very big, once you enter it, the space is scary. Because it was mining a few years ago, there was a strange smell coming out of it.

The surrounding stone walls are all black, and some of the stone walls still see water droplets falling drop by drop from above.

The brothers were shining around with flashlights while carefully observing the dead kiln mine in front of them.

But the place in front is a manual elevator, and at the place of the elevator is a very deep mine, presumably the miners used to go up and down from this elevator.

Looking at the already mottled and rusty elevator, the brothers frowned one by one.

Brigadier Wang Zhen pointed to the elevator road and said, "If you want to truly enter this dead kiln mine, you must go down from this elevator... Only by going down here can you enter those endless tunnels."

After hearing Brigadier Wang Zhen say this, the brothers in front of him walked over one by one.

I saw that Tang Xiaolong glanced at the rust-covered elevator, frowned and asked Brigadier Wang Zhen, "Brigadier Wang, can this thing still sit on people? That place is broken...what can I do?"

Then Chen Qiaozhi frowned slightly at this moment and said: "Yes, I also think this thing is a bit unsafe. You see, this lift seems to have not been used for a long, long time."

After they finished speaking, Brigadier Wang Zhen was also embarrassed: "There is no way. At this moment, there is only this elevator leading to the underground tunnel of the dead kiln mine. If we want to go in, we must take this elevator. "

After hearing Brigadier Wang Zhen say this all at once, everyone was silent.

I saw that smiling Buddha took a flashlight and walked to the hole beside the elevator to take a photo.

The bottom of the dark cave can't be seen at all, and no one knows how deep this elevator will go.

"It's so deep." Laughing Buddha said in surprise.

The brothers in front of him also took a look, their faces slightly changed color.

"What are you stupefied? Come on, don't we dare to go in yet?" Tang Xiaolong said suddenly there.

After he said this, he was the first to see this guy jump on the simple elevator. After jumping up, the steel wire hanging on the elevator made a creaking sound... the whole elevator was even more unstoppable. The living is dangling, as if this thing might fall off at any time.

But seeing Tang Xiaolong who was the first to jump up, his expression couldn't help changing when he saw the elevator swaying back and forth.

After Tang Xiaolong got on the elevator first, Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him then followed him up, followed by Xue Wuhen, Chen Qiaozhi, Laughing Buddha and so on.

After everyone got on the elevator, the steel wire that was hanging the elevator creaked, as if it was about to break at any time.

The brothers all blinked and looked at it. They finally calmed down after the elevator was stable.

"Everyone is helped, I'm going to press the switch." Just listen to the commander Wang Zhen looking at all the brothers and say.

I saw that his hand had touched the button on the elevator.

At this moment, as long as he presses his hand, the elevator will presumably fall quickly towards the deep and deep place below.

After hearing the words of Brigadier Wang Zhen, all the brothers nodded there.

After that Wang Zhen paused for a second, and then pressed his finger on the switch of the elevator, and there was a buzzing sound. After the switch was activated, there was only a sound from the electric motor, and then the lifting as they stayed. The ladder shook violently at first, and then began to descend with a "rise".

The brothers were all shocked. They firmly grasped the iron railings around the elevator with both hands, and then each of them was there with pale faces. You look at me, I look at you...

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